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EDU234 Lesson Plan Template Explicit Model 2013-2014 Name: Jillian Brown Date: 4-15-14 Grade Level: 2nd

grade Class Period: Day 3 Subject: Language Arts Lesson # & Title: Interviewing For Further Detail Big Idea/Lesson Focus: Asking questions to expand current knowledge. Essential Question: What are the 7 question starting words used when asking someone questions? Context for Learning: 20 students -2 IEP -3 Gifted & Talented -5 ELL Function of the Lesson (check all that apply): Introduce New Skill or Content Practice

Review Remediation/Re-teaching

Content Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.2.3 Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify comprehension, gather additional information, or deepen understanding of a topic or issue. Learning Objectives: After the students have completed the lesson, they will be able to demonstrate how to ask questions when wanting additional information about a certain topic by using 4 or more of the 7 question starting words with 80% accuracy. Academic Language (Academic Language Demands and/or Academic Language Objectives): -interview: a meeting of people face to face or through another form -conduct: organize and carry out (ex. conduct an interview) Instructional Materials and Support: 10 Guess Who? games, 20 pencils, 20 worksheets with numbered blank lines of 1-5 on them for practicing writing interview questions, 20 worksheets with numbered blank line of 1-5 on them for the parent/guardian career interview questions, 20 exit slips, the 7 question starting words power point, 20 markers of various colors, and 7 poster boards with one of the 7 question starting words each written on it. Prior Knowledge: The teacher will be building onto the students prior question asking ability, where they are constantly asking questions in class and to their friends and family. Now, the teacher will be aiming for the students to be able to ask questions in an interview process to a person they have never met before. Assessment Plan:

Pre-Assessment for the unit: A few days before introducing the career unit to the class, the teacher will ask
each student to name a word they use when writing a question and create an example question using it

Assessment(s) during the lesson: The teacher will look over each of the 7 question boards to look at each

of the students accuracy for writing questions at this point in the lesson. The teacher will be able to see each students progress on an individual level since he/she had the stud ents write in different colors on the poster board meaning that he/she can tell which student wrote which questions. that they must complete and then hand to the teacher on their way out of the classroom. The exit slip will ask

Assessment(s) at the end of the lesson: At the end of the day, the teacher will give each student an exit slip

each student to name at least 4 of the 7 question starting words and write an example question for each of the words.

Post-Assessment for the unit: The teacher will evaluate each of the students letters, which they write to
Strategies & Learning Tasks Introduction/Opening: 1. 2. The teacher will tell the class that they will be starting the days lesson by playing the game Guess Who?.

their career professional, checking for the students correct use of writing questions, using at least 4 out of 7 question starting words.

The teacher will allow the students to pick a partner, and then, each pair will receive a Guess Who? game to play. The teacher will explain that the object of Guess Who? is to ask your opponent yes or no questions in order to try and figure out what person on the game board their opponent is. The students will then play Guess Who? for approximately 5 minutes. As the students play the game, the teacher will walk around the classroom observing the students and suggest types of questions the students should be asking their opponents as needed. After the approximate 5 minutes are up for the students to be playing Guess Who?, the teacher will have the students return to their seats, if the students moved seats while playing Guess Who?. The teacher will then explain to the class that in order for the students to have been successful while playing the game Guess Who?, the students had to know the right questions to ask each other. He/she will tell them that when wanting to gain more information about any topic in life, people must know how to ask questions correctly to obtain the further details they want on that topic. In order to prepare everyone in the class for interviewing their researched career professional, the teacher will tell the class that todays lesson objective will be for them to learn how to start questions with the 7 question starting words and how to conduct an interview when asking for additional information on a topic.


4. 5.





Presentation/Explicit Instruction: 1. Next, the teacher will bring up a power point on the Smart board that covers the topic of the 7 question starting words. He/she will explain to the class that they are going to talk about and become more familiar with the 7 question starting words in order to prepare them for when they interview someone. On the second slide of the power point, the teacher will show the visual aide for the students to help remember the 7 question starting words. The visual aide consists of a hand, where each finger has its own question starting word plus two on the palm of the hand. The teacher will explain that the idea behind the visual aid is that the students will start with the thumb on the hand and associate it with the word who and end on the lower palm of the hand associating it with the word do. (The full rotation of the words and associating them with different parts of the hand goes as the following: thumb = who, pointer finger = what, middle finger = where, ring finger = when, pinky = why, upper palm = how, and lower palm = do.





The teacher will then go through the power point with the class and talk about each of the 7 question starting words individually and give the example questions listed on the power point slides.

Structured Practice/Exploration: 1. Once the teacher has finished going through the power point with the students, the teacher will say, Now that we know what the 7 question starting words are, we are going to do an activity to practice writing questions using the 7 words to start the questions. The teacher will then divide the class into six groups of three and one group of two. He/she will then give each group a piece of poster board with one of the question starting words written on it in bubble letters. (All 7 of the question starting words will be used for one of the seven poster boards, and each group will have their own word without any words repeating. Also, examples of what the poster boards will look like are shown in a smaller form on power point slides in order for another teacher to be able to replicate them.) Next, the teacher will give each student in the group a different colored marker. The teacher will tell the class that each student is only supposed to write using their colored marker, and the first thing each student will need to do is write their name on the back side of the poster board using their colored marker. After all the students have completed writing their names on the back of the poster boards, the teacher will explain to the students that their task is to come up with at least 5 questions that begin with the question starting word listed on their poster board. The teacher will model how the students are supposed to do this by bringing up a blank page on the Smart board and writing the word Do in bubble letters. The teacher will tell the class an example question he/she thought of which is Do you like playing baseball? The teacher will then show the class how he/she will write the question inside the bubble letter of the word Do.

2. 3.

4. 5.



8. 9.

10. The teacher will explain to the class that once the bubbled lettered question starting word is full with the questions they all write, they can then start writing their questions in any of the free space on the poster boards surrounding the bubble lettered word. 11. The teacher will release the students to begin writing the questions they create on their poster boards, and the teacher will walk around the classroom helping students as needed. 12. Once the students have all finished creating their 5 questions, the teacher will go through each of the 7 question words and have each student tell the class 1 of the questions he/she created for that particular question word. 13. After the students have finished sharing one of their created questions with the class, the teacher will collect all 7 of the poster boards to look at each of the students accuracy for writing questions at this point in the lesson. (Assessment during the lesson)

Guided Practice/Specific Feedback:


Next, the teacher will explain to the class that each student will create 5 interview questions about the topic of family, and they will then get to interview 3 different classmates using the 5 interview questions they created. The teacher will remind the students that they should be starting their questions out with one of the 7 question starting words that they talked about. (The teacher will leave the list of 7 question starting words up on the Smart board as the students create their interviewing questions.) The teacher will then give the class approximately 5 minutes to create their interview questions, and he/she will walk around the classroom helping students as needed. Once it looks like all the students have completed creating their interview questions, the teacher will give the students the Ok to begin interviewing their 1st chosen classmate. The teacher will walk around the classroom observing the students interviewing each other and stepping in to give suggestions on how to improve as needed. After a few minutes, the teacher will tell the class to switch and find a new classmate to interview. The teacher will walk around the classroom observing the students interviewing their 2 nd chosen classmate and stepping in to give suggestions on how to improve as needed. After a few minutes, the teacher will tell the class to switch and find their 3 rd and final chosen classmate to interview. The teacher will walk around the classroom observing the students interviewing each other and stepping in to give suggestions on how to improve as needed.





6. 7.



10. After a few minutes, the teacher will tell the class to return to their seats. Independent Practice/Application: 1. The teacher will then tell the class, For homework this evening, you each will go home and interview a parent or guardian on the career they have. The teacher will explain that everyone in the class will be asking the same questions when conducting their interviews and that they will come up with the interview questions together as a class.


Closure: 1. Then, the teacher will hand out a worksheet to all the students in the classroom that has numbered blank lines of 1-5 on it, which is where the students will write the interview questions that the class comes up with together. Next, the teacher will ask the class for volunteers to tell the class a question they think should be one of the 5 interview questions used for asking the stud ents parents/guardians about their careers. The teacher will remind the students that they should be using one of the 7 question starting words as they come up with questions. (The 7 question starting words will no longer be listed on the Smart board.) As students give suggestions for questions they think should be asked, the teacher will write the questions onto the Smart board and ask the students to write the questions down on their worksheet.





Once the class has finished creating the five interview questions, the questions should be similar to the following: 1. Do you have a job and what is it?, 2. Where do you work?, 3. What do you do at your job?, 4. How long have you been working at your job?, 5. Why did you pick _______ as your career?. (The teacher can guide the class to these questions if the students are having a difficult time thinking of the questions.) After the class has completed creating the five interview questions for their parents, the teacher will have the students go through the process of Think-Pair-Sharing, which is when each student will think of their answer to the question first, then pair with a partner and tell each other their ideas, and last, the teacher will ask for volunteers to share their thoughts with the class. The question the teacher will ask the class to Think-Pair-Share is What are the 7 question starting words? The teacher will ask the students to think of their answer silently to themselves first. Next, the teacher will tell the students to pair with a partner and share their ideas with each other.


7. 8. 9.

10. Then, the teacher will ask for volunteers, and the students will share one of the 7 question starting words with the class. 11. The teacher will re-write all 7 of the question starting words up on the Smart board as the class states them to him/her, and he/she will clear up any confusion as needed. 12. Once finished with the Think-Pair-Share question, the teacher will pass out an exit slip that all the students will need to complete before leaving the classroom. The exit slip will ask each student to name at least 4 of the 7 question starting words and write an example question for each of the words. The students will then hand the exit slip to the teacher on their way out of the classroom. (Assessment at the end of the lesson) Differentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment: Differentiation- For the students on IEPs, the teacher can expect them to name 2/7 or 3/7 of the 7 question starting words and write an example question for each word on the exit slips. For the Gifted and Talented students, the teacher can expect them to name all 7 of the 7 question starting words and write an example question for each word on the exit slips. For the ELL students, the teacher can ask them to name 4/7 of the 7 question starting words and give an example question for each word orally if it is too challenging for them to read the question and write their answer on the exit slip. Also, the teacher can expect the ELL students to be demonstrating how to write questions with as many of the 7 question starting words as they can remember for the various activities throughout the lesson, but the teacher will not expect all of their grammar to be correct in the questions they create. Individualized Instruction- As the students create their 5 interview questions on the topic of family and go around the classroom interviewing their classmates, the teacher can pull aside any students who are struggling with knowing the 7 question starting words and how to use them properly. By working with these students in a smaller group, the teacher will be able to devote more time to each student and their individual problems when it comes to giving a presentation. Assessment- Throughout the lesson, the teacher will use the data from the various assessments mentioned above to monitor the students progress in understanding the material. If the teacher discovers students who are unclear about some of the lesson concepts, he/she will take the group of students aside and reteach the concept to them. Research and Theory: Vygotsky: I took Vygotskys Social Learning Theory into consideration when making this lesson plan because his theory talks about how it is important for students to socialize and communicate with their peers while they are learning. I enabled the students to have plenty of peer interaction by having the students play Guess Who? with a partner, work in groups while creating different questions based on one of the 7 question starting words, and interview their peers with various questions.

Bandura: I also took Bandura into consideration when making this lesson plan and how he thought it was important to model how to do something when teaching students a new concept. I did this in the lesson by having the teacher model how to write questions using one of the 7 question starting words, which was demonstrated through the example questions in the power point of the 7 question starting words.

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