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Forming the imperative

To form the imperative, drop the tu, vous or nous and keep the verb in the present tense: Prendre: tu prends --> prends! (take!) Faire: vous faites --> faites! (do!) Aller: nous allons --> allons! (let's go!) Partir: tu pars --> pars! (leave!) With -er verbs, take the final -s off the tu form of the verb: tu regardes --> regarde! (look!) tu manges --> mange! (eat!)

Negative imperatives
The imperative is often used in the negative. Just place the negative forms around the verb: Ne regarde pas la tl! (Don't watch TV!) Ne mangez pas a! (Don't eat that!) Ne viens plus chez moi! (Don't come to my place anymore!) N'allez plus au parc! (Don't go to the park anymore!)

Reflexive verbs in the imperative and suggestions

With reflexive verbs, in the tu form, the te changes to toi: Tu te lves --> Lve-toi! (Stand up!) Tu t'assieds --> Assieds-toi! (Sit down!) If you want to suggest doing something, use the imperative form of nous: Allons la piscine! (Let's go to the swimming pool!) Prenons un taxi! (Let's take a taxi!)

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