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Lesson Plan For: Physical Activity

Name: Christa Koep

Content area: Early Childhood Education (CFS) Grade level: Preschool Unit: Math (Shapes and Color) Integrated health topic: Large Motor Movements Lesson Plan Name: Shapes Find o Resource: McKelley, Vera. 20 October, 2013. Pre-school PE Lesson Ideas. PE Central. Retrieved from: http://www.pecentral.org/lessonideas/ViewLesson.asp?ID=11715#.Umacuc8o7IU o Lesson Background: They are in the middle of the unit. So far students have covered different shapes and colors. And have completed a work book telling about their favorite shape and color. After this lesson the kids will work on identifying colors and shapes in the world around them, to see the connection between academics and general life.

Learning Objectives o Content: Shown the different shapes students will be able put the correct name with the shape with a 90% accuracy, as charted by the teacher. o Health: When asked to perform the different large motor skills around the circle, the students will perform each movement correctly with a five out of six correctness as recorded by the teacher. o Health Standard(s): 7.2.1 Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health. Procedure o Introduction: -Ask children to list off the shapes they remember learning from the day before. -Ask students to list off as many colors as they can think of o Steps:

Show the children the shape sheet that they will use during the art activity, and ask them to identify what each shape is. Explain to children that they will first color in each shape a different color, then use the scissors at their table to cut them out. Demonstrate to children how to cut each shape out and the importance cutting on the lines to maintain the original shape. Have children use a gluestick to glue their colored and cut pieces on to a piece of construction paper of their choice. Gather children together once everyone has completed the art lesson.

o Closure:

Have children identify both the color and the shape of the large shapes for the Shape Find Explain to children the game Shape Find Discuss the activity and how being active is an important part of growing up.

-Have children write/draw in their journals of the activities they have done today. -Ask some students to volunteer to share what they have put into their journals. -Ask students to volunteer to come up and draw their favorite shape on the large isle in front of the class. -Explain to students that tomorrow they will be learning about the different shapes that are a part of the community such as road signs and certain furniture that is their homes.

o Assessment: Throughout the art lesson ask children individually to identify the different shapes they are cutting out and mark it down to go into their personal portfolio. Make sure to mark down both correct and incorrect answers. This assessment will show whether or not the child has made progress from the beginning of the year.

Interactive Activity/Concept:

Shape Find o Resource: McKelley, Vera. 20 October, 2013. Pre-school PE Lesson Ideas. PE Central. Retrieved from: http://www.pecentral.org/lessonideas/ViewLesson.asp?ID=11715#.Umacuc8o7IU

Concept: This activity relates to the health portion of the lesson plan by having children practice their large motor skills. Children will be able to identify a variety of movements including: walking, skipping, hopping, jumping, leaping and galloping. Materials Needed: - One large laminated shape of each: circle, heart, square, triangle, oval, rectangle, star, and diamond (each a different color) -20 small laminated shapes that match the large shapes. -tape -Music

Procedure: -tape down the large shapes in a circle formation, making sure to give enough space between each shape so that children do not run into one another. - Place smaller shapes spread out in the middle of the circle. -demonstrate to students what each large motor movement will look like. - have students practice each large motor movement once around the circle: walking, skipping, hopping, jumping, leaping and galloping. - Explain to children that the large motor movement that is called out is the one that they do. - Explain to children that when the music is playing they are to move around the circle in the large motor movement called out. - when the music stops which ever shape they landed on they need to go and find the smaller shape in the middle that matches it and return to their large shape. - choose one to two children to hold up their shape and identify what it is.

Instructional Strategy Category: Experimental Learning o Specific Teaching Strategy: Active Learning

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