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Honorable ROSALINDA DIMAPILIS BALDOZ Secretary This Depart ent ""#th IND!P!ND!N$! DA% $!L!BRATIONS


DAT! : "& March '("' )**************************************************************************************************) As part o+ the Depart ents, contrib-tion to the ann-al In.epen.ence Day $elebrations/ all Re0ional O++ices shall con.-ct a si -ltaneo-s one 1"2 .ay 3obs an. Li4elihoo. Fair on "' 3-ne '("' +ro 5:(( a to #:(( p 6 For this years 3ob Fair/ DOL!*National $apital Re0ion 7ill con+ir participation o+ at least one h-n.re. 1"((2 local an. o4erseas e ployers/ incl-.in0 ten 1"(2 +ro 4ario-s 0o4ern ent a0encies 7ith i e.iate hirin0 nee.s/ bro8en .o7n as +ollo7s9 LO$AL !MPLO%!RS O<!RS!AS !MPLO%!RS >O<!RNM!NT : : : ;( =( "(

Asi.e +ro the +or al 3ob Fair/ DOL!*N$R co itte. to in4ite the +ollo7in0 0o4ern ent a0encies 7ho 7ill pro4i.e one*stop pre*e ploy ent/ .oc- entation an. a.4isory ser4ice/ na ely9 B-rea- o+ Internal Re4en-e 1BIR2 National B-rea- o+ In4esti0ation 1NBI2 PA>*IBI> PHIL*H!ALTH Pro+essional Re0-latory $o ission 1PR$2/ an. Social Sec-rity Syste 1SSS2

O-r O++ice 7ill sen. a tea o+ la7yers +ro the Me.iation*Arbitration an. Le0al Ser4ices ?nit 1MALS?2 7ho shall pro4i.e +ree le0al assistance an. a.4isory ser4ice to clients on atters concernin0 labor an. e ploy ent6 The Labor $o -nications O++ice 1L$O2/ this Depart ent 7ill coor.inate 7ith the Presi.ential $o -nications Operations O++ice 1P$OO2 +or the e.ia a.4ocacy pro otin0 the .ay lon0 acti4ity6 Sec-rity Plan shall be the responsibility o+ the National $onciliation an. Me.iation Boar. 1N$MB2/ this Depart ent/ in coor.ination 7ith the @alayaan '("' National Or0aniAin0 $o ittee/ the Philippine National Police 1PNP2 an. the host Local >o4ern ent ?nit 1L>?26 Bhile the A. inistrati4e Ser4ice 1AS2/ this Depart ent 7ill be in char0e o+ the physical arran0e ent an. set*-p6 The B-rea- o+ Bo en 7ith Special $oncerns 1BBS$2 an. the B-rea- o+ Bor8in0 $on.itions 1BB$2 7ill o4ersee the Li4elihoo. Fair6


Atty6 ALAN M6 MA$ARA%A/ $!O III Re0ional Director


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