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Artifacts Connected to MTTS and ISTE Standards

Digital Learning Conversion

for Woodholme - Prezi
This is a presentation I created to show the goals in a digital learning plan for my school,
Woodholme Elementary. It provides a change management plan with the steps, strategies
and challenges that are faced in the process.
This aligns with MTTS Standard VII and ISTE-T Standard 5. Both focus on developing
professional practices and supports for continual learning and growth in technology
MTTS Standards: IV, VI
ISTE-T Standards: 4, 5

Developing Next Generation
Professionals through STEM

This artifact was presented at a NSTA (National Science Teachers Association)
conference. Presenting STEM initiatives such as LEGO robotics club and MESA club
(Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement) contributed to my growth as a
technology integration leader.
This aligns with MTTS Standard V and ISTE-T Standard 5 by evaluating and reflecting on
professional practices and emerging technology programs such as STEM initiatives to
provide teachers and stakeholders nationwide with support in student-centered learning. It
also Aligns with MTTS Standard VII and ISTE-T Standard 3. In order to maximize
student learning, educators were shown effective uses of emerging digital tools used to
manage technology-enhanced environments.
MTTS Standards: V, VII
ISTE-T Standards: 3, 5

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