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Exceptional Child Leon Plan

Linda! Nichole La"#e$t
+$, Cole
-e#$ua$! ./ &(10
Tylor is an eleven year old boy who attends a very inclusive elementary school in Central
Indiana. Tylor has mild Autism, and has difficulty communicating verbally, as well as a few
sensory issues. Tylor also has a difficult time staying seated and listening at times, however,
if he is kept busy, he generally has no issues. Tylor takes part in over 50 of his !general
education" peers #specials such as art, music, and physical education, as well as lunch,
recess, etc.$, but is in a higher functioning special needs class for his educational classes.
Tylor is e%tremely intelligent, and with the help of an i&ad program, he is able to more
effectively communicate. Tylor is also in the process of learning how to effectively utili'e
computer programs such as (icrosoft word to better communicate with his family,
teachers, and peers.
1elo2 i the 3Natu$al Reou$ce4 leon plan that i "odi5ied to "atch T!lo$6 peci5ic need
7attached i the o$iginal leon plan ued 5o$ Int$oduction to Teaching,8
)cience *esson &lan
7+ild9+ode$ate Auti" +odi5ication 2ill #e unde$lined : in Italic8
!+atural ,esources"
-rade *evel. Thi$d *$ade
)ub/ect. Science
Indiana Academic )tandards being covered with this lesson.
',1,' ;eep and $epo$t $eco$d o5 in<etigation and o#e$<ation uing tool/ uch a =ou$nal/
cha$t/ g$aph/ and co"pute$,
0,&,0/ 0,&,>/ 0,&,? Dec$i#e ho2 the uppl! o5 natu$al $eou$ce i li"ited and in<etigate
2a! that hu"an p$otect and ha$" the en<i$on"ent,
01&0CT02 34TC3(0)53670CTI80) 9 The learner will.
1, Int$oduce tudent to the te$" 3$eou$ce4/ 3$ene2a#le $eou$ce4/ 3non)$ene2a#le
$eou$ce4/ 3natu$al $eou$ce4/ and 3"an "ade $eou$ce4
&, Student 2ill ha<e the a#ilit! to di55e$entiate #et2een $ene2a#le and non)$ene2a#le
$eou$ce, The! 2ill alo $ecogni@e the i"pact hu"an ha<e on natu$al $eou$ce,
Teaching5*earning )trategy
I, ,0)34,C0) +00202.
A Pape$
A Pencil
A 3;BL4 cha$t 7p$o<ided #! teache$8
A Co"pute$ 2ith inte$net acce 75o$ <ideo8/ and +ic$oo5t O55ice intalled
A Po2e$ Point 7c$eated and p$o<ided #! teache$8
2I,0CTI3+). Step o5 P$ocedu$e 7include expe$i"ental etting : 5acilitation techniCue8
:e will start the lesson by getting everyone situated. )tudents will be reminded to grab
their pencils, paper, and their brains. )tudents will have a five minute transition to grab
their things, and find a comfortable seat.
1, Student 2ill 5ill out a 3;,B,L cha$t4 that 2ill "eau$e 2hat the! 2ant to Dno2/ 2hat
the! al$ead! Dno2/ and 2hat the! ha<e lea$ned at the end, 7The assistant teacher will
help the student pull up a KWL chart in Microsoft word so he is able to type his
3pen 0nded ;uestions: Bhat do !ou al$ead! Dno2 a#out $eou$ce/ $ene2a#le
$eou$ce/ non)$ene2a#le $eou$ce/ and "an)"ade $eou$ceE Bhat Dind o5 i"pact do
!ou thinD 2e ha<e on thoe $eou$ceE (Tylor will be assisted by the assistant teacher in
the classroom. He will use Microsoft Word to type what he is learning.) If the student
runs into any problems the teacher and assistant teacher will be there to help him
through it.
&, Student 2ill then 2atch a Po2e$ Point9<ideo a#out $eou$ce, Be 2ill top to talD
#et2een e<e$! lide and talD a#out 2hat 2e ha<e =ut lea$ned, Be 2ill alo top
pe$iodicall! du$ing the 5i<e "inute <ideo,
', A5te$ the Po2e$ Point and <ideo p$eentation/ tudent 2ill #e #$oDen up into g$oup o5
t2o 7student !" will record answers on the #K.W.L chart$ student !% will be the spea&er
for the group (Tylor will be student !"8 Du$ing thi ti"e tudent 2ill acti<el! pa$ticipate
in pa$tne$ dicuion/ and 2ill #e called on to pa$ticipate in a la$ge g$oup dicuion,
(Tylor will be allowed to pic& his partner and communicate with them about what they
ha'e learned. They will be able to share ideas and help each other better understand the
0, A5te$ the pa$tne$ dicuion/ 2e 2ill engage in a la$ge g$oup dicuion/ Be 2ill ha$e
in5o$"ation that the g$oup ha<e lea$ned/ pictu$e the! ha<e d$a2n o5 $eou$ce/ etc,
Du$ing thi ti"e/ tudent 2ill 5ill out the 3L4 ection o5 thei$ 3;,B,L4 cha$t, ((s stated
abo'e Tylor will be the #recorder$ while his partner will be the spea&er).
>, A5te$ pa$tne$ and g$oup dicuion/ tudent 2ill pa$ticipate in a <e$#al a5te$ dicuion
Cui@/ (Tylor and other students who ha'e difficulties communicating will ha'e their notes
and charts re'iewed).
&0,<3,(A+C0 A))0))(0+T508A*4ATI3+.
Student 2ill acti<el! pa$ticipate in dicuion/ and 2ill taDe a <e$#al Cui@ on "ate$ial a5te$, The!
2ill alo 5ill out thei$ 3;,B,L cha$t4/ 2hich 2ill "eau$e 2hat the! 2anted to Dno2/ 2hat the!
al$ead! Dne2/ 2hat the! ha<e lea$ned, Thi 2ill alo "eau$e 2hat the! lea$ned th$oughout the
Tylor)s assessment will be based on the end result of his#KWL$ chart his engagement
throughout the lesson and the end result of his notes.

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