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Nifty Thrifty Fifty

Words to introduce:
composer, discovery, encouragement, hopeless, impossible, musician, richest, unfriendly
Words contained within the introduced words:
compose, pose, discover, cover, encourage, courage, hope, possible, music, rich, friendly,
Words related by combining parts:
dispose, discourage, discouragement, enrich, enrichment, richly, uncover, hopelessly
Words to introduce:
expensive, governor, impression, independence, submarine, transportation, unfinished
Words contained within the introduced words:
govern, impress, press, depend, marine, transport, port, finish, finished
Words related by combining parts:
express, expressed, expression, export, exported, exportation, governed, impressed,
pressed, depended, transported, inexpensive, import, imported, importation
Words students should be able to spell by using all word parts combined (week 1-2):
expose, exposed, composed, posed, discovered, covered, encouraged, uncovered, hoped,
transpose, transposed, government, compress, compression
Words to introduce:
beautiful, classify, community, communities, electricity, happiness, prettier
Words contained within the introduced words:
beauty, class, unity, electric, happy, pretty
Words related by combining parts:
beautify, classiness, electrify, happier, unify
Words students should be able to spell by using all word parts combined (week 1-3):
impressionable, unimpressionable, classifiable, unclassifiable, governable, ungovernable,
transportable, portable, classification, electrification, communication, depressant,
important, classifying, hoping, encouraging, discovering, composing, finishing,
transporting, depending
Suzanne Paul, McCarver Elem. TPS Page 1 5/4/2014
Adapted frm Month-by-Month !"#$%& for 'pper (rades, 1))*, atricia %unningham
Words to introduce:
continuous, conversation, forgotten, nonliving, s,imming, unpleasant, valuable
Words contained within the introduced words:
continue, converse, forgot, living, live, s,im, pleasant, please, value
Words related by combining parts:
livable, unlivable, continuing, conversing, valuing
Words students should be able to spell by using all word parts combined (week 1-4):
impressionable, unimpressionable, classifiable, unclassifiable, governable, ungovernable,
transportable, portable, classification, electrification, communication, depressant,
important, classifying, hoping, encouraging, discovering, composing, finishing,
transporting, depending
Words to introduce:
dishonest, illegal, irresponsible, misunderstood, performance, rearrange, replacement
Words contained within the introduced words:
honest, legal, responsible, response, understood, perform, form, arrange, replace, place,
Words related by combining parts:
displace, displacement, reform, rearrangement, misplace
Words students should be able to spell by using all word parts combined (week 1-5):
conform, conformity, inform, informed, informant, information, misinform, uniformed,
formation, formal, transform, transformation, performer, responsibility, responsive,
responsiveness, honesty, dishonesty, honestly, legally, illegally, responsibly, irresponsibly,
arranging, rearranging, placing, replacing, misplacing, report, reporter, refinish, relive,
repose, reclassify, revalue, recover, rediscover, electrical, displease, discontinue,
Words to introduce:
deodori/e, different, employee, international, invasion, prehistoric, signature
Words contained within the introduced words:
odor, differ, employ, national, nation, invade, historic, history, sign
Words related by combining parts:
signal, design 0note pronunciation change for s 1, deploy
Words students should be able to spell by using all word parts combined (week 1-):
disposal, musical, continual, employer, employment, unemployment, unemployed,
employable, unemployable, difference, consignment, nationality, nationalities,
Suzanne Paul, McCarver Elem. TPS Page 2 5/4/2014
Adapted frm Month-by-Month !"#$%& for 'pper (rades, 1))*, atricia %unningham
internationali/e, interdependence, depress, depression, depressive, deport, deportation,
deportee, devalue, declassify, decompose, deform, deformity, prearrange, resign,
resignation, designation, significant, significance
Words to introduce:
antifree/e, forecast, midnight, overpo,er, semifinal, supermar3et, under,eight
Words contained within the introduced words:
over, under, super, free/e, cast, night, po,er, final, mar3et, ,eight
Words related by combining parts:
overnight, overcast, over,eight
Words students should be able to spell by using all word parts combined (week 1-!):
free/er, free/ing, free/able, subfree/ing, underclass, overexpose, underexpose,
superimpose, undercover, forecaster, forecasting, miscast, antidepressant, overture,
deodorant, empo,er, empo,erment, po,erful, po,erfully, po,erfulness, finali/ing,
finali/ation, ,eighty, ,eightier, ,eightiest, ,eightless, undervalue, friendlier,
friendliest, friendliness, unfriendliness, unpleasantness, historical, historically,
expressive, impressive, repressive, invasive, noninvasive, invasiveness, hopefully,
hopelessly, predispose, predisposition, courageous
WEEK * and WEEK )
&tudents should no, be able to spell and analy/e the parts of all -4 ,ords5 "ver the next
t,o ,ee3s, the focus is prefixes, suffixes and the spelling changes that happen ,hen an
affix is added5
6iscuss ho, ,hen prefixes are removed, they leave an independent ,ord5 !o,ever, discuss
that some ,ords begin ,ith ,hat loo3s li3e a prefix, but do not leave a recogni/able ,ord
,hen removed5 !elp students see ho, these are predictable spelling and pronunciation
chun3s rather than try to try to sho, students ho, to analy/e these ,ords for meaning
%u##i$es and &ndings
7ocus on a change in ho, and ,here the ,ords fit into a sentence5 6iscuss ho, the spelling
of the ,ord often determines the spelling of the suffix5 %ontinue to practice transferring
to other ,ords5
Suzanne Paul, McCarver Elem. TPS Page ! 5/4/2014
Adapted frm Month-by-Month !"#$%& for 'pper (rades, 1))*, atricia %unningham

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