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Looking at my grades and my attendance throughout my Iour years oI high school has allowed

me a certain perception oI my liIe during those years. Some people might see nearly perIect attendance
and nearly perIect grades and think that I had it really easy in school; I didn`t struggle at all. That is not
true at all. While I do have both oI those things, I had to work my extra hard Ior my grades and my
attendance. I rarely stayed home when I was sick, because I knew iI I was, then I would have a ton oI
work to make up Ior, and it just never seemed worth it. Because oI my AP classes, I never entirely had
it 'easy. Sure, iI I wanted to, I could`ve taken regular classes and just sailed through high school
without challenging myselI at all, but what would be the point oI that? I would basically be bored in
every class and just be bored with school in general. But I think that my transcript shows how hard oI a
worker I am and how I won`t just take the 'easy way out.
In terms oI grades, any 'A I get in an AP class I am especially proud oI. Not that a lot oI
people don`t get good grades in those classes, but you just need that little extra boost to get that higher
grade, and you had to work Ior it, which I did, every single time I needed too. The grades that I am
most proud oI, though, are my grades in AP European History and my second semester grade in AP
Language and Composition. Those were quite possibly the hardest classes I`ve taken and it was extra
super hard to get that extra little boost I was talking about. But the grade that most disappoints me, is
my B in my Iirst semester oI AP Language and Composition. I was so close to getting that grade I
really wanted, but it just wasn`t in the cards. I knew iI I might`ve done a little better on the in-class
essays we took every week, I could have gotten that A. I know now that I tried my best and that just
makes my 'A the next semester all that more special.
II I had the chance to retake any oI my courses, I would probably retake pre-calculus honors. I
did well in that class and got 'A`s both semesters, but I Ieel that iI I took it again, I would understand it
so much better and then in turn, I would do better in AP Calculus, which would have helped me during
Iirst semester to get rid oI the 'B I had there as well.

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