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Tavares 1

John Tavares
Prof. Mitchell-Wagner
English 1A
6 May 2014
English 1A: An annotated Bibliography
Andazula, Gloria. How to Tame a Wild Tongue. Readings for Revolutionary Writing.
Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2013. 22-32. Print.

This text was about how people shouldnt be ashamed of speaking in their native
language and should use their native language daily so they wont forget how to speak
their language and never forget where they came from. People also shouldnt get
offended if people in front of them or next to them are speaking a different language
because its a free country and we say what ever we want.

Grande, Reyna. The Distance Between Us. New York: Washington Square Press, 2012.

This text was about a girl who grew up in Mexico and talks about all her struggles as a
child and how she over came all the obstacles of moving to a new country to be the first
one in her family to graduate from college to be a writer. She had a mother who always
chose men over her children and she grew up with a father that would beat her and her
family every time they made a mistake. She also had to deal with learning a new
language and getting accustomed to a new country.

Johns, Ann M. "Discourse Communities and Communities of Practice: Membership,
Conflict,and IDiversity." Text, Role, and Context: Developing Academic
Literacies. Cambridge, New Yoric Cambridge UP, 1997.51-70. Print.

This text was written to inform people on discourse communities and what they are and
what they do. This text was helpful for our discourse community essay. It talked about
how leaders are perceived in discourse communities. This text also talked about how one
can join a discourse community and explain the advantages one can have when they join
a community. This text also explained how one can get kicked out of a discourse

Jones, Stephen F. Basic Guitar Technique. San Diego: St Francis Publishing, 2010. Print.

This book is a collection of pieces of music that were put in to help learning classical
guitarist to learn the different techniques one needs to have to become a fully trained
classical guitarist. There are thorough explanations on how to play a piece and tips on
how to play the piece for easily.
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Pipher, Mary. Writing to Change the World. New York: Penguin Group, 2007. Print.

This book was about why people should be encouraged to write and change our world. It
explained the different types of change writing that can be used for good and evil. It
talked about why people should be encouraged to write blogs to tell people your personal
story and motivate them to make a change in the world. She describes why writing a
letter can be more useful then writing an E-mail to change a law.

Swales, John. ''The Concept of Discourse Community." Genre Analysis: English in
Academic and Research Settings. Boston: Cambridge UP, 1990.21-32. Print.

This text was about the genre analysis in English academic and research settings. It was
made to discuss the concept of discourse communities and why people should join them.
It talks about the benefits of joining a community and how to avoid being kicked out
from one. If you are interested in learning about the benefits of a discourse community
then this is the article to read.

Wardle, Elizabeth. Identity, Authority, and Learning to Write in a New Workplaces.
Enculturation 5.2 (2004): Np. Web. 28 February 1014

This article was about the ways of viewing a discourse community in a workplace. She
explains how you can find the leader of the community in a workplace and how you
should read and write in a new work place, which is important in maintaining a job to
support a family.

X, Malcolm. Learning to Read. Readings for Revolutionary Writing. Boston:
Bedford/St. Martins, 2013. 256-264. Print.

This section of the book was about Malcolm X and how he learned how to read and why
he decided to learn how to read. He began learning how to read when he was in prison
and he was inspired to learn how to read for a prisoner that helped him guide him to a
better life away from being a criminal.

Allen, Will. 61 Murders in Chicago During Zimmerman Trial. Theblaze.com. n.p. 17
July 2013. Web. 28 March 2014.
This article was about how nobody seemed to care about the 61 murders in Chicago
during the George Zimmerman trial. It was a media frenzy that hyped up the Zimmerman
case into something that people would people talking about everyday to earn higher
ratings that can make them earn higher profits.

Azriel, David. White on White crime more prevalent than Black on Black. Los Angeles
Times 16 August 2013: C1+. Print.

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This newspaper article was about how the media portrays black on black crime to be
worse then white on white crime that is untrue. There are more white on white related
crimes then black on black crime. It is unfair how the media continues to portray this lies
to make colored people to seem more violent and dangerous which is racist and the media
should stop telling these lies.

Gabbay, Tiffany. Race Wars Part 1: The Shocking Data on Black-on-Black Crime.
Tampa Bay Times 9 April 2012: n.pag. Web. 27 March 2014.

The shocking data that Gabbay writes in her article is the fact that black on black crimes
has been increasing over the years. She argues that there should be stricter gun laws
because it is too easy for young children to find guns that can commit crimes to innocent

Menifee man dead after misunderstanding over lost dry cleaning. Abcnews.com. The
Walt Disney Company, 28 March 2014. Web. 29 March 2014.

This article was about an innocent man that was murdered over some confusion about
some lost clothes at a dry cleaning business. A Menifee man was beaten to death by a
man who accused him of stealing his shirt which was false. This story was only aired for
a day.

Mother Of Teen Killed In Apparent Case Of Mistaken Identity Pleads For End To Gang
Violence. Cbsnews.com. Viacom Corporation, 12 August 13. Web. 26 March

This case was about an 18 year old male that was killed in an apparent case of mistaken
identity. This teenager had just graduated from high school and was on his way to college
but was gunned down before he could attend his first day at college, which was tragic
because he had gotten a football scholarship.

Sobel, Rosemary. Teen shot after handing over cell phone to armed robber. Chicago
Tribune 17 January 2014: C3+. Print.

This newspaper article was about a teen that was robbed from his cell phone and shot
after the robber had the cell phone. This is a sad story because crimes like these are
happening everyday and no one seems to care because the child is black and lived in a
bad neighborhood.

Williams, Edward W. Don't White People Kill Each Other, Too?. Cnn.com. IPP Media,
10 April 2012. Web. 29 March 2014.

This article was about the lack of coverage on white on white crimes. These stories are
hardly ever talked about in the news while the black on black crimes are being highly
promoted all over every news channel which makes people believe black people are more
violent then white people.
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Thoreau, Henry D. Civil Disobedience. Canvas.com. PCC, 1 April 2014. Web. 16
April 2014.

This text was about Henry David Thoreaus views on the government. He pretty much
describes that the best government is the one that has no authority because all they do is
make things harder for the working class. He went to jail for refusing to pay taxes
because he is not one to follow unjust laws.

The Story Behind The Bus. Thehenryford.org. n.p. 7 September 2002. Web. 17 April

This text was about how Rosa Parks was inspired to refuse to sit in back of the bus. Rosa
Parks talk about being inspired from the freedom riders and felt like it was the right
thing to do. She was a pioneer of the civil rights era and I feel like a lot of things
wouldnt have happened if it wasnt for her doing what she felt was right.

Plait, Phil. Another Year, Another Set Of Bizarre Cuts To NASAs Budget. Slate.com.
Bad Astronomy, 5 March 2014. Web. 17 April 2014.

This article was about the low budget that NASA has to deal with for its experiments and
research. This is sad because NASA doesnt have the money to advance research on
looking for new planets that we can inhabit when our natural resources on earth run out
which is already a problem with our water in California.

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