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***Major Issues Debated at the Convention***

o How will states be represented in the New Government?

o How will each states population be counted? Should slaves be
counted as people in a states population or counted as property?
Constitutional Convention 1787
o Took place in _______________________________________
o ______________________ from _____________________
o Lawyers, ________________________, businessmen,
o ____________________________was the ____________________of the Convention
o Rule of Secrecy
o No one could talk about what was discussed at the Convention
o Delegates needed to feel free to speak their minds without hearing
complaints from the public

J ames Madison _______________________________
o ________ Years old, From _______________________________
o Took _____________________________ during the Convention
o Wrote the __________________________
o Strong influence ____________________________ and a _______________________
Roger Sherman ______________________
o Delegate from ____________________
o Lawyer
o Created _________________________
o Co-created the ____________________________

How will states be represented in the New Congress
The Virginia Plan by J ames
1. 3 branches of government:
Legislative Branch
Executive Branch
J udicial Branch
2. Congress would be divided into
two parts called HOUSES
3. The number of votes each state
would have would be based
on population
4. Larger states have more votes

The New J ersey Plan by
William Paterson
1. 3 branches of government
J udicial
2. Congress will have only ONE
3. Each state would have an
equal vote in Congress
4. Help protect the small states
The Great Compromise by Roger Sherman
1. _____________________________ of Government
Legislative, Executive, and J udicial
2. Congress would have ________________________.
o The ______________________________________,
would be based on the population in each
o The _________________, would represent the
states with 2 Senators from ________________

How will each states population be counted? How will
the slave population be considered?
The Southern States
1. Southern states wanted to
include slaves in their population
2. Slaves would not count when
figuring out property taxes.
3. This would increase their
population and give them more
representatives (and votes) in

The Northern States
1. The Northern states say: Are
slaves people or are they
property like the plantation
owners treat them?
2. If they are property, then tax
them like cattle or horses.
3. If they are people, then make
them citizens and let them vote.

The Three-Fifths Compromise
1. Created by ______________________ with help
from _______________________
2. Each slave would count as _____________ of a
person in the __________________ of a state
Every ____ slaves counted as ____people
3. This counting of slaves also went toward
_________________________ purposes

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