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Summary: Overall you said my paper was very good and throughout seeing as I received a 98 so it was

sort of hard to find things to change. I could not take pictures in the YMCA because of specific rules they
have at the front desk. However I was able to work on my definition of the figured world not being a
physical place but including that it is more of a large social structure. I noted you liked my descriptions a
lot and I had good artifacts and rules and regulations. Also my observations were "thick in detail". I went
on to elaborate on my descriptions of Alex White and Brain since I only had one sentence for the two of
them. And finally I switched up the discourse community of old people to be titled 65 and up like you
suggested. The old people title was very vague and sometimes has a negative connotation. I plan on
adding pictures to the website if I can get permission from my friend at another YMCA of the exercise
rooms so the viewer of my website can at least get a small idea of what I am talking about.

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