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Matt Johnson, Gabrielle Wilson, Kenneth Church

Gold Team
!ebruar" 1#th, 201$
Connie %oth&ell
'ni(ersal )ealthcare in the 'nited *tates
+nderson, Lisa, -)ealthcare, %e.roducti(e %i/hts 0i(ide ',*,, Canada in 1oll,- Chicago
Tribune, Tribune Com.an", 12 June 2012, Web, 12 !eb, 201$,
Gold6arb, :achar" +,, and +m" Goldstein, -)ealth-care La& Will 1rom.t o(er 2 Million to ;uit
Jobs or Cut )ours, a C<= %e.ort *a"s,- Washington Post, The Washin/ton 1ost, 0$ !eb,
201$, Web, 12 !eb, 201$, 2htt.344&&&,&ashin/ton.ost,com4business4econom"4cbo-
This source is an electronicall" .ublished article that &as .ublished b" the Washington Post, The
Washington Post is a .o.ular ne&s.a.er in the Washin/ton 0C area, :achar" +,
Gold6arb is a &riter 6or the .ost &ho 6ocuses on 1resident =bama@s economic .olicies,
+m" Goldstein is a &riter 6or the .ost that 6ocuses on National *ocial 1olic" Assues,
This is a credible source because o6 the .ublisher@s credibilit", The Washington Post is a .o.ular
and &ell res.ected .a.er in the Washin/ton 0C area, The article is a collaboration
bet&een t&o &ell res.ected Bournalists,
=bama@s +66ordable Care +ct is a ste. in the direction o6 !ree )ealth Care 6or the 'nited *tates,
)o&e(er, a lot o6 .ossible issues .resent themsel(es &ith this la&, =ne o6 the
a6orementioned issues is that in(esti/ati(e re.orts claim that &ith a 6ree health care
o.tion, u. to t&o million .eo.le &ill no lon/er ha(e a reason to &orC and &ill Duit their
Bobs or cut their hours, 0ue to the ne& la&s, man" .eo.le &ill choose to become
com.letel" unem.lo"ed or &ill reduce their hours (oluntaril", +lso im.lied &ith this ne&
la& is the 6act that em.lo"ers ma" hire less .eo.le or cut hours in order to maCe u. 6or
the ne& 6ine 6or em.lo"ers that do not o66er insurance o.tions 6or an" o6 their em.lo"ees
that &orC more than ?0 hours a &eeC, At is .redicted that a..roEimatel" 5 million .eo.le
&ill be enrolled in .ri(ate health .lans throu/h the ne& la& b" the end o6 the deadline
this "ear, The C<= states that enrollment should reach u. to bet&een 2$ and 2 million,
Throu/h all this, the C<= .redicts that #2 .ercent o6 +merican citiFens &ill ha(e
insurance b" 201>,
Gri66in, Jean L, -<i/ *a(in/s *een An 'ni(ersal )ealth Care,- Chicago Tribune, Tribune
Com.an", 12 Ma" 1##2, Web, 11 !eb, 201$, 2htt.344articles,chica/otribune,com41##2-
This source is a ne&s.a.er article that &as electronicall" .ublished b" the Chicago Tribune, The
Chicago Tribune is a maBor .ublication in the Great LaCes re/ion, At is also the ei/hth
lar/est ne&s.a.er in the 'nited *tates, The author, Jean LatF Gri66in, is a .ublic health
This is a credible source because it is a &idel" .rinted ne&s.a.er &ith a lar/e acce.tance, At is
the most read ne&s.a.er in the Great LaCes re/ion, !or man" "ears, the articles 6rom the
Chicago Tribune ha(e had &ell-&ritten and rele(ant articles, The authors 6or this .a.er
are also re.utable, The content in the articles is (er" rele(ant, concise, and obBecti(e,
This article 6ocuses around citiFens in Allinois ha(in/ the .ossibilit" to sa(e mone" &ith
uni(ersal healthcare, The ne& .lan that &as .ro.osed in Allinois &ould eliminate
unnecessar" administrati(e costs that increase the cost o6 healthcare, The .lan &ould
chan/e the source o6 income 6or healthcare to more (isible sources such as taEes, The
.ro.onents o6 this .lan &anted to mo(e the mone" 6rom the bureaucrats to the actual
healthcare .ro(iders, dri(in/ costs do&n, This ne& .lan &ould sa(e an estimated 6our
billion dollars in its 6irst "ear, and eEtend the co(era/e o6 healthcare to all citiFens &ho
ha(e li(ed in Allinois 6or at least siE months,
-)ealth Ansurance,- USA.gov: The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal, N,.,, 1 No(, 2011,
Web, 1 !eb, 201$, 2htt.344&&&,usa,/o(4CitiFen4To.ics4)ealth4)ealthAnsurance,shtml9,

This &ebsite '*+,/o( is the o66icial &eb .ortal o6 the 'nited *tates 6ederal /o(ernment, At
doesnGt state &ho the author o6 the .articular article is, '*+,/o( is a &ebsite desi/ned to
im.ro(e the .ublic@s interaction &ith the ',*, /o(ernment b" DuicCl" directin/ &ebsite
(isitors to the ser(ices or in6ormation the" are seeCin/ and in(itin/ the .ublic to share
ideas to im.ro(e /o(ernment,
This is a credible source because it comes 6rom '*+,/o(H &hich is the o66icial &eb .ortal o6 the
'nited *tates /o(ernment, At is used to .ro(ide the 'nited *tates &ith a credible &ebsite
to /et u.dated in6ormation o6 &hat is /oin/ on in the 'nited *tates, 0ue to bein/ our
/o(ernmentGs o66icial &ebsite, the in6ormation that is .ro(ided on it is credible

This source eE.lains &hat health care is3 the maintenance and im.ro(ement o6 .h"sical and
mental health, es.eciall" throu/h the .ro(ision o6 medical ser(ices, +6ter it tells readers
&hat health care is, it /oes into talCin/ about a 6e& o6 the di66erent t".es o6 health care
that can be .ro(ided to .eo.le, At talCs about Medicare and &hat it is, &ho is eli/ible 6or
it, and &hat bene6its it .ro(ides, Medicare is a 6ederall" administered s"stem o6 health
insurance a(ailable to .eo.le a/ed 5 and o(er, NeEt, it talCs about &hat Medicaid is,
&ho can be eli/ible 6or it, and the di66erent bene6its .ro(ided to the users, Medicaid is
health care 6or the im.o(erished and is a 6ederall" and state-6unded .ro/ram, +s "ou can
see, in order to be eli/ible 6or certain t".es o6 health care, "ou ha(e to be a certain a/e,
maCe a certain amount o6 mone", or be im.o(erished, 1eo.le that are classi6ied as
middle-class but cannot a66ord health care are not as eli/ible 6or these .ro/rams as much
as .eo.le that are more un6ortunate, There6ore, health care should be 6ree to all .eo.le to
be eDual and 6air to all citiFens,
Ja(ors, Jonathan %, -+ Call !or 'ni(ersal )ealth Care,- Chicago Tribune, Tribune Com.an", 21
=ct, 2000, Web, 17 !eb, 201$, 2htt.344articles,chica/otribune,com42000-10-
%o", +(iC, -The M"th o6 G!ree-MarCetG +merican )ealth Care -- +nd The %ealit" o6
*in/a.oreGs,- Forbes, !orbes Ma/aFine, # Mar, 2012, Web, 15 !eb, 201$,

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