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Future proposals[edit]

Plans exist for the following projects:

Chordal Lines: Projects for these appeared in the mid-!"#s$ the% called for
con&entional radial lines 'ut instead of passing through the cit% centre within the
(oltse&a%a Line) the% would '%pass them on the outside*[+,] -fter four of these are
completed) the% will 'e used to form the new .econd /ing ser&ice 0see 'elow1*
Construction 'egan onl% on the 2itino-3uto&s4a%a Line during the earl% !"#s* 5n
the wa4e of the !!#s crises these projects were a'andoned) replaced '% more cost-
effecti&e means 0including the Light 2etro lines1 and using existent segments*
6owe&er 0despite the 2itino-3uto&o chord replacement1) the .olntse&s4% radius of
the .olntse&o-2%tishchins4a%a line has 'een regenerated in its original path* 5t is
un4nown whether it would cross all the northern radii 'efore tra&elling to the adjacent
cit% of 2%tishchi along the 7arosla& 6ighwa%) since there is now a fast connection
to 2%tishchi &ia the .putni4 rail lin4 from the 7arosla&s4% /ail 8erminal and a new
plan to 'uild a line from 9elo&o% 8sentr to .a&%olo&s4a%a would effecti&el%
duplicate the path* 8he fates of the 3alashi4ha-8ropare&s4a%a 0southwest '%pass1 and
the (hims4o-L%u'erets4a%a 0northeast '%pass1 chordal lines are un4nown*
.econd 0large1 /ing: 8his well-4nown plan for a second ring line dates 'ac4 to the
8he original !:#s project called for a ring of ;<: stations on the radius$
se&eral pro&isions for the future line were 'uilt 0including transfer space at
3ratisla&s4a%a1) the (a4ho&s4a%a Line and the Cher4i=o&s4a%a<>litsa
Pod'els4ogo section of the.o4olniches4a%a Line 0allowing it to expand
westwards into 5=ma%lo&o1*[+"]
9uring the !"#s chordal line proposals the ring was to 'e formed out of
the space enclosed '% it) with a circular ser&ice operating at off-pea4 hours*
5n +##: 2oscow 2etro announced plans for a second transfer contour)
which would 'uild a line from 9elo&o% 8sentr to .a&%olo&s4a%a on a large
diameter$ this would in the future 'ecome enclosed into a ring) one to three
stations along the radius*
6owe&er) this project is ?uestiona'le and the second ring is as distant toda% as it loo4ed
@# %ears ago*

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