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Relationship between Breakfast with Nutritional Status and Other Factors Associated at

08 Public Elementar School !elambar"

Stefano Leatemia,* WildaArdiani,* Aloysiaputri*
*Faculty of Medicine, University Krida Christian Discourse
Abstract School!a"e children is one of the nutrition of vulnera#le "roups$ %n"oin" "ro&th
re'uires nutrients are ade'uate$ When nutritional needs are not met, there &ill #e #arriers to
"ro&th$ (he ha#it of eatin" #rea)fast is one of the determinant factors of nutritional status$
*o&ever, the relationship #et&een early diet and nutritional status is still relatively un)no&n
, and research is rarely done$ (he study desi"n &as cross!sectional &ith a stratified random
samplin" method in March +,-.$ /espondents &ere -,0 primary school pupils in the class
111 ! 21 3elam#ar SD4 ,5 Mornin" in West 3a)arta$ Data collection &as performed #y
measurin" hei"ht and &ei"ht as &ell as 'uestionnaires$ 2aria#les e6amined include
nutritional status, diet #rea)fast, economic status, maternal employment, maternal education,
"ender and "rade level$ %f the -,0 respondents &ho have a diet lac)in" is 75 people 8 7.$+
9 :$ /espondents &ho have a diet that is lac)in" in the mornin" &ith less nutritional status
as many as .; people, less economic status &ith diet lac)in" as many as <= people$
>conomic status, mother?s occupation, mother?s education has a relationship &ith a diet
#rea)fast, &hereas "ender and class nothin" to do &ith a diet #rea)fast$ (his study found an
association &ith the early diet on children?s nutritional status 3elam#ar SD4 ,5 Mornin" $
#ewords @rea)fast, nutritional status, economic status, maternal employment$

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