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Sensing the Unseen Seminar at MIT with speakers Hillel Schwartz and Steven Feld.

The session took place on October 22nd, 2010. http://techtv.mit.edu/collections

Feld trabalha no entre (in-between): visvel e no-visvel, humano e no humano, limguag
em e msica, arte visual e sonora, artesanato e anlise acadmica
Veja como o trabalho etnogrfico de Feld e Seeger no difere tanto em seus aspectos
escriturais - com exceo, provavl, das elaboraes conceituais -, quanto em suas atuaes mu
sicais, sua militncia esttica.
Seeger: msica tradicional americana, banjo, Charles Seeger...
Acoustmology: against Acoustic Ecology + Sounscape (boring, intelectually improd
uctive (Relational Ontology)
Acoustics + Epistemology (Procedures of knowledge production
How to get out of binary nature/culture
Garry Larson: history of stereotype, animals give possibe languages
Experincia da natureza uma potica (cantar com e sobre a gua) - traar mapas (paths),
no apenas caminhos humanos, mas os caminhos dos pssaros
Tringulo acoustemolgico; Som - Cosmologia - Ecologia (fundao da prtica potica entre os
How listening to the world creates a relational ontology and impowers musicians,
particular ways both in therms of their knowledge of their world but their habi
lity to work with things like sound rithym, poetry, take voice or instrument int
o their deepest acoustmological reaches
artist practice: instalation, recording, soundart
analytic practice: acoustical analysis, experiencial and social analysis

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