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Day 1 Pre-Activity 1

Sally Samson
LING 610
Lesson Plan #1

Orthography & Grammar Review:
Content objective: Teachers will activate their background knowledge regarding Yupik
orthography and grammar
Language objective: Teachers will verbalize what they know. Teachers will model cooperative
dialogue to express how they teach language in reading.
Materials: KWL poster, markers, post-it notepads, Grammar book (bluebook), dictionary, lesson
on Notebook (smartboard software)

- hang three blank posters with headings: What I know, What I Wish to Know, and What I
- place markers, pens, post-it-notes, journals on the tables
- Umyuangcarluten igaryaramtenek. Elitnaullemteni aturluki cooperative learning-aam
piciryaraa piciqukut.
o (Think of our language structure. As we prepare to learn more about grammar and
orthography, we will be discussing amongst each other using the cooperative
learning approach (Explain cooperative learning).
- Ayagnirciqukut KWL chart-amek imiriluta, ciumek nallunrilkeput (What I know) tua-llu
camek eliculput (What I want to know) Walkie-m (or whoever will act as expert on Yugtun
grammar) elicungcallrakut igaryaramtenek.
o (we will begin by filling out the first two columns of the KWL chart. First think
of what you know about our language structure and write one think you know
about it under what I know. Next think of what you are not sure about and wand
to learn more about and write it under what I want to know from Walkie (or
whoever teaches grammar) while he is here.
- Give teachers time to write what they know about Yupik grammar and orthography on
the What I Know poster.
- Talk about the list that was created. Ask clarifying questions on any broad statements on
the list (e.g. if someone writes stops ask to describe what they are).
- Explain activity: Malrugnek group-aliciqukut. Aturluku cooperative learning-aaq
qalarciiquci qaillun ingkut What-I-Know poster-aami igautelci qaillun elitnaulalci
elitnauranun. Naliat-llu elitnaurlariciu, naliat piqaqsaiciu? Tua-llu tangvagluku What-I-Want-
to-Know poster-aaq qanrutekluku camek elicullren ciin-llu. Display roles and definitions on
o We will split into two groups. Using the cooperative learning format we will
discuss what we wrote under what-i-know poster, how we teach what we know
to our students. Which on the list do you specifically teach, which do you not
teach? Then look at the what-i-want-to-know poster discuss what you want to
know and why.
Day 1 Pre-Activity 2
- Group-arpecessni cucuklirarkauguci: time keeper, questioner/encourager, synthesizer, note
taker (on computer), speaker
o In your groups choose: a time keeper, questioner/encourager, synthesizer, note
taker, and speaker. Explain each role.
- Divide into groups so that each group represents: K, 1
, 2
, 3/4. The 5/6 teacher can
choose either group.
- Set the time on smartboard to 15 minutes to discuss, and remind the timekeeper to watch
the time.
- After discussion, all speaker to share out.
- Give time for teachers to reflect and write in their journals.

Cooperative learning is highly structured, allowing the group to work together to reach a
goal set before them (Oxford, 1997). According to researches noted by Oxford (1997), teachers
tend to do most of the talking in a regular classroom setting. In cooperative learning, teachers act
as facilitators while students interact in their groups. The students are assigned roles in each
group, allowing for participation of all students.
The KWL chart prepares teachers to discuss how they teach Yugtun and what they would
like to learn about Yugtun. Each individual is assigned a role during the cooperative learning
groups. The roles consist of a time-keeper to make sure the group is moving along and is within
the time limit; the questioner/encourager asks clarifying questions and encourages participants,
synthesizer explains and summarizes what was said, note taker records what members say on the
computer, and speaker reports out what the group talked about.

Oxford, R. (1997). Cooperative learning, collaborative learning, and interaction: Three
communicative strands in the language classroom. The Modern Language Journal, 81,

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