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Juan Topete

GPS 2013
Through this 1
semester of my junior year I have vastly improved in many of my skills as a V.I.S.A. stude
nt. Many of these skills have vastly come from many projects and Essays. In particular the one that stand
out the most to me were our Fast Food Nation, which I worked on in a group for Mr. Shoji and Mr.Allstil
a. The project required me to grow more as taking action and investigating the world. There are many w
ays as to which this project helped me grow in these skills from beginning to the end. One of these was i
n the began to conduct an investing at a fellow fast restaurant, which we choice a local taco bell. This wa
s a form of investigating the world around me in order to further gain knowledge on a curtain matter.As
this can help me better understand college projects and when it comes to better understanding a subjec
t. As further we began to pull this investigation by researching the L.A. county laws when it comes to ins
pecting a fast food restraint such as the bathrooms, cleanings, and workers. Along with that we presente
d our findings as a form of taking action, to show others what they can expect when they arrive to this r
estaurant and how they can better ensure their health when they do decided to attempt to eat at any ot
her fast food restaurant. Which in turn helps me stand for things I believe in by taking action to make th
at diffrence or change that perspective. Thus in this project my skills in taking action and investigating gr
ew mainly to having to educate my classmates on eating with safer procotion when eating at a local rest
aurant, such as Taco Bell (not the best option of food by the way.)
Another project that had vastly improved my skills as a V.I.S.A. was not actually a project but, a timed es
say for Mr. Shoji. The essay helped me grow in my skills as recognizing perspectives and communicating i
deas. Such as the topic of this essay having to do with perspective on ownership and sense of self, which
in real life is more of a philosophy topic but, it interreges you on how different peoples might be, from y
ours to the person standing on the other side of the room. Along with that I managed understand that t
hese perspectives we have on ownership and sense of self have no right or wrong for it is really a philos
ophy question one that was not meant to have an answer and more to learn the perspective of you and
others. This is an important skill to learn as to wich you will never know what other people's perspective
s are, thus it is best to comprehend them. Another skill I gained more of a grasp was communicating ide
as, since I had to show my perspective on this topic and provide sources that help back up your reason o
f thought. Along the lines it helps show the level of strength that I feel upon this subject since I strongly
agree that ownership is based on learning a skill by heart than rather purchasing it. Along with sense of s
elf not having to do much with what you own but, more on yourself and what you like therefore the ite
ms you own do not make you but, merely reflect you as a person. As to wich being ableto comunicte ide
as are your best sourse to get through to someone wich will be very much helpful in college when disscu
sing with your project partner. Even so with all these skills I have lean through out the year have much
make me grown as a student and as a global citizen.

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