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Ali Thorsen

Short Paper #4
In the piece Prenez sur moi by Johannes Ockehem! I belie"e that the composer set the te#t
e$$ecti"ely% The piece is in a cannon $orm! &here the same idea is repeated at di$$erent times in di$$erent
"oices% The pitches o$ notes chane $rom "oice to "oice%! $or e#ample the 'moi' dotted hal$ note in
measure ( $or the top "oice is on a )! &hile the second line dotted hal$ note on 'moi' is on a *% It &orks
&ith the te#t because it keeps the same rhythm but chanes pitches to create harmonies and keep it
interestin% The music sounds like the te#t does as &ell! it sounds minor to the modern ear and keeps
&ell &ith the te#t% The te#t is about lo"e and sadness! and minor keys typically are used in modern days
$or sad sons% +or e#ample in the $irst line o$ te#t it states ,take $rom me your e#ample o$ lo"e- and
then the second to last line is ,and the most loyal are made the most unhappy- &hich i"es the te#t a
$eelin o$ the sadness $ound in lo"e to the te#t% O"erall the te#t sits &ell and the three "oice cannon is

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