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Case Presentation Form Assignment

1. Counseling interns name: Ryan Bunda

2. Client/Students- Bubbles, 12, 6
grade, male, sexual orientation: Straight, Hispanic/Latino-
Mexican/Chicano, religion unknown, Free and Reduced lunch, Non ELL and No Special
Education. Lives with Dad whom speaks very limited English and Special Ed. Brother.
Mom lives in Mexico.

3. Date session occurred; 4/24/14. 5th Individual Session; 15 minutes

4. Use S.O.A.P. (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan)

The Subjective: Client was referred to counselor by teacher because of his recent jump in
his reading score (50 points). Student has been doing testing throughout the week and
has been dealing with some stress due to it. He is also currently a part of my 6
Boys group.

Counselor: When you were doing the Math you said there were so many numbers, so many
letters. What were you feeling
Client: Scared
Counselor: Scared What was scary about it?
Client: That I would get lower
Counselor: How were you feeling after you went up 50 points?
Client: Excited
Counselor: How did that feel inside?
Client: I wanted to jump

The Objective: Well-groomed, polite, and well-spoken. Client has had great attendance
and has come into session today with good morale.

The Assessment: This specific session is unique in the way that the client is not
presenting a concern. In the past, this client has had a history of being bullied by a couple
of his classmates. However, this session was focused on academics and career

The Plan: For this session I wanted to process the test taking experience with the client.
I wanted to determine his process of stress during the test and the feeling of
accomplishment of a positive result during a difficult situation. I also wanted to do some
career counseling to cover a goal setting aspect. My goal was to empower the student
and show have him discover what he is passionate about during school.
a. Microlevel: I will be meeting with Bubbles bi-weekly for school counseling and
have communicated to teachers if he needs a break from the classroom he is
welcomed to come see me.
b. Mesolevel: Bubbles is still currently performing at a below basic level at reading and
writing. I am in communication with his teachers to see how to additionally support
him. On Thursdays I also go in before our boys group to assist Bubbles and other
members with their math assignments.
c. Macrolevel: After discussing with my Boys group there are certain social factors
when it comes to productivity in the classroom. They said that if you are trying too
hard you are seen as not cool. The plan I have implemented has been to give career/
future lesson plans to the 6th grade classrooms to remind them the importance of
productivity at school because it will further on translate into the work force

5. What multicultural factors are at play? How multicultural factors influence the client-
counselor relationship?
Since moving to the U.S. Bubbles has been an ELL student. Currently he has worked hard
to become proficient in English. When I ask him to express a feeling, in the past he would
use good or bad so by providing him a chart with feelings its easier for him to
determine what feeling (in English) he had at the time. In previous sessions he has told me
he does not know the English word for what hes trying to describe..

6. What counseling theories are you using in this session and what evidence do you have to
support this? Psycho-educational, person-centered and gestalt therapy. During this session I
wanted to focus on determining specific feelings during his test taking process. I also did some
career counseling to follow up on a previous group lesson.

7.List three things that you did well in the session with the client. List three things that you can
improve on in your session with the client.
1. Focus on feelings
2. Attending
3. Giving time and space for client to process

Areas of Growth:
1. Talking Slower
2. Leading Client
3. Stacking Questions

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