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Week 1 Vocabulary
Ecosystems - All biotic and abiotic things in one area
Biotic - Liing organisms like animals and !lants
Abiotic - "on-liing things like rocks or soil
Communities - #rou!s o$ di$$erent animals that lie together in
one area
Predators - Animals that hunt other animals $or $ood
"atural %esources - Something $ound in nature that animals can
&abitat - S!ecial !lace 'here an animal or !lant lies
Po!ulation - A grou! o$ one s!ecies o$ animal liing in one area
Week ( Vocabulary
)ossil-any remains* im!ression* or trace o$ a liing thing o$ a
$ormer geologic age* as a skeleton* $oot!rint*etc+
Sedimentary-$ormed by the de!osition o$ sediment* as certain
Pressure-the e,ertion o$ $orce u!on a sur$ace by an ob-ect* $luid*
etc+* in contact 'ith it
E,oskeleton-a rigid e,ternal coering $or the body in some
inertebrate animals* es!ecially arthro!ods* !roiding both
su!!ort and !rotection+
.race $ossil-a $ossil o$ a $oot!rint* trail* burro'* or other trace
o$ an animal rather than o$ the animal itsel$+
Bones-any o$ the !ieces o$ hard* 'hitish tissue making u! the
skeleton in humans and other ertebrates+
sediment-matter that settles to the bottom o$ a li/uid0 dregs+
ancestor- the actual or hy!othetical $orm or stock $rom 'hich an
organism has deelo!ed ordescended+
Si1e-the s!atial dimensions* !ro!ortions* magnitude* or bulk o$
Structure-anything com!osed o$ !arts arranged together in some
'ay0 an organi1ation+
Body $ossil- le$t is bones teeth hard shells
Week 2 Vocabulary
eidence - a $act that !roes something
enironment - total o$ all liing things in one area area
organisms - an indiidual made u! o$ !arts that 'ork together
!aleoenironment - s!eci$ic enironment 'here an animal lied in
the !ast
a/uatic ecosystem - enironment in a body o$ 'ater
terrestrial ecosystem - enironment based on land
$ossili1e - to become a $ossil
e,!osed - to be uncoered or o!en
rier enironment - ecosystem that contains a rier
lacustrine enironment - ecosystem that surrounds a lake
desert enironment - ecosystem that is in a desert
Week 3 Vocabulary
Ocean-An ocean is a body o$ saline 'ater that com!oses much o$
a !lanet4s hydros!here+
#ills-A gill is a res!iratory organ $ound in many a/uatic organisms
that e,tracts dissoled o,ygen $rom 'ater and e,cretes carbon
)ins- A membranous a!!endage e,tending $rom the body o$ a $ish
or other a/uatic animal* used $or !ro!elling* steering* or balancing
the body in the 'ater
5aneuer- A moement or !rocedure inoling skill and de,terity+
6esert-A dry* o$ten sandy region o$ little rain$all* e,treme
tem!eratures* and s!arse egetation+
Eyelid-Either o$ t'o $olds o$ skin and muscle that can be closed
oer the e,!osed !ortion o$ the eyeball
&um!-A rounded mass or !rotuberance* such as the $leshy
structure on the back o$ a camel or o$ some cattle+
%ain$orest-A dense eergreen $orest 'ith an annual rain$all o$ at
least 378 centimeters 9187 inches:+ %ain$orests are o$ten* but
not al'ays* located in tro!ical regions+
&erbiores-An animal that $eeds chie$ly on !lants+
;ntimidate-.o make timid0 $ill 'ith $ear+
Week < Vocabulary=
natural disaster= a ma-or aderse* natural !henomenon 9e,am!les
listed aboe:
!hotosynthesis= the !rocess 'here !lants and some other
organisms use sunlight to create $oods $rom carbon dio,ide and
e,tinct= no longer in e,istence
consere= to !rotect $rom harm or destruction
sustainable= able to be maintained at a certain leel or rate
global 'arming= a slo' increasing o$ oerall global tem!eratures0
it is usually caused by carbon dio,ide and other gases
drought= a long !eriod o$ lo' amounts o$ rain$all* usually resulting
in a lack o$ 'ater in the area+
Atmos!here= the layer o$ gases that surround the Earth0 it also
!rotects the Earth $rom the sun>s harm$ul ?V rays+

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