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Report of Teacher Assessment for Triennial Evaluation

Student: XXX Assessor/Teacher: Caren Stiffel, M.A.
Report Date: 5/1/14 School: Richardson Middle School
Birthdate: 09/12/2000 Type of Program: Autism
Grade: 8 Students Primary Language: English

Assessment Instruments:

Brigance Diagnostic Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills II
Teacher Observation School Year, 2013-2014
Parent Discussions and DIS Provider Discussions

Summary of Classroom Performance and Progress Toward Meeting Educational Goals:

XXX has made measurable academic progress in the past year and met 4 of 5 of his
academic goals for 2013. He partially met 1 academic goal for reading comprehension
which will be revised and continued for the 2014 IEP. XXX is highly social and engaged
in the classroom. He is well-liked by the RMS community of students and adults. XXX
has made great progress this year in his ability to interact successfully with both peers
and adults at RMS. He has also made progress in regulating his moods and energy
level throughout the school day. He has become more flexible in dealing with new
situations and has adapted well to the routines of the classroom. He enjoys
participating in classroom and school activities.


XXX reads fifth to sixth grade text orally with fluency. When he makes mistakes, he
takes suggested corrections and adjusts his pronunciation. His fluency and word attack
skills are sometimes affected by his articulation issues and he can become frustrated
when trying to be understood. His comprehension accuracy tested from third grade to
fifth grade reading level. He benefits from graphic organizers, highlighting and
repetition. XXX can recall facts and details from a story but is challenged by expressing
a main idea or inferences from the reading.

XXX is working in a fourth grade spelling curriculum in class. During Brigance testing,
XXX was able to spell accurately up to third grade level and spelled with 50-60%
accuracy when fourth grade level words were introduced. XXX is able to write in
complete sentences with mostly accurate punctuation. He can respond to a writing
prompt and compose a paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting details and a
concluding sentence with frequent spelling errors. His writing sample scores at a
second/third grade level. He benefits from the use of a graphic organizer to aid in his
writing flow.






XXX knows place value up to one million and can order numbers between 1 to
1,000,000. XXX adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides multi-digit problems and can
also use the calculator. He is able to identify the operation needed to solve simple word
problems up to fourth and fifth grade level. He understands that fractions represent
parts of a whole and can count shaded parts of the whole and express in the form of a
fraction. He can add and subtract fractions with like denominators. XXX can add and
subtract decimals bringing down the decimal accurately. He did not know the concept
of counting places when multiplying and dividing decimals. He can read a Fahrenheit
thermometer and identify cool, cold, warm and hot temperature. He uses a ruler to
measure lines with accuracy and understands the concept of longer and shorter. XXX
can read the analog clock and solve elapsed time word problems. XXX can count
money independently, use a price list and solve money word problems. XXX has some
basic geometry skills including identifying 2 and 3 dimensional shapes and their sides,
surfaces and vertices. His overall math performance is in the fourth/fifth grade level
with some skills in the sixth grade level.

Inclusion Classes:
XXX is attending an eighth grade physical education class daily. During the first
semester of the school year he attended a tech/art class. This semester he is attending
an eighth grade science class.

Social Emotional/Behavioral:
XXX is very social and seeks to interact both with his peers and adults. His social
interactions are sometimes impacted by his confrontational verbal (tone and volume)
and proximal approach (running up on and too close) to peers. A social story will be
introduced with a goal to help XXX improve his social interactions with his peers
practicing a friendly voice and body demeanor. Additionally, XXX will sometimes
interfere in other classmates and adults business. He can most often be redirected with
verbal prompts.

XXX exhibits excellent work habits at school. He is sometimes distracted by others in
the classroom, but can be redirected to task verbally. He regularly completes his work
assignments and takes pride in his work product.

Adaptive/Daily Living:
XXX is independent in his eating and cleaning his area appropriately. He uses the
restroom as needed. He follows his schedule independently and transitions from one
class to the next with ease. He is helpful with cleaning in the classroom.





Gross/Fine Motor:
XXX has adequate fine motor skills to complete classroom activities. He currently
receives Adapted Physical Education to address his gross motor needs. See APE
teacher report for his progress in this area. XXX participates in a general physical
education class. There are no concerns with XXX fine motor skills.

Brigance CIBS II - Approximate Estimations of Skills and Abilities (5/1/2014)

Grade Level
Oral reading 5
Comprehends passages - 3-5
Spelling - 3
Sentence writing- 2-3
Writing Prompt - 2-3
Math skills-
Numbers and Operations 3-4
Math problem solving 3-4
Algebra and Geometry 3
Measurement 3

Brigance Assessment Observations:
The Brigance was administered over a period of several work sessions in an alternate
setting with minimal distractions. XXX was cooperative and focused during testing. He
worked well for 45-50 minute testing periods. Test results are consistent with his
classroom performance overall, however, in certain areas such as math XXX
exhibited some skills in the 5th-6th grade range.

Implication of Assessment of Future Educational Goals/Objectives:

The assessment results will be used to develop the current Individual Education Plan
goals and objectives in the areas of academic language arts and mathematics,
social/emotional, speech and language and adapted physical education.

__________________________________________ ________________________

Caren Stiffel, M.A., SDC Teacher Date





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