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Why SLudy
ueslgn and Analysls
of AlgorlLhms l
1lm 8oughgarden
Why SLudy AlgorlLhms?
lmporLanL for all oLher branches of compuLer sclence
1lm 8oughgarden
Why SLudy AlgorlLhms?
lmporLanL for all oLher branches of compuLer sclence
plays a key role ln modern Lechnologlcal lnnovauon
1lm 8oughgarden
Why SLudy AlgorlLhms?
lmporLanL for all oLher branches of compuLer sclence
plays a key role ln modern Lechnologlcal lnnovauon
Lveryone knows Moore's Law - a predlcuon made ln 1963 by lnLel
co-founder Cordon Moore LhaL Lhe denslLy of LranslsLors ln lnLegraLed
clrculLs would conunue Lo double every 1 Lo 2 years..ln many areas,
performance galns due Lo lmprovemenLs ln algorlLhms have vasLly
exceeded even Lhe dramauc performance galns due Lo lncreased
processor speed."
LxcerpL from !"#$%& &$ &(" )%"*+,"-& .-, /$-0%"**1 2"*+0-+-0 . 2+0+&.3 45&5%"6
uecember 2010 (page 71).
1lm 8oughgarden
Why SLudy AlgorlLhms?
lmporLanL for all oLher branches of compuLer sclence
plays a key role ln modern Lechnologlcal lnnovauon
provldes novel lens" on processes ouLslde of
compuLer sclence and Lechnology
quanLum mechanlcs, economlc markeLs, evoluuon
1lm 8oughgarden
Why SLudy AlgorlLhms?
lmporLanL for all oLher branches of compuLer sclence
plays a key role ln modern Lechnologlcal lnnovauon
provldes novel lens" on processes ouLslde of
compuLer sclence and Lechnology
challenglng (l.e., good for Lhe braln!)
1lm 8oughgarden
Why SLudy AlgorlLhms?
lmporLanL for all oLher branches of compuLer sclence
plays a key role ln modern Lechnologlcal lnnovauon
provldes novel lens" on processes ouLslde of
compuLer sclence and Lechnology
challenglng (l.e., good for Lhe braln!)

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