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Muehlenbeckia volcanica (Benth) Tic tic Quillur refiere beneficios para la salud, incluyendo la
cicatrizacin de heridas en piel.
Este estudio evalu los efectos de cremas con diferentes porcentajes (5%, 10%, 15% y 20%) de
concentracin del extracto etanlico de las hojas de Muehlenbeckia volcanica (Benth) frente al
extracto fluido de Sangre de Grado Croton lecheri (Estndar) y la crema base para preparar las
formulaciones (Placebo), en el rango de cierre de la herida y la histologa de la misma.
Se practic una incisin de 1 cm de largo en la zona dorsal de Ratones Balb C53 y durante siete
das, dos veces por da, en un intervalo de doce horas, se les aplic el tratamiento respectivo.
Las heridas tratadas con las cremas a diferentes concentraciones del extracto etanlico: 5%,
10%, 15% y 20% as como el estndar mostraron una cicatriz de menor tamao en comparacin
con el placebo.
Sin embargo, la crema al 20% del extracto etanlico mostr un alto potencial de actividad
cicatrizante frente al resto de tratamientos aplicados, puesto que, logr asemejarse a un tejido
de piel normal.


Muehlenbeckia volcanica (Benth) (Tic tic Quillur) is reported to have health benefits, including
skin wound healing.
This study evaluated the effects of topical application of semisolid formulations with different
concentration of the ethanolic extract from leaves (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) with the wound
healing effect of the fluid extract of Sangre de Grado Croton lecheri (positive control) and
semisolid formulation without the ethanolic extract from leaves (the placebo), on the rate of
the wound closure and the histology of the wound area.
It was practiced an incision of 1 cm long in the dorsal area of Balb c53 mices and treated by
seven days, twice application on a range of twelve hours.
Wounds treated with the semisolid formulations with ethanolic extract 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%
as the positive control showed to have a smaller scar when compare to the placebo.
Although, semisolid formulation with 20% of the ethanolic extract showed high potential in
wound healing activity from the rest of treatments achieving complete repairing and
furthermore as a normal tissue.

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