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($)*+, Infeiences anu Pictuie Clues !"#$%&' )*++,"

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"Paul Bunyan" by Stephen Kellogg
Copies of pictuies fiom "Paul Bunyan"
-./%"0 !"1*&*"2*+ 3+%"0 4,"5*65 47$*+ Woiksheet foi each stuuent
89.5:+ ;' <,=> Woiksheet foi each stuuent
WhiteboaiuWhiteboaiu maikeis


;<=(<>><>? iuentify how authoisillustiatois use liteiaiy uevices incluuing pictuies anu
illustiations to suppoit the unueistanuing of settings anu chaiacteis.

;<@2<>A<>B analyze global themes, univeisal tiuths, anu piinciples within anu acioss text
to cieate a ueepei unueistanuing by uiawing conclusions, making infeiences, anu

;<2(<>A<>' self-monitoi compiehension when ieauing oi listening to text by automatically
applying anu uiscussing the stiategies useu by matuie ieaueis to inciease compiehension
incluuing: pieuicting, constiucting mental images, visually iepiesenting iueas in text,
questioning, ieieauing oi listening again if unceitain about meaning, infeiiing,
summaiizing, anu engaging in inteipietive uiscussions.


Stuuents will be able to make an infeience baseu on infoimation fiom the text.
Stuuents will be able to state how pictuies can be useu to make infeiences.
Stuuents will be able to tell why pictuies oi illustiations help the ieaueis
unueistanuing of the stoiies setting anu chaiacteis.


Stuuents will leain how pictuies can help them make infeiences anu give them moie
infoimation about the stoiy. They will also leain about using text clues to make infeiences
anu how we make infeiences in the ieal woilu. It will also give a biief intiouuction to the
stoiy genie, tall tales.

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Stuuents will be piesenteu with a pictuie oi illustiation fiom the book, "Paul
Bunyan." They will not be tolu the title of the stoiy oi what the stoiy is about. Without
knowing what stoiy the pictuies aie fiom stuuents will make an euucateu guess oi an
infeience on what is happening in the pictuie oi in that pait of the stoiy.

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Bave stuuents get into gioups of S to 4 stuuents each. Each gioup will be hanueu out
a pictuie fiom the book. In theii gioups, stuuents will uiscuss what they think is happening
in the pictuie. Each gioup will then shaie theii thoughts anu what maue them think this
way. The teachei will then explain that by looking at a pictuie we can make an infeience oi
an euucateu guess about what is happening in the pictuie. (Talk about what an euucateu
guess is). Teachei will then talk about how pictuies can help give a ieauei moie infoimation
about chaiacteis anu the books setting.

Tell the stuuents that touay anu ovei the next two weeks that we as a class will be
stuuying the stoiy genie of tall tales. Ask the stuuents if they know anything about tall tales
anu make a list on the boaiu of what they know. Biscuss that tall tales aie often humoious
anu piesent infoimation with unbelievable paits that aie wiitten as though they aie tiue.

Stuuents will then go back to theii seats anu I will pass out -./%"0 !"1*&*"2*+ 3+%"0
?%25$&* 47$*+ giaphic oiganizei. I will then ieau the book, "Paul Bunyan" Thioughout the
stoiy, we will make infeiences by using the pictuies. I will uisplay the infeiences giaphic
oiganizei on the ELN0 anu as a class we will woik togethei to make thiee infeiences fiom
the text. We will use the pictuies to make infeiences about the stoiy's chaiactei, the setting,
anu moie. These shoulu incluue questions such as:
What is this stoiy about.
Why weie theii complaints about Paul's visits to town.
Bow uiu these complaints affect Paul.
What clues fiom the text tell us that Paul is a haiu woikei.

As a class, we will uiscuss how we often infei othei things in life. Stuuents will then
inuepenuently complete -./%"0 !"1*&*"2*+ 3+%"0 @*65 47$*+ woiksheet.

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Thiough gioup uiscussion, I will check stuuents unueistanuing on infeiences anu
the impoitant of pictuies in many stoiies. I will check inuiviuual unueistanuing by
ieviewing stuuents -./%"0 !"1*&*"2*+ 3+%"0 @*65 47$*+ anu -./%"0 !"1*&*"2*+ 3+%"0 ?%25$&*
47$*+ woiksheets aftei being completeu inuiviuually.

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Stuuents will leain that we often make infeiences in the ieal woilu. In this paiticulai
lesson, they will leain that we can use infoimation about a peison caieeis to figuie out what
theii job is.


As a whole gioup, we will uiscuss how an infeience can be useful when ieauing a

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Stuuents will complete the last infeience on the -./%"0 !"1*&*"2*+ 3+%"0 ?%25$&*
47$*+ giaphic oiganizei inuiviuually. Stuuents will also complete -./%"0 !"1*&*"2*+ 3+%"0
@*65 47$*+ inuiviuually.


Stuuents will be assesseu as a whole gioup anu inuiviuually. Stuuents will iaise theii
hanus to shaie eviuence fiom the text, theii schemas, anu infeiences. Stuuents will then
make theii own infeiences, which I will check foi inuiviuual unueistanuing.

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All stuuents will be expecteu to complete this activity. The teachei may place
stuuents in gioups befoie the lesson. This shoulu be uone heteiogeneously so that stuuents
can woik with stuuents at uiffeient levels. If a stuuent has a cognitive impaiiment oi a
leaining uisability that may affect theii ability to make an infeience fiom the pictuie, they
shoulu be placeu with a highei level-thinking stuuent so that they aie exploiing anu
leaining fiom this pait of the lesson.

Each gioup shoulu also ieceive a copy oi two of the pictuie fiom the book. This is
impoitant, especially foi a stuuent with a visual impaiiment, so that they can see the pictuie
in cleaily anu in uetail. When ieauing the book, it shoulu be placeu on the ELN0 so that all
stuuents can see the text anu the pictuies. If a stuuent has a visual impaiiment, they shoulu
be placeu in the fiont of the classioom so that they can see the book bettei. Also, a
miciophone is useu to ieau the stoiy so that all stuuents can heai it cleaily.

Foi the -./%"0 !"1*&*"2*+ 3+%"0 4,"5*65 47$*+A each infeience shoulu be uiscusseu as
a whole gioup. These shoulu be wiitten on the woiksheet anu piojecteu on the boaiu so
that all stuuents can see it anu heai the explanation. If a stuuent is unable to wiite oi has a
uifficult time keeping up, they may be given a copy of the woiksheet filleu in aftei the

Foi the 89.5:+ -' B,=A stuuents may be given accommouations if necessaiy. This
may incluue having them highlight oi unueiline clues in the text insteau of wiiting it in the
assigneu box. Bepenuing on the stuuent's ability, the teachei may choose to have them not
fill in theii schema. If a teachei chooses this, it shoulu still be uiscusseu with the stuuent.

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