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Aberrant: Adjecitve
- Markedly different from an accepted norm
- Departing from the usual path, type or standard
- One whose behaviour departs substantially from the
norm of a group. (Noun)
- He is the kind of person who has an aberrant

152. Abrogate: Transitive Verb
- Revoke formally
- Repeal by authority
- Abolish
- The judge would not abrogate the law

153. Abhor: Transitive Verb
- To hate
- Loathe
- Find repugnant
- She abhors cats.

154. Abject: Adjective
- Of the most contemptible kind
- Most unfortunate or miserable
- Showing utter resignation or hopelessness
- The most abject slaves joined in the revolt.

155. Abstain: Verb
- Refrain from voting
- Choose not to consume
- To forbear
- I abstain from using internet

156. Acanaceous: Adjective
- Prickly
- Pointed
- Rough
- These acanaceous stones can help us make fire

157. Abominable: Adjective
- Unequivocally detestable
- Exceptionally bad or displeasing
- Offensive
- Abominable treatment of prisoners

158. Abound: Verb
- Be abundant or plentiful; exist in large quantities
- Be in a state of movement or action
- To have in plenty or abundance.
- The room abounded with screaming children
159. Abridge: Transitive Verb
- Reduce in scope while retaining essential elements
- Lessen, diminish, or curtail
- Shorten
- The manuscript must be abridged

160. Acrid: Adjective
- Strong and sharp
- Harsh or corrosive in tone
- Irritating
-Her acrid remarks make her many enemies

161. Abrupt: Adjective
- Marked by sudden changes in subject and sharp
- Exceedingly sudden and unexpected
- Surprisingly and unceremoniously brusque in
- There is an abrupt change in the weather

162. Aculeate: Adjective
- Equipped with a sting
- Having aculei or sharp prickles
- Having or resembling a stinger or barb
- Aculeate insects such as bees and wasps

163. Ablaze: Adjective
- Keenly excited (especially sexually) or indicating
- Lighted up by or as by fire or flame
- Resembling flame in brilliance or colour
- His face all ablaze with excitement

164. Abstruse: Adjective
- Difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of
ordinary understanding or knowledge
- Obscure
- Profound
- The professor's lectures were so abstruse that
students tended to avoid them

165. Abnegate: Transitive Verb
- To refuse
- Not allow oneself to have (something); restrain,
especially from indulging in some pleasure
- Surrender (power or a position)
- They abnegated their gods

166. Accede: Intransitive Verb
- Yield to another's wish or opinion
- Take on duties or office
- To agree or express agreement
- The government acceded to the military pressure

167. Acclaim: Intransitive Verb
- Praise vociferously
- Enthusiastic approval
- To shout applause
- The book met with modest acclaim

168. Accolade: Noun
- A tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
- An embrace on the conferring of knoghthood
- A gentle blow
- An accolade for bravery

169. Accost: Verb
- Speak to someone
- To draw near or come face to face with
- Salute
- He was accosted by a prostitute

170. Accrete: intransitive Verb
- Grow or become attached by accretion
- Grow together (of plants and organs)
- To adhere
- The story accreted emotion

171. Acerb: Adjective
- Sour or bitter in taste
- Harsh or corrosive in tone
- Unripe
- An acerb tone piercing otherwise flowery prose

172. Accrue: Verb
- Grow by addition
- Come into the possession of
- To happen or to result naturably as an increment, as
of profit or loss.
- The house accrued to the oldest son

173. Absolve: Transitive Verb
- Grant remission of a sin to
- Let off the hook
- Clear of crime or guilt
-The priest absolved him and told him to say ten Hail
174. Abet: Transitive Verb
- Assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing.
- To aid or assists in the performance of an act,
ussually to a criminal nature.
- To incite, or instigate.
- Did Herald aid and abet a crime?

175. Anachronistic: Adjective
- Out of date
- Chronologically misplaced
- Anachronous
- English public schools are anachronistic

176. Addle: Verb
- Puddle
- Mix up or confuse
- Become rotten
- He addled the issues

177. Adjuvant: Adjective
- Furnishing added support
- Helping
- Auxilliary
- An adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism

178. Adroit: Adjective
- Dextrous
- Quick or skilful or adept in action or thought
- Exhibiting skill
- He is an exceptionally adroit pianist

179. Amateurish: Adjective
- Lacking professional skill or expertise
- Like the work of an amateur
- Superficial
- A very amateurish job

180. Adverse: Adjective
- Contrary to your interests or welfare
- In an opposing direction
- Inimical
- The adverse currents

181. Altruistic: Adjective
- Showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others
- Mindful of the wants and interests of others
- Pertaining to altruism
- The company tried to project an altruistic image

182. Amalgamate: Verb
- To bring or combine together or with something else
- To blend, combine, as one race with another
- Joined together into a whole (adjective)
- Resourcefully he amalgamated music and dance.

183. Amass: Verb
- Collect in one place, esp. growing to a large number
or quantity
- Get or gather together (a large number of
- To collect into a heap
- Journals are amassing in my office

184. Adumbrate: Verb
- Give a faint ressemblance of
- Describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or
summary of
- Give to understand
- I adumbrated that I did not like his wife

185. Amble: Verb
- Walk leisurely
- To move with a peculiar pace, as a horse, by lifting
the two feet on one side together
- An easy pace or gait. (Noun)
- Jeloch told Ronnie she was going to amble over to
the post office

186. Ambrosial: Adjective
- Extremely pleasing to the taste;
- Sweet and fragrant
- Divinely delicious
- The foods that they serve here are ambrosial.

187. Ambulant: Adjective
- Walking
- Moving about
- Able to walk about
- The patient is ambulant

188. Ameliorative: Adjective
- Producing ammendment
- Improving
- Tending to ameliorate
- Federal assistance has an ameliorative effect on the
difference in school budgets between wealthy and
poor districts.

189. Amenable: Adjective
- Disposed or willing to comply
- Readily reacting to suggestions and influences
- Open to being acted upon in a certain way
- The tumour was not amenable to surgical

190. Amicable: Adjective
- Friendly
- Paceable
- Characterized by friendship and good will
- The business coach for the small company owner
served as an amicable executive mentor

191. Amiss: Adjective
- Away from the correct or expected course
- In an improper, mistaken or unfortunate manner
- In an imperfect or faulty way
- No one took it amiss when she spoke frankly

192. Amorphous: Adjective
- Having no definite form or distinct shape
- Lacking the system or structure characteristic of
living bodies
- Anomaloous
- Amorphous clouds of insects

193. Amuck: Adjective
- Running about armed, in a state of frenzy, attacking
all who come in the way
- Murderously
- Frenzied, out of control
- The soldier was completely amuck

194. Abscond: Intransitive Verb
- Run away; usually includes taking something or
somebody along
- To flee or retire in haste from the place of ones
residence or post of duty
- The period of being absent
The accountant absconded with the cash from the safe

195. Apalling: Verb
- Strike with disgust or revulsion
- Fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be
unpleasantly surprised
- Offending
- I was appalled at the thought of being late for my

196. Imbecile: Adjective
- Having a mental age of three to seven years
- Idiotic
- A person of subnormal intelligence (Noun)
- I imagine that there are as many imbecile and
feeble-minded women as there are imbecilic and
feeble-minded men.

197. Jiffy: Noun
- A very short time (as the time it takes the eye to
blink or the heart to beat)
- An instant
- Split second
- If I had the chance I'd do it in a jiffy

198. Astatic: Adjective
- Not static or stable
- Lacking tendency to make a definite position or
- Without polarity
- The astatic seizure is rare and unique

199. Arable: Noun
- Arable land that is worked by ploughing and sowing
and raising crops
- Capable of being farmed productively (Adjective)
- Suited for the purpose of cultivation (Adjective)
- A thousand hectares of arable land were destroyed

200. Arbitrarily: Adverb
- In a random manner
- (technical) taking any value, without any limit
- Haphazardly
- The houses were arbitrarily scattered

1. Arrogate: Verb
- Demand as being one's due or property; assert one's
right or title to
- Make undue claims to having
- Take control of (without authority and possibly with
force); take as one's right or possession
- He arrogated his suitcases at the airline counter
2. Assimilate: Verb
- Take up mentally
- Become similar to one's environment
- Make similar
- He assimilated the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe

3. Assuage: Verb
- Cause to be more favourably inclined;
- Gain the good will of
- Provide physical relief, as from pain
- She managed to assuage the angry customer

4. Apprize: Verb
- Gain in value
- Increase the value of
- Appreciate
- The peso apprized again

5. Astride: Adverb
- With one leg on each side
- With the legs stretched far apart
- Astraddle
- She sat astride the chair

6. Athwart: Adverb
- At right angles to the centre line of a ship
- At an oblique angle
- Aslant
- The sun shone athwart into his face

7. Atrocious: Adjective
- Shockingly brutal or cruel
- Exceptionally bad or displeasing
- Provoking horror
- Murder is an atrocious crime

8. Attaint: Verb
- Bring shame or dishonour upon
- Condemn by attainder
- Dishonour
- He attainted his family by committing a serious

9. Attenuate: Adjective
- Reduced in strength
- Become weaker, in strength, value, or magnitude
- Faded
- The attenuate tones of an old recording.
10. Abacinate: Verb
- To blind by putting a hot copper basin near
someone's eyes
- Blind by holding a red-hot metal plate before
someone's eyes
- He abacinate the eye of his leader.

11. Abecedarian: Noun
- A person who is learning the alphabet
- A novice learning the rudiments of some subject
- Alphabetically arranged (as for beginning readers)
- He is an abecedarian.

12. Adoxography: Noun
- Skilled writing on an unimportant subject
- Fine writing in praise of trivial or base subjects
- composition
- He has skills in adoxography.

13. Agerasia: Noun
- The state of looking younger than one actually is.
- Visual aspects
- Youthful appearance in an old person
- He looked agerasia.

14. Autolatry: Noun
- The worship of one's self
- Idiolatry
- Self-worship
- She is autolatry worshipping herself.

15. Bombilate: Verb
- To loudly hum or buzz continuously
- Make a buzzing sound
- bombinate
- He bombilate when speaking.

16. Cachinnation: Noun
- Loud or hysterical laughter
- Loud convulsive laughter
- Laugh
- She is laughing cachinnationly.

17. Cacoethes: Noun
- A bad habit or insatiable urge.
- An irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or
- passion
- He is having a cacoethes habit.
18. Defenestrate: Verb
- To throw out of a window
- Throw through or out of the window
- Wing
- The rebels stormed the palace and defenestrated
the President

19. Dehisce: Verb
- To burst open, as the pod of a plant
- Burst or split open
- Break through
- Flowers dehisce when they release pollen

20. Exoculate: Adjective
- Blind
- Eyeless
- She has an exoculate eye vision.

21. Farcical: Adjective
- Broadly or extravagantly humorous
- Resembling farce
- Ridiculous
- The wild farcical exuberance of a clown

22. Frigorific: Adjective
- Causing cold
- Freezing
- Cooling or chilling
- The water in the fridge is frigorific.

23. Gawp: Verb
- Look with amazement
- Look stupidly
- Goggle
- The queue was gawping at him, like he was a hired

24. Recumbentibus: Adjective
- Lying down
- In a position of comfort or rest
- Accumbent
- The dorsal recumbent position is a reclining position
with the knees bent

25. Allay: Verb
- To lighten
- Relieve
- To make quite or calm
- The cold water allayed his thirst

26. Altercate: Verb
- Have a disagreement over something
- Quarrel
- Dispute
- He uses to altercate with the arrogant man.

27. Animosity: Noun
- Strongest dislike
- A feeling of ill will arousing active hostility
- Enmity
- My friend shows animosity against her companion in
the group.

28. Beatify: Verb
- To make blissfully happy
- To declare one who has died to be among the
blessed in heaven
- Making blessed
- On Sunday, the martyr will be beatified by the

29. Bedew: Verb
- To moisten gently as with dew
- Cover with drops of dew or as with dew
- Wet
- The grasses were bedewed early in the morning

30. Begat: Verb
- To become the father of
- To cause
- To acquire
- Abraham begat Isaac

31. Beleaguer: Verb
- Annoy persistently
- Encircle as a military tactic
- Besiege
- The children beleaguered the boy because of his

32. Bleak: Adjective
- Old
- Unsheltered
- Harsh
- Life in the Aran Islands has always been bleak and

33. Blight: Noun
- A state or condition being blighted
- Any plant disease resulting in withering without
- Cause to suffer a blight (Verb)
- Too much rain may blight the garden with mould

34. Blunt: Adjective
- Dull edge or point
- Rough
- Make less sharp
- Terror blunted her feelings

35. Bodkin: Noun
- Small dagger
- A blunt needle for threading ribbon through loops
- Large blunt needle
- You should be equipped of bodkin during camping

36. Commix: Verb
- To mix together
- To bring or combine together or with something else
- To state to being mix
- Blue paint commix with red become violet

37. Conspire: Verb
- Engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear
- Act in unison or agreement and in secret towards a
deceitful or illegal purpose
- Conjure
- They conspired to overthrow the government

38. Consensus: Noun
- An opinion held all or most
- Agreement in the judgment or opinion reached by a
group as a whole
- Full agreement between a number of people
- The lack of consensus reflected differences in
theoretical positions

39. Conventicle: Noun
- An illegal gathering
- A secret unauthorized meeting for religious worship
- A building for religious assembly
- They formed a conventicle group of 50 members

40. Dossier: Noun
- A collection of papers containing detailed
information about a particular person or subject
(usually a person's record)
- Written record
- Written account
- The dossier was kept by the old man for so many

41. Dubious: Adjective
- Fraught with uncertainty or doubt
- Open to doubt or suspicion
- Not conviced
- They admitted the force of my argument but
remained dubious

42. Dungeon: Noun
- The main tower within the walls of a medieval castle
or fortress
- A dark cell (usually underground) where prisoners
can be confined
- Keep
- The captivated prisoners remained in dungeon until
they died.

43. Transpose: Verb
- Change the order or arrangement of
- Change the setting from one place or period to
- Cause to change places
- The ancient Greek story was transposed into
Modern America

44. Allegation: Noun
- a formal accusation against somebody (often in a
court of law)
- A statement affirming or denying certain
matters of fact that you are prepared to prove
- Allegement
- An allegation of malpractice

45. Abligurition: Verb
- Excessive spending on food and drink
- What an abligurition person she is.

46. Accubation: Verb
- The practice of eating or drinking while lying down
- She is practicing accubation while lying down.

47. Adelphepothia: Noun
- An incestuous desire for one's sister
- That man has an adelphepothia to my sister.

48. Agraffe: Noun
- The wire that holds the cork in a champagne bottle.
- He removed the agraffe in the champagne bottle.

49. Algerining: Verb
- Prowling around with the intent to commit burglary
- That man is algerining around.

50. Colposinquanonia: Verb
- Estimating a woman's beauty based on her chest.
- He has the ability of colposinquanonia.

51. Dactylonomy: Verb
- Counting using ones fingers
- She is dactylonomy counting the banana in the

52. Estrapade: Verb
- A horses attempt to remove its rider
- The horse wants to estrapade his rider.

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