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# Author: Jay McKinnon <jay@opendna.com>
# URL: http://opendna.com/ngram
# License: CC-BY-NC
# http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/
# Ref: http://books.google.com/ngrams/datasets
# It is really, REALLY easy to fill every last sector of #
# your hard drive with this script. Be cautious and pay #
# attention. #
# #
# This script will download ten ~210mb ZIP files, one at #
# a time, unpack the ~1000mb CSV inside, and (grep) #
# search for each keyword. It will write the output to a #
# keyword-named CSV, and then delete the source file. #
# #
# You must have a MINIMUM 1gb to run the default script. #
# You may remove the lines to delete source files, so #
# can run more searches without downloading anew, but #
# you must have upwards of 10gb available. If you change #
# the script to process 2-grams or higher, WATCH OUT! #
# A multi-keyword search of 5-grams without deletes can #
# easily top a terabyte of data! #
for count in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# starts a loop for these ngram files
do wget http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/books/ngrams/books/googlebooks
# download each ngram file
mv googlebooks-eng-all-1gram-20090715-$count.csv.zip* 1gram-$count.zip
# rename downloaded ZIP file to something manageable
unzip 1gram-$count.zip
# unpack the ZIP archive
mv googlebooks-eng-all-1gram-20090715-$count.csv 1gram-$count.csv
# rename the unpacked CSV to something manageable
for word in telegraph telephone television Internet internet
# starts a subloop for your search terms
do grep $word 1gram-$count.csv >> $word.csv
# appends each keyword hit to the end of the keyword file
# ends subloop
rm 1gram-$count.*
# deletes ZIP and CSV files
# Remove to save bandwith and fill your hard drive.
# ends mainloop
# kills script

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