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Ienna I|shoff

1317 Westgate Ave. #10S, Los Ange|es, CA 9002S - 80S-SS1-1622 - Ienna.I|shoffQgma||.com

Un|vers|ty of Ca||forn|a, Los Ange|es (Ant|c|pated Graduat|on Spr|ng 201S)
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1eacher LducaLlon rogram, wlLh an emphasls on LlemenLary LducaLlon

Un|vers|ty of Ca||forn|a, San D|ego March 2009
/"-0%1.& .2 3&$# 4 5.66,)(-"$(.) CA: 3.39
rovosL's Ponors 2007-2009
naLlonal Ponor SocleLy 2007-2009
MenLor aL-rlsk chlldren aL Cesar Chavez LlemenLary School 2008-2009

1L Urban 1eacher kes|dency rogram, UCLA Aprll 2014 - resenL
7$,+%)$ 8%"-0%&: 51()$.) *1%6%)$"&9 7-0..1: ;&+ <&"+% -1"##
lmplemenLed concepLual based lesson plans whlle malnLalnlng hlgh academlc rlgor and common
core sLandards uslng culLurally relaLlve conLenL for class of 28 sLudenLs.
ALLended weekly professlonal developmenL sesslons Lo enrlch undersLandlng of Common Core.
MalnLalned classroom managemenL LhaL fosLered a poslLlve, effecLlve, and safe learnlng
laclllLaLed lessons LhaL promoLe crlLlcal Lhlnklng and sLudenL led dlscusslons.
lncorporaLed Lechnology and dlglLal medla lnLo everyday learnlng.
8esearched and organlzed CommunlLy lnqulry ro[ecL Lo sLrengLhen Lles beLween famllles and
school communlLy.

1L Urban 1eacher kes|dency rogram, UCLA CcLober 2013 - March 2014
7$,+%)$ 8%"-0%&: =,6>0&%9# *1%6%)$"&9 7-0..1: ?)+ <&"+% -1"##
lmplemenLed concepLual based lesson plans whlle malnLalnlng hlgh academlc rlgor and common
core sLandards uslng culLurally relaLlve conLenL for a class of 27 sLudenLs.
Worked closely wlLh guldlng Leacher Lo esLabllsh and malnLaln classroom managemenL LhaL
fosLered a poslLlve, effecLlve, and safe learnlng envlronmenL.
laclllLaLed lessons LhaL promoLe crlLlcal Lhlnklng and sLudenL led dlscusslons.
lncorporaLed Lechnology and dlglLal medla lnLo everyday learnlng.

no|d the Date Lvents, Los Angeles, CA !une 2013 - resenL
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AsslsLed CLC and oLher execuLlves as needed
Sales/markeLlng supporL.
laclllLaLed evenL/Conference coordlnaLlon.
roduced and manage moblle appllcaLlon

L|keL|ve, LLC, Los Angeles, CA AugusL 2012 - !une 2013
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AsslsLed CLC and oLher execuLlves as needed: Manage CLC and offlce calendar, Lravel
arrangemenLs, general correspondence.
repared owerolnL presenLaLlons for sales/markeLlng/corporaLe requlremenLs.
Sales/markeLlng supporL.
LvenL/Conference coordlnaLlon.
Ceneral admlnlsLraLlve duLles and offlce malnLenance
Crder/handle all offlce brandlng maLerlal.
ossess excellenL Llme-managemenL skllls.
AsslsLed ln hlrlng offlce lnLerns.

Nonf|ct|on Un||m|ted, Los Angeles, CA lebruary 2010 - !uly 2012
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8ecepLlon/lronL uesk:
- Answer and screen lncomlng phone calls. ulrecL approprlaLely.
- ConLrolled all lncomlng and ouLgolng mall and overnlghL shlpmenLs.
- Ceneral admlnlsLraLlve duLles and offlce malnLenance for LA and n? offlce
- Crder/handle all offlce swag and brandlng maLerlal.
- ossessed excellenL Llme-managemenL skllls.
- AsslsLed ln hlrlng offlce lnLerns/A's.
LxecuLlve/ersonal AsslsLanL:
- Manage/plan all execuLlve Lravel.
- Manage and organlze all execuLlve meeLlngs wlLh dlrecLors, agencles.
- Manage conference calls.
- lan and organlze all producLlon meeLlngs/offlce evenLs/dlrecLor screenlngs: cllenL evenLs,
cockLall hours wlLh cllenLs, blrLhdays, hollday parLles, company Lrlps, lncludlng managlng food,
drlnks, lnvlLes, parklng, eLc.
- AsslsLed ln edlLlng LreaLmenLs.

Computer Sk|||s: roflclenL ln MlcrosofL Cfflce, Mac and C operaLlng sysLems and soclal neLworklng
Languages: knowledgeable ln Spanlsh.
Interests: ?oga/medlLaLlon, menLal/physlcal healLh enLhuslasL. arLlclpaLed and sLudled a range of
mulLl-culLural sLyles of dance, sLudled/pracLlced massage Lherapy, parLlclpaLed on Lhe swlm and waLer
polo Leam for 4 years ln hlgh school.

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