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AP Literatura:

Tareas del verano

Seora Jones

1. Hacer tarjetas con los trminos literarios del paquete. (Quiz grade)
Fecha de entrega: el lunes, el 25 de agosto
2. Comprar un cuaderno sper-grande (por lo menos 3 pulgadas) y 8 divisores. Hay que tener
el cuaderno y divisores el primer da de clases. (Quiz grade)
Fecha de entrega: el lunes, el 25 de agosto
3. Mirar las siguientes pelculas durante el verano y hacer el Movie Review Form y Cornel
Notes. Puedes encontrar el enlace a los videos en nuestro sitio web. (Test grade)
a. Documental de Don Quijote por el canal de Historia
b. El Burlador de Sevilla por Tirso de Molina
c. Lazarillo de Tormes
Fecha de entrega: el viernes, el 29 de agosto
4. Escribe una cosa que aprendiste de cada pelcula en el sitio web de la clase de Espaol 5:
http://apliteraturaphs.weebly.com/ (Blog grade)
Fecha de entrega: el viernes, el 29 de agosto
Si tienes preguntas, puedes mandarme un correo electrnico a Ljones3@mesquiteisd.org. Muchas
gracias, que tengas un buen tiempo de vacaciones y que llegues listo para aprender en el
Honor Code
College students are required to abide by an honor code that forbids them from cheating, lying
and stealing, both within the academic world and as members of the college community. I expect
the same commitment to honor from you, as a member of a college-level course. What this means
is that you are expected to complete all assignments on your own, without consulting native-
speakers, former students, or translation devices of any kind. Your work should represent what you
are capable of doing using as resources your mind, grammar books or notes and a dictionary. I do
not expect your production of Spanish to be without error at this level. No one may EVER proof-
read your work, suggest changes to your work or make changes to your work unless I have
specified that you may. Anyone found in violation of these policies will be subjected to disciplinary
action. You are to do your summer work independently.
AP Spanish V Agreement

_____ I have read and understand the assigned summer assignments for the AP
Spanish Literature and Culture Course.
_____ I understand that if I do not turn in the assignment, I will receive a zero for each
item that is missing.
_____ I understand the Honor Policy as described on the Summer Assignment Handout
and I agree to abide by its terms for the summer assignments and during the 2014-2015
school year.
_____ I agree to take the AP Spanish Literature Exam in May, 2015.
_____ I agree to check my email/text messages at least every other week in order to
communicate with Seora Jones.
_____ I understand that this class moves at a quick pace and if I am in need of extra
help, I will take responsibility for my learning by speaking with Seora Jones and come
in for tutoring.
_____ I agree to sign up for Remind 101 so that I will be reminded about due dates for
assignments before they arrive. Text: @apesplit5 to (832) 786-2608

Your name: _______________________________________________
Your signature: ____________________________________________
Email address: _____________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________
Parents name: ____________________________________________
Parents signature: _________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________
*Please return this agreement to Seora Jones before you leave for the summer.*

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