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There are powers beyond life on Earth. Cosmic powers

deal with the vastness of the universe and the fundamen-
tal forces driving it. Soar amongst the stars and draw upon
the fabric of the cosmos with powers that can protect the
universe, or shake it to its foundations.
The following are important descriptors for cosmic powers:
Cosmic: The cosmic descriptor can have several
meanings. In this profile, it primarily means of, or
related to, the cosmos particularly outer space and
the universe beyond the bounds of Earth. This is one
way it is often used in comic books, with cosmic ad-
ventures being those involving outer space and alien
empires and such. Cosmic effects may be connected to
outer space and to planetary and stellar phenomena.
Cosmic literally means order particularly the
order inherent in nature and the universe (from the
Greek kosmos, the opposite of kaos). Cosmology is
the study of that inherent order. In superhero set-
tings, it relates to things like primal or cosmic power
over the structure of reality, and the beings who
wield such power. Thus cosmic power is closely
aligned to descriptors like divine or metaphysi-
cal, related to higher supernatural powers such
as embodiments of cosmic order (or other con-
cepts as part of the greater cosmic order). In some
settings, there may be no real difference between
the cosmic and divine descriptors, although
cosmic beings in the comics are rarely worshipped.
Lastly, cosmic is often synonymous with pow-
erful in comic book terms; cosmic characters and
beings have planet-shaking capabilities and cosmic
adventures often place the fate of the universe (or all
universes in a greater omniverse) at risk. This is not
one of the uses of the descriptor in this profile. Any
power is potentially vastly powerful, if used at a high
enough rank of effect, and the powers in this profile
are no more inherently powerful than any others
simply because of their cosmic nature.
Countering: Cosmic powers are fairly broad and
Gamemasters should tend to consider their effects,
rather than their source, when dealing with their
ability to counter other effects. For example, a
Cosmic Blast is a form of energy, and so it may be able
to counter other types of energy and direct attacks,
but its primary effect is Damage, so it is probably not
useful in countering, say, a Transform effect even if
the blast is cosmic in nature. Cosmic Transmutation,
on the other hand (itself a Transform effect) would
be useful to counter another Transform effect, or
an Affliction imposing the transformed condition.
For a broad cosmic countering effect, see the
Cosmic Order power under Utility Powers.
Cosmic powers must often work on a different scale than
those of earth-bound characters. In particular, cosmic
powers range between planets or even stars and may have
those same planets and stars as their area of effect! There
are a number of ways to handle this in M&M game terms.
First is to simply require the necessary ranks of Area
and Extended Range to handle the vast distances and
areas involved. Each rank of Extended Range doubles
an effects ranges so just 5 ranks is a x32 increase; 10
ranks is just over 1,000 times! Some power effects
already take great distances into account: Commu-
nication, for example, has an unlimited range option,
while Environment can cover vast areas. Effects like
Space Travel handle movement over cosmic distances
(see the Default Cosmic Powers sidebar). Perception-
ranged effects can also greatly extend range; in outer
space, the distance you can see a target like a planet or
a massive starship is far greater than perception range
on a planets surface where you are limited by the curve
of the horizon. Add appropriate Extended senses for
even greater distances.
Another option is to simply assume cosmic events occur
on a cosmic scale: ranged powers still have short, medium,
and long ranges, but they are 10 or 100 times greater; the
GM simply chooses whether to apply a 0, 2, or 5 circum-
stance modifier for range. Likewise, area effects might
cover an entire ship or nebula or the like when used in
the void of space. This approach is suitable for either a pri-
marily cosmic setting or the occasional cosmic adventure
where the GM and players do not want to concern them-
selves with the vast scale.
Some potential Feature effects associated with Cosmic
Powers include the following:
Cosmic Champion: You are the chosen champion or
representative of a cosmic being, which may give you
recognition and regard in certain circles (but may
earn you Enemy and Rivalry complications in others).
This Feature is good for a circumstance bonus when
appropriate and may provide access to other cosmic
Features or Benefits.
Cosmic Council: You can gain the attention of higher
cosmic beings, calling upon them for advice, council,
or to render judgment in matters pertaining to
them. This is essentially like a use of inspiration via
hero points (Heros Handbook, page 21) and under
the Gamemasters control (portraying the cosmic
beings). You can use this Feature once per rank per
Wielders of cosmic power can focus it in a number of of-
fensive ways, from blasts of pure energy to entrapping
webs or clouds of obscuring stellar gases.
You can unleash a blast of pure cosmic energy. Some ver-
sions of this power have the Variable Descriptor modifier,
allowing you to project different types of energy, perhaps
along the entire electromagnetic spectrum (rank 2).
Cosmic Blast: Ranged Damage 2 points per rank.
Explosive cosmic blasts are a common variant, striking a
target point and bursting to encompass an area. Apply
the Burst Area modifier for this power, or the Cloud Area
for a cosmic blast that creates a lingering Damage effect
in the area.
Cosmic Burst: Ranged Burst Area Damage 3 points per rank.
A tendril of cosmic power entraps your target, rendering
them paralyzed, held in your grasp until you choose to
release them or they manage to break free.
In a cosmic M&M series, the Gamemaster may want to take into account the importance of three primary power effects:
Comprehend, Immunity, and Space Travel.
Space Travel is necessary for a series to transcend the limits of a single planet or star system. Either all the heroes need to
have Space Travel powers, or they need access to equipment or vehicles providing them. Examples may include a fleet
of fast space ships (or a single ship the heroes call home and use as a mobile headquarters) or some type of teleportals
or hyperspace corridors allowing characters to visit other planets like Earth-bound heroes visit neighborhoods of their
home city.
Immunity (life support) is vital to deal with the environmental hazards of a cosmic series, particularly operating in the
depths of space. While things like explosive decompression and deadly alien atmospheres may be occasional hazards (as
complications), for the most part, the heroes should not have to worry about such things. Again, either all characters have
some degree of Immunity, from life support to all Fortitude effects, or else they use equipment like advanced space suits
or life-support force fields.
Lastly, given the vast array of alien life in most cosmic series, characters need some means of communicating with the
intelligent life forms they encounter. The simplest solution is to assume there is some sort of galactic lingua franca (Galac-
tican or some such) used by civilized species, making the language barrier an occasional challenge. Otherwise, characters
need ranks of Comprehend (languages) to overcome this problem, either via their own powers, a telepathic or linguist
teammate, or universal translator equipment (perhaps built-in to the aforementioned space suits).
Gamemasters running a cosmic series may choose to require the players heroes to have some measure of these powers,
or can choose to make them (or suitable equipment) available to the heroes at no power point cost as a part of the series
itself, so players do not have to worry about spending additional points on the default powers.
Cosmic Grasp: Ranged Affliction (Resisted by Dodge,
Overcome by Strength; Impaired and Vulnerable,
Defenseless and Immobilized), Extra Condition, Reversible,
Limited Degree 1 point + 2 points per rank.
A bombardment of fiery streaks strikes your chosen
target. The meteor shower normally comes from your out-
stretched hands, but apply the Indirect modifier if you can
call down a meteor shower from a different point.
Meteor Shower: Ranged Multiattack Damage (fire and impact)
3 points per rank.
You conjure a glowing, swirling cloud of nebular gases,
able to conceal everything within it. A Nebular Field might
add additional senses (particularly magnetic or radio) to
the Concealment effect, increasing its rank accordingly.
Nebular Field: Ranged Cloud Area Concealment Attack 4
(Visual) 16 points +4 points per +1 distance rank to area.
Cosmic power shields against harm as well as causing it,
and those infused with its power may be beyond many
human concerns. In addition to the powers listed here,
some with cosmic powers may have ranks of Immortal-
ity, with an enduring life force able to recover from any
damage, given enough time.
An aura of cosmic energy surrounds you, shielding you
from harm. For those lacking the Unearthly power (fol-
lowing), Cosmic Shield may include a Sustained Immunity
10 (life support) effect, providing protection against the
environmental hazards of space and alien worlds as well
as direct damage.
Cosmic Shield: Impervious Protection, Sustained 2 points
per rank.
You can survive unaided in the void of space, a useful
ability for those who spend a great deal of time away from
the comforts of a planetary environment.
Spaceworthy: Immunity 5 (cold, all suffocation, radiation,
vacuum) 5 points.
You are a being of the void between worlds, beyond mere
mortal frailty. You do not need to eat or sleep and are
immune to the harmful effects of environments ranging
from the depths of space to the heart of a star. You also
do not age and are effectively immortal, so long as you
are not killed. This power includes lesser immunities like
Spaceworthy (previously).
Unearthly: Immunity 30 (Fortitude effects) 30 points.
Cosmic movement powers tend to focus on crossing the
vast distances between planets and stars.
You can fly through space faster than the speed of light,
able to traverse the distance between planets, stars, even
galaxies in a relatively short amount of time. This power
does not include the ability to survive unprotected in
space, although Immunity (life support) or the Unearthly
power are common for characters who have this power.
Faster Than Light: Movement (Space Travel) 2 points per rank up
to rank 3 (6 points).
You can open a warp in the fabric of the cosmos, allow-
ing you to instantly cross a distance in space: entering
the portal at one point and emerging from the other. Like
Faster Than Light (previously) Space Warp is only useful
for travel over interplanetary distances; warping across
the surface of a planet take a Teleport effect, possibly with
the Portal modifier as well.
Space Warp: Movement (Space Travel), Portal 4 points per rank
up to rank 3 (12 points).
You soar through the black void of space with the ease of
a bird in the sky. It is a natural environment to you. Char-
acters with this power may also have the Favored Environ-
ment (space) advantage, or an Enhanced Advantage as
part of this power, granting the same benefit.
Soar the Spaceways: Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation:
Space) 2 points.
Cosmic power can accomplish a great many things, pro-
viding a wide range of utility powers, from communica-
tion across the vastness of space to sensing cosmic phe-
nomena to virtually unlimited power within a specific set
of parameters.
You are connected to the fabric of the cosmos on a funda-
mental level, allowing you to sense energies and events
of universal importance. You also have some awareness
of the correct flow of events in the cosmos, warning you
when something diverts destiny from its proper course.
Cosmic Awareness: Senses 6 (Acute Cosmic Awareness,
Precognition Limited to Cosmic Events) 4 points.
You can project your voice and image across vast distances,
allowing you to communicate with subjects on other planets
or even galaxies as if they were in the same room with you.
Cosmic Communication: Communication 5 (subspace audio-
visual projection, any distance) 20 points.
Your control over cosmic energy allows you to use it
to grasp, lift, and manipulate objects from a distance
without actually touching them. Typically this involves a
visible beam or tendril of energy extending from you; if
it is simply an invisible extension of your will, apply the
Subtle modifier to the power.
Cosmic Control: Move Object 2 points per rank.
You can channel cosmic energies to bolster the life force of
injured creatures, helping to quickly restore them to health.
Various Healing modifiers are common for this power, up
to and including Resurrection for powerful cosmic healers.
Cosmic Healing: Healing 2 points per rank.
You wield great, but vaguely defined, cosmic power able
to do virtually anything, limited solely by your will and
imagination. With sufficient ranks, this power can include
all of the various other powers in this profile and more.
Cosmic Masteryalso known as The Power Primal or
The Power Cosmicmay have different Variable modi-
fiers, particular to the action needed to change the effect,
allowing you to choose different effects essentially at will
(as a free action). Gamemasters are cautioned against al-
lowing a large number of ranks of this power; most heroes
with broad cosmic powers are better handled with power
stunts while most villains with such power are essentially
Power Level X plot devices (Gamemasters Guide, page 72).
Cosmic Mastery: Variable (cosmic powers) 7 points per rank.
You can call upon the universal forces of order to weed
out chaos and eliminate the effects of unnatural powers,
particularly those which tamper with the fabric of space
and time (including things like Space Warp and Faster
Than Light travel). This power often includes the Area
modifier as well, working on all effects in an area rather
than all effects on a single target at once.
Cosmic Order: Nullify Chaos Effects, Simultaneous 2 points
per rank.
Cosmic energy flows through your corporeal form, giving
you increased physical strength.
Cosmic Strength: Enhanced Strength 2 points per rank.
Provided you have some sort of connection (DNA sample,
psychic trace, prior knowledge, etc.) you can lock on to a
subject and track them across to vastness of space anywhere
in the cosmos, although some phenomena in the depths of
spacenebulas or supernovas, for examplemay cause
you to lose the trail. This power does not include the move-
ment ability necessary to follow a trail you sense, although
such capabilities are commonly associated with it. Cosmic
Tracking allows you to move at your full speed, even using
Space Travel to fly faster than light through the void of space.
Cosmic Tracking: Senses 8 (Accurate, Acute, Direction Sense,
Distance Sense, Extended, Tracking 2) 8 points.
Cosmic energy gives you the power to rearrange matter
on a molecular or atomic level, restructuring it into differ-
ent forms or materials. See the Element Powers profile for
additional details on transmutative powers and effects.
Cosmic Transmutation: Transform (anything into anything else)
5 points per rank.
Tapping into low-level telepathic abilities or the fabric of
the cosmic consciousness allows you to speak and under-
stand any language, no matter the alien species or civi-
lization, and to be understood in the listeners language,
regardless of how many beings interacting with you.
Universal Translation: Comprehend 3 (speak, understand,
understood, all languages) 6 points.
Given the broad nature of cosmic energy any other
energy power could potentially be cosmic, especially for
those able to use cosmic energy to control a wide spec-
trum of forces. Powers from the Light Powers profile work
particularly well as supplemental cosmic powers.
Cosmic power may imply some influence over the funda-
mental forces of the universe, making powers from the
Gravity Powers, Teleport Powers, or even Time Powers
profiles suitable for wielders of cosmic power as well. By
a similar token, if cosmic power involves tapping into the
universal order or some such, then it may grant effects
like Luck Powers, or be opposed to such powers for their
violations of that same universal order.
Like the powers, cosmic complications tend to be big.
The following are some of the complications wielders of
cosmic power might encounter in a series.
Cosmic accidents come with equally large consequences.
These types of powers have the potential to destroy planets
and stars, earning a character a galaxy-wide Enemy or a
major Quirk or Phobia involving the guilt of causing such
devastation. Of course, given the dangers of cosmic power,
it might also only appear such an accident has happened, an
effort to make the character seem like a threat by those who
would rather not confront those cosmic powers directly.
Cosmic types are often strangers in a strange landeither
aliens visiting Earth or humans traveling amongst the stars
to alien worlds. In either case, the character may well be ig-
norant of local history, customs, laws, and so forth, leading
to potential complications. This differs from prejudice (fol-
lowing) because it represents a gap in the characters knowl-
edge and abilities, rather than just the opinions of others.
Alien characters may also have disabilities relative to
humans due to different physiology, such as an alien
species lacking human sensory capabilities or manipu-
lative limbs. Aliens can also be dependent on different
environmental conditionsbreathing a methane atmo-
sphere, for examplerelying on life support equipment
or powers to survive on Earth.
Cosmic power tends to come with a destiny of some sort,
and there are often those opposed to that destiny who
become the characters sworn enemies. Even cosmic char-
acters simply seeking peace and solitude amongst the
stars may find enemies looking to exploit or steal their
power for their own uses.
Cosmic enemies need a range and scope similar to the
character, able to pursue wherever their foe might go,
even across the vastness of the universe.
Just as earthly heroes may be famous in a city, country, or
even worldwide, cosmic characters are often famous on
a galactic or even universal scale, known and recognized
on civilized planets (colonies, space stations, etc.) every-
where. This makes it difficult for the characters to escape
the demands of their powers and their other complica-
tions, like enemies or responsibilities.
Cosmic powers can be considerable, but there may be
ways in which characters can lose them temporarily,
leading to complications.
Those reliant on an object or touchstone of some sort for
their powers may face its loss or damage. In some cases,
the characters cosmic powers may be Removable. In
others, the loss of the item is rare and better treated as a
complication than a power modifier.
Cosmic powers dependent on the whims of a higher
being might be revoked (see Responsibility, following)
while powers reliant on the characters confidence, will-
power, moral purity, or some other characteristic could
be lost when that quality falters, regained only when the
character undergoes some penance or effort to recover.
With vast cosmic power comes grave concerns. People
and authorities may turn a watchful (and jaundiced) eye
towards cosmic power wielders, treating them as poten-
tial disasters waiting to strike. While a world might be
grateful for the characters help, they may not tolerate a
long-term presence, given the potential for disaster or the
possibility of attracting cosmic foes.
Similarly, aliens may face xenophobic attitudes on other
worlds. This includes humans visiting alien planets, where
they may not be welcome. Certain races and cultures may
develop prejudiced attitudes and stereotypes, and heroes
looking to keep the peace and obey local lawsmuch
less establish friendly diplomatic relationshave to find
ways to deal with them.
Cosmic power comes with a heavy amount of responsibility,
whether self-imposed, or coming from a higher authority.
Characters with cosmic power tend towards either a great
sense of personal responsibility (for heroes) or an obsession
with a goal (for villains). Either way, the character is devoted
to wielding power for a purpose, and must avoid distractions.
Given the number of higher powers in cosmic events,
those with cosmic powers are often responsible to godlike
patrons, from interstellar law enforcers answering to their
superiors to vastly powerful soldiers of alien empires, or
heralds of cosmic gods serving their masters needs.
A fiery temper is a common complication for imperious
and (perhaps understandably) arrogant cosmic beings,
who see themselves as too powerful to deal with petty
matters or to be questioned by their inferiors.
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc., Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary
Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Modern System Reference Document, Copyright 2002-
2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek,
Jeff Grubb, Rich Red-man, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle,
David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney
Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter
Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and
JD Wiker.
Mutants & Masterminds, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin
Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.
Advanced Players Manual, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin
Publishing, LLC; Author Skip Williams.
Silver Age Sentinels d20, Copyright 2002, Guardians
of Order, Inc.; Authors Stephen Kenson, Mark C.
Mackinnon, Jeff Mackintosh, Jesse Scoble.
Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition, Copyright 2005,
Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.
DC Adventures Heros Handbook, Copyright 2010, Green
Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.
Mutants & Masterminds Heros Handbook, Copyright
2011, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.
Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Cosmic Powers,
Copyright 2012, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author
Steve Kenson.
Writing and Design: Steve Kenson
Editing and Development: Jon Leitheusser
Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold
Interior Art: Eric Wight
Playtesters: Leon Chang, James Dawsey, Nathan Kahler,
Jack Norris, Aaron Sullivan
Publisher: Chris Pramas
Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Joe Carriker, Will
Hindmarch, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole
Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc
Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Cosmic Powers is
2012 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.
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