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Sultan Qaboos University

College of Education
Early childhood education department

Assignment 2

Done by: .....................
ID: 90044
Course: ECED3080

What is your specific objective? How does it connect to the Curriculum? What will pupils be able to do after the lesson?
Grade 1 language the hare and the tortoise.
Pupils will be able to identify and name objects.

What do students already know about this topic? What types of learners are in the class (learning style, learning difficulties, physical difficulties,
health difficulties)?
Children can identify and name the objects that they use in the classroom such as: pencil, rubber, chair,
tableetc. they also can name the animals that live in the farm like: the cow, chicken, horse, rabbitetc. they
also read a story about the wolf and the three rabbits; and they learned to name the characteristics.
There are 25 pupils in the class, one has learning difficulty (specifically, writing difficulty), one child has
behavioral problems. Many children prefer visual and kinesthetic activities.

Lesson Introduction
How will you introduce this concept to pupils? How will you engage pupils in the topic?
Materials & Modifications
The teacher will read the story of the hare and the tortoise. (10 minutes)
(read the story with expressions and using different tone for each character)

The story book of the
hare and the tortoise.
Presentation of New Material Teacher Directed
How will you explain/demonstrate all of the knowledge/skills required so that pupils understand the
information? How will pupils interact with the material? How/when will you check for understanding?
Materials & Modifications
Display for children a big colored picture (in the board) of a scene from the story
without the characteristics, and then the teacher should use magnet pictures of
(ex. a hare, a tortoise, a carrot and a tree). The teacher then should take one
picture and ask children what do we call this? If they do not remember she can give
choices. Next the teacher has to name the object and let children repeat after her.
Then when finished she should place the magnet picture in the big picture and the
same with other three objects. Finally, when the teacher placed all the pictures in
the big picture, she can name the objects again. (See appendix 1). (10 min)

Colored picture and
magnet pictures.
Guided Practice Teacher Directed, Student Participation
How will pupils practice new knowledge with teacher support? How will pupils get enough practice to gain
independence on topic?
Materials & Modifications
Prepare a box with an opening in the top part of the box (should be wide enough
for the child's hand to enter easily). Put 25 objects (repeat the four objects) and put
the box in front of the first child then the pupil should take an object from the box;
then the teacher should ask the child to name the object that he/she took. Next,
the child will pass the box to the student sitting next to him/her and so on. (15 min)
A box and plastic
models for the objects
that the teacher wants
children to learn. (hare,
tortoise, carrot and tree)

Independent Practice Student Directed
How will pupils independently practice knowledge and skills required? How will you provide opportunities for
extra support if needed?
Materials & Modifications
Divide children to groups (4 or 5 groups) and give each an activity to practice. One
group can practice using the box with objects. Another group can use the
computer. There will be pictures of 3 or four objects in the screen, the child will
hear the name of the object and he/she has to press the picture of the object
he/she heard. If the child pressed the correct picture then he/she will hear a
clapping voice and a happy face will be shown; if not, a sad face will be shown
saying try again. (There should be at least two computers in the classroom);
children should take turns or maybe if possible the teacher can take the students to
the lab so that each one will have a computer.
They also can use an opposite activity; the child has to press the picture and hear
the name of the object and repeat the name. ( these activities can be designed
using power point program)
Another group can use the recorder. The teacher should provide pictures of the
objects that she wants children to learn (the hare, the tortoise, carrot and tree) and
a recorder. The first child should pick up a picture and name it (ex. Tortoise) and
he/she should record his/her voice while naming the object using the recorder.
Then the child will pass the picture and the recorder to another child in the group.
All children should have an opportunity to name objects and record. When they
fish passing the first picture, they will start with the second picture and so on.
The teacher has to observe children while doing their activities and assist them if
they need and she also praises them orally. When they finish the teacher can use
stickers (ex. Stars) to praise each child.
The teacher can place the child with behavioral problems with the group that is
using the computer since it can catch his/her attention. (40 minutes) each activity
may take (10 mitutes)

A computer, a recorder
and pictures of the
objects that children
need to learn (the hare,
the tortoise, tree and
Closing Activity
How will you summarize the lesson for the pupils?
Materials & Modifications
The teacher can use pictures of the objects to ask and review with children the
names. She should first to raise one picture and ask children: what do we call this?
Magnet pictures.
Children have to raise their hands to answer. Then they have to say the name of
the object together; and the same with the other objects. (5 minutes)

How will you measure what the pupils have learned? Is there more than one way to determine if pupils have
gained knowledge from lesson?
Materials & Modifications
The teacher should observe children while they are doing their independent
activities because that will help her in assessing children.
To assess children, the teacher can give each child in the class a picture of one of
the objects they learn in the lesson. Then she can ask children: if you have the hare
picture, raise it. The teacher should observe each child who has the picture of the
hare; did the child raise the picture immediately after hearing the name or did
he/she saw his/her peers.
The teacher also can take each child individually and use the picture that she used
in introduction of the lesson (magnet pictures); she can ask the child to point and
name the objects that he/she learned. (20 minutes)

Pictures of the objects
that children learned in
the lesson.
Modifications for pupils with learning difficulties
For the child with writing difficulty there are no needs for modification since they are working orally.
Using big and colored pictures will help to catch children's attention.
Planning exciting activities so that children will not get bored especially the child with behavioral problems.
Some activities can take short time.
Asking children questions to promote their answers.
Praising children with stickers and verbally.
Encourage working with peers since the teacher divided children into groups.

Appendix 1:

Appendix 2:

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