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Titolo della lezione: Past Time references:

How long have / for / since / ago

Past Time references:

How long have / for / since / ago
Present Perfect –
How long have
John is on holiday in Spain. How long has he been in Spain? He’s been there since last Monday.
He’s been there for three days.

Julia is working in head office at the How long has she been working She’s been working there since
moment. there? Tuesday.
She’s been working there for two days.
[Present continuous] [Present Perfect Continuous]

I have a new computer. How long have you had it? I’ve had it since last week.
I’ve had it for six days.

We’ve moved to Milan to live. How long have you lived in Milan? We’ve lived in Milan since last
We’ve lived in Milan for four months.
Present Perfect – for / since / ago

Form Explanation Italian

for da quanto tempo da
since da quando da

Si usa con Present Perfect

ago Si usa con Simple Past fa

1. Jim has gone to the London office. When did he arrive? He arrived a week ago.
How long has Jim worked in the London office? He’s worked there for five days.

2. Fiat has launched the new car. When did it launch it? Fiat launched it two months ago.
Past time references

‰ For three days six months

[da] an hour a long time
ten days decades
three years a few seconds

‰ Since Wednesday I was married

[da quando] last week Easter
1990 I was five
8:00 o’clock Christmas
10 January the appointment of the new CEO =
[Chief Executive Officer]

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