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A Ring,

a King

a Turkey Wing!

By: Mrs. Pickron’s Third Grade Class

A Ring,

a King,

a Turkey Wing!

Written and Illustrated by Mrs. Pickron’s

Third Grade Class
Crestline Press

Mountain Brook

Way back then when it started,


The Pilgrims and

Indians were still living.

By: Anna Brooks

A noun can be your dog

named Wobble,

Or a turkey who goes gobble,

gobble, gobble.

By: Anna George

A noun can be your Uncle Lurkey

Who likes turkey,

Or a horn

that blows out corn.

By: Beau
A noun can be a piece of pie

or a stove on high.

A noun can even be your shirt

that’s a tie dye.

By: Braden
A noun could be your

Thanksgiving dinner.

My mom’s turkey

makes me thinner.

By Caroline
The pilgrims are all eating

pumpkin pie.

They all decided to wear coats

and a tie.

By Carter
Breast is a noun you have

in a feast.

My turkey Kirk is a noun but

we had him for dessert!

By Grayson
On Thanksgiving Day

My dog named Perky

Loves to eat ham

And lots of turkey

By Hannah
Grandpa got a turkey

for Thanksgiving he found.

A dog hopped on him and

he dropped to the ground.

By: Jack
I saw the turkey running away

to make sure

his body could stay.

By Jessica
Cookies and pies are a

special treat.

Eating them on Thanksgiving is always


by Katie
A noun can be a mink

Or a link.

On Thanksgiving Day

the pumpkin pie said to

the peas and carrots

“You stink”.

By: Laura
Your favorite meal

can be a turkey.

But your Grandma and

Grandpa may like the jerky.

By: Max
Sam saw a turkey running away.

The Pilgrim said, “Turkey,

Oh turkey, please stay!”

By: Sam
Cranky is my name,

and Pilgrims are on my


They may be plain but they are

all the same.

By: Virginia
Butter beans and turkey

sound great!

When I get to the Thanksgiving party,

I’ll eat a whole plate.

By William
My blue and red feathered turkey likes

to eat pie and gobble.

He eats so much turkey that he

will wobble, wobble, wobble.

By Wilson

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