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To attract and retain the right type of person in the organization.

To map out career of employees suitable to their ability and their willingness to betrained and
developed for higher positions.

To have a more stable workforce by reducing labour turnover and absenteeism.

It contributes to man power planning as well as organizational development andeffective
achievement of corporate goals.

To increasingly utilize the managerial talent available at all levels within theorganization.

T o i m p r o v e e m p l o y e e m o r a l e a n d
m o t i v a t i o n b y m a t c h i n g s k i l l s t o
j o b r equi r eme nt a nd by pr ovi di ng oppor t uni t i es f or pr omot i on.

It helps employee in thinking of long term involvement with the organisation.

To provide guidance and encourage employees to fulfill their potentials.

To achieve higher productivity and organizational development.

To ensure better use of human resource through more satisfied and productiveemployees.

To meet the immediate and future human resource needs of the organisation on thetimely

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