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How to Text Girls

to Get Dates, Phone Calls and More

Table of Contents
Part 1: Whats Wrong with Texting Today 3
Relying on guesswork 5
Failing women who like you 7
Losing focus on the goal 9

Part 2: 10 Rules of Texting 10

Part 3: Conclusion 17
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Part 1:
Accordlng Lo 2011 daLa from A1&1, roughly 3 bllllon LexL
messages are senL every day ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes alone.
1haL's a 100 lncrease from merely 2 years earller, ln 2009.
1exL messages have become an ever greaLer parL of our
communlcauon - parucularly beLween slngle men and

8uL we have Lo ask: does Lexung work for gemng daLes?
Whats Wrong with Texting Today
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We're all looklng for ways Lo more emclenLly and eecuvely communlcaLe
wlLh Lhe people we llke and wanL Lo geL Lo know beuer. 1he greaL advanLage
of LexL messaglng has been LhaL lL enables lndlvlduals Lo communlcaLe ln
shorL snlppeLs LhaL leL Lhe reclplenL respond when she has a chance lnsLead
of havlng Lo declde ln Lhe momenL wheLher Lo respond or noL, as she would
wlLh a phone call. 8uL desplLe LexL messaglng's ublqulLy and famlllarlLy, mosL
men sull haven'L gured ouL how Lo use lL Lo geL daLes.
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ln facL, ouL of all Lhe emalls, messages, and
commenLs we recelve aL ClrlsChase.com, guys
wannng to know what to text next to a g|r| or
how to |nterpret a g|r|'s texnng behav|or
rema|n some of the most frequent requests.
1exung remalns a mysLerlous and poorly
undersLood medlum for communlcaung
beLween Lhe sexes.
Relying on guesswork
Guess|ng doesn't get you dates.

Culck - whaL's your process for gemng daLes vla LexL
message? lf you're llke Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of guys ouL Lhere,
your answer ls Lhls: "I don't have one."

know anyone who guesses Lhelr way Lo success regularly wlLh
ooytbloq? So why do so many men keep Lrylng Lo guess wlLh
someLhlng as lmporLanL as gemng daLes wlLh Lhe glrls Lhey
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Guess|ng frequent|y |eads to beanng around the bush

Cuys Lexung glrls Lhey llke frequenLly resorL Lo Lrylng Lo be lnLeresung, sound
cool, be funny, or - even worse - bulld a connecuon wlLh a glrl over LexL
message before asklng her ouL. A connecuon bullL over LexL! Sounds preuy
sllly when you puL lL LhaL way, doesn'L lL? 8uL guys keep dolng lL. WhaL
happens? 1he glrl knows Lhey're beaung around Lhe bush and lL's a Lurno.
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Most guys cause the|r own frustranon.

?ou'll nd mosL guys come ln 1 of 2 sLyles:

1oo safe (beaung around Lhe bush), or
1oo forward (lemng lL all hang ouL)
And lf sLyles don'L work. Lhey keep uslng Lhem anyway!
Failing women who like you
lmaglne for a second LhaL you're noL you,
buL raLher a glrl LhaL you llke. And you meeL
some guy, and Lhlnk he's cuLe, and you
hope he's cool. and LhaL he'll ask you ouL.

1hen he sLarLs Lexung you funny Lhlngs
abouL hls day. and Lrylng Lo be clever. and
sendlng you loLs of long gemng-Lo-know-
you sLyle LexLs. And Lhls goes on. and on.
and on. Pe doesn'L ask you ouL. he [usL.
keeps. 1\1lNC.

Sn|| hop|ng he'|| ask you out?
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8eanng around the bush destroys g|r|s' panence. and the|r |nterest |n CU.

no glrl wanLs Lo walL forever for some guy Lo pull Lhe Lrlgger. And very few
glrls wlll walL forever - mosL of Lhe ume, you're noL Lhe only guy who's
Lexung her. And lf you're noL gemng down Lo buslness wlLh her, Lhere's a
good chance someone else a llule more. mouvaLed, perhaps. wlll.

8e|ng too forward can be a k|ss of death though, too.

WheLher LhaL's Loo forward as ln, l really llke you," or Loo forward as ln,
Pere, Lake a look aL Lhls plcLure of my mem ," lemng lL all hang ouL ls nC1
an eecuve Lexung sLraLegy, unless you're overpowerlngly auracuve and
she's already dylng Lo see you. And even lf she ls, she'd probably sull llke a
llule lnLrlgue Lo keep her guesslng. no need Lo dlsappolnL her by holdlng up a
glarlng slgn LhaL says, PL?, l 8LALL? LlkL ?Cu! ?Cu lLLL 1PL SAML?"
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Losing focus on the goal
Pow oen have you Laken a glrl's number because you really wanLed Lo:

CeL lnLo hours- or days-long LexL conversauons?
llnally have someone Lo LexL all Lhe deLalls of your day Lo?
llnd a new buddy for comparlng noLes on Lhe laLesL romcom wlLh?
ulscuss Lhe laLesL Lrends ln fashlon - whaL's ln" Lhls season, anyway?
Pave someone Lo complaln Lo abouL your Leacher / boss / LurLle?

robably none of Lhose, rlghL? So why'd you geL her number agaln?

Ch, rlghL - so you cou|d see her aga|n.

8uL lf LhaL's Lhe case, wby Jo so mooy qoys stott Joloq oll tbot otbet sto[
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Part 2:
As wonderful a Lool as Lexung ls, lLs acLual value as a
medlum for connecung people more oen Lhan noL falls
shorL - boLh for Lhe person Lrylng Lo do Lhe connecung, and
Lhe person he's Lrylng Lo connecL wlLh.

undersLandlng Lhe rules of Lexung can help you Lo make
beuer declslons abouL how Lo do your own Lexung - and
boLh creaLe a beuer experlence for Lhe women you meeL,
and a much greaLer chance LhaL you'll see Lhem agaln.
10 Rules of Texting
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10 Rules of Texting
1. Above all else, suck Lo Lhe
2. 8reak Lhe lce fasL
3. uon'L be sllly or crack Loo
many [okes
4. keep Lhlngs brlef
3. uon'L Lake Loo long
6. lf lL feels llke lL's Laklng Loo
long, lL ls
7. uon'L Lell all." !usL don'L
8. uon'L preLend you aren'L
lnLeresLed, elLher
9. CeL her schedule
10. 1ell her whaL Lo do (lL's easy)
10 Rules of Texting
MosL guys Loday have never boLhered Lo geL down Lhe baslc fundamenLal rules of Lexung.
1hey (and Lhe women Lhey LexL) Lhen suer for Lhls. We Lhlnk LhaL's Lerrlble. up nexL, we're
golng Lo go Lhrough (and explaln) each of Lhe 10 8ules of 1exung.
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1. Snck to the po|nt
Cne of Lhe reasons Lexung wotks ls because lL's a shorL, dlrecL, and emclenL means of
communlcauon. !usL llke you feel annoyed every ume you geL a polnLless-feellng LexL
(Why ls Lhls person Lexung me Lhls?"), glrls do Loo. Suck Lo Lhe polnL - and Lhe polnL,
wlLh Lexung, ls LhaL Lhe Lwo of you should meeL.
2. 8reak the |ce fast
Lver geL a rsL LexL or phone call from someone you meL ages ago? lelL welrd, rlghL?
uon'L puL glrls ln LhaL slLuauon - a slmple, Panna, greaL meeung you Loday! - Mark,"
a few hours aer meeung her wlll do. Ch, and don'L forgeL your name - [usL ln case
sbe does!
3. Don't be s|||y or crack too many [okes
A loL of guys hear Lhe well-known facL LhaL women llke a guy wlLh a sense of humor and
Lake LhaL LhoughL Lo lLs seemlngly loglcal concluslon - lf glrls llke guys wlLh a sense of
humor, Lhen [usL walL unul Lhey geL a load of my ralnbow wlg and 8ozo nose - Lhey'll
love ML!" 8uL whaL people actua||y mean when Lhey say women llke a guy wlLh a sense
of humor ls LhaL Lhey love a guy who makes casual, wluy, eorLless remarks - oot a guy
who's a laugh-a-mlnuLe and comes across llke he's playlng Lhe role of enLerLalner. So go
easy on Lhe laughs, Chuckles. lL's acLually beuer cracklng oo [okes Lhan Loo many.
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4. keep th|ngs br|ef
Pave you ever gouen one of Lhose really long LexL
messages people someumes send, looked aL lL,
and sllenLly LhoughL Lo yourself, wby?

uon'L do LhaL Lo glrls - don't be a burden.
lnsLead, keep LexLs shorL, brlef, and easy Lo reply
Lo - or noL. Llke:

neoJloq to tbe cof oo Molo oeot yoo. let me
koow lf yoote otoooJ ooJ Jowo to qtob o teo.
S. Don't take too |ong
8y Lake Loo long," whaL l don'L mean ls you [usL spenL 20 mlnuLes carefully cralng Lhe
perfecL LexL. lL's debaLable wheLher LhaL's a good use of your ume, 8u1 she doesn'L
know so lL won'L hurL you. 8aLher, whaL l mean ls, don't spend weeks texnng back and
forth before you ask her out. lf you walL LhaL long, you'll have bullL lL up lnLo a much
blgger deal Lhan lL should be. and lf you walL LhaL long, you'd beuer have one heck of
an lmpresslve plLch Lo geL her Lo go ouL. Instead, [ust casua||y ask her out hrst th|ng
aher gemng her number. Lasy. Much easler Lhan Lrylng Lo gure ouL how Lo do lL
weeks laLer.
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6. If |t fee|s ||ke |t's tak|ng too |ong, |t |s
Lver sLarL gemng LhaL feellng LhaL Lhlngs have been dragglng on Loo long and you
sboolJ do someLhlng. or should've done someLhlng ages ago? Well guess whaL - lf
you're feellng LhaL way, she probably ls Loo. Cr worse - lL's already Loo laLe. Learn Lo
llsLen Lo Lhls feellng: lL'll save you a loL of wasLed ume (and wasLed phone numbers).
7. Don't "te|| a||." Iust don't
?ou know whaL l mean: cosey. look. l llke yoo o lot. l Joot
koow lf yoo feel tbe some woy, bot l teolly cote oboot yoo. l jost
boJ to tell yoo tbot.

llrsL o, Lhere are a number of Lhlngs tecbolcolly wrong wlLh
dolng an emouon dump on a woman vla LexL. lor lnsLance,
you're eecuvely communlcaung Lo her: Ckay, l Lold you l llked
you. now ?Cu do everyLhlng!" ln an arena (daung) where
women are walung for MLn Lo Lake Lhe lead. 8uL besldes LhaL,
Lhls [usL drlps of noL really knowlng much abouL her (oLherwlse
you wouldn'L need Lo ask) and pushes a glrl away.

no mauer how Lempung lL may be Lo geL lL o your chesL,"
don'L do Lhls one. 1rusL me here, you'll Lhank me laLer.
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8. Don't pretend you aren't |nterested, e|ther
Why? Slmple: lf you AC1 llke you [usL wanL Lo be a glrl's frlend,
she's golng Lo 18LA1 you llke you're [usL a frlend, 1Plnk of you
llke [usL a frlend, and meanume she'll be ouL daung guys who
dldn'L hlde Lhelr lnLeresL. 1hlnk she's golng Lo reallze whaL a
greaL guy you are? Cuys always Lhlnk Lhls, and always end up
dlsappolnLed. Lven lf she asks you whaL you're aer or wheLher
you llke her, don'L say no - lnsLead, bulld lnLrlgue, llke:

Ask me tbe oext ume we booq oot. lm sull mokloq op my
9. Get her schedu|e
WhaL happens lf you LexL her, ney, ote yoo ftee 5ototJoy? and Lhe answer's no"?
5be lostootly becomes o lot less llkely to evet oqtee to meet op wltb yoo oqolo (lL's a
psychologlcal Lhlng - precedence, eecuvely), and you're now chaslng aer her and
scrambllng Lo nd a daLe she's open. lnsLead, LexL her Lhls:

Aoole, wbots yoot scbeJole llke tbls week? lets qtob o blte befote tbe weekeoJ.

10. 1e|| her what to do (|t's easy)
Many men wlll Lry Lo leave lL up Lo Lhe glrl Lo plck whaL Lo do - Ckay, l'll [usL leL her
declde, Lhen she can plck someLhlng she llkes and she'll be more llkely Lo wanL Lo go,"
Lhey Lhlnk. 1ruLh? Most women have no |dea what they want to do on a date. Women
look Lo men Lo lead here - so once you know when she's free, plck a ume, plck a place,
Lell her Lo meeL you Lhere aL LhaL ume, and ask her lf LhaL sounds good. Lasy, rlghL?
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Texting that actually works
1oo commonly guys puL a loL of pressure on Lhemselves Lo make Lhelr LexL
conversauons perfecL." 1hey wanL Lo have enough wlL, be lmpresslve enough, and
geL a real conversauon golng over LexL. 1hls mlsses Lhe facL LhaL LexL ls a far pootet
medlum for dolng ooy of Lhls Lhan belng llve and ln-person - or Lhan even a slmple
phone call. Pere's Lhe mosL eecuve way you can come Lo vlew LexL messaglng: as a
danng-p|ann|ng too|. use lL for handllng your loglsucs - noLhlng more.

noL every glrl whose number you geL wlll meeL up wlLh you, of course - buL LrusL me,
lf she lsn'L open Lo Lhe ldea of meeung up wlLh you rlghL aer you Lrade phone
numbers, she lsn'L golng Lo be any more open Lo meeung up wlLh you weeks or
monLhs down Lhe road, elLher. So go for Lhe meeL fasL - you'll save yourself (and her)
a loL of ume, a loL of hassle, and a loL of hearLache.
A8Cu1 1PL Au1PC8
!"#$% '(#)*% ls tbe foooJet ooJ
pteslJeot of Cltls cbose, o toplJly-
qtowloq (ooJ mllJly coottovetslol)
meos Jouoq oJvlce compooy
boseJ lo 5ootbeto collfotolo.

oo coo coooect wltb cbose ot.
Girls Chases Alternative to
Traditional Dating Advice
(CLherwlse known as SLu LhaL geLs Lhe [ob done")
lerrls 8ueller
CompleLed Clrls Chase programs on hls day o
(Sull has some homework Lo do, Lhough)
1. uownloaded programs
2. uld homework & asslgnmenLs
Pow our sLu's dlerenL:
usable, pracucal lnformauon
LhaL glves you whaL you need
Lo geL resulLs, and noLhlng
you don'L

no llnes, games, or rouunes -
[usL easy-Lo-follow
lnsLrucuons you can maLch Lo
your own sLyle

SLarL where you need Lo sLarL
- beglnner, lnLermedlaLe, or
7 days laLer
MeL Sloane
llrsL daLe - goes greaL
LLAkN MCkL abouL gemng Mastery ln daung

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