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T! ULTIM"T! #UI$! T%
Andi Bartn, Bu&& Builder Manager
!ara Fried"an, 'P o( !ducation
#ate $an Gelden, )trateg* $irector
#atie #ear%e&, "ccount Manager
Brian M'rra&, $irector o( Talent
D(ara Naik, )trateg* $irector
Mallrie R%enbl't(, 'P +lient ,elations
Ale)andra S*i+ne%i, +ommunit* Manager
!arrie T&la,%k&, +lient ,elations Manager
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)to- Making t.is %ne Mistake on T/itter
T.e Be(ore0 $uring and "(ter o( a T/itter +.at
1 T/itter +.ats You ).ouldn2t Miss
1 3uick Ti-s (or ,e4Pinning )uccess
T.ree 5a*s Brands +an %-timi&e T.eir Pinterest Presence
Po/er to t.e Pinners
" Likeable Lesson (rom @Instagram
6ick Your Instagram Back Into #ear7
#et to 6no/ Your Instagram Metrics: 1 6e* Features o( )tatigram
o/ to: Make " 'iral 'ideo
5.* 'alue Trum-s 'iral
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B&1 Mallorie ,osenblut.
Published: June 27, 2011
I( I .ad to c.oose m* (a8orite social net/ork0 I /ould go /it. T/itter. I9m not sure /.en I
:oined t.e ;<= c.aracter cre/0 but I abandoned m* die4.ard lo8e o( Facebook0 re-laced
it /it. T/itter and .a8en9t (ound a net/ork t.at ke-t m* attention >and a((ection? enoug.
to re-lace T/itter as m* @; site.
But like an* relations.i-0 *ou need to (ind ne/ and eAciting /a*s to kee- *our interest
and kee- t.ings eAciting. !nter: T/itter c.ats. I( *ou .a8en9t taken -art in a T/itter c.at
be(ore0 t.e s.ort descri-tion is t.is: T/itter users gat.er toget.er to ans/er Buestions
and gi8e o-inions on certain to-ics and categories. Users (ollo/ t.e c.at b* .as.tag0 b*
moderator re4t/eeting comments and Buestions0 and usuall* /it. t.e aid o( a great c.at
tool >m* (a8orite is T/eet+.at?. T.ere are do&ens u-on do&ens o( c.ats out t.ere0 so I
t.oug.t I /ould make it a little easier (or *ou to get on *our c.at game /it. 1 T/itter
c.ats *ou s.ouldn9t miss.
!(at Title1 @cmgrc.at Da& 2 Ti"e1 5ednesda*s0 C-m !T
W(at3% !$ered1 T.e +ommunit* Manager is more t.an :ust a :ob titleD it9s also a
gro/ing T/itter c.at. T.e c.at /as started in )e-tember o( C=;= b* Eenn Pedde and
6ell* LuA /it. t.e goal o( creating a communit* and con8ersation (or -eo-le /orking in
social media. T.is c.at is an amazing resource /.et.er *our :ob title is +ommunit*
Manager0 +M% or college student. Learn (rom industr* -eers about .o/ to .andle t.e
c.allenges and da*4to4da* tasks o( managing communities in t.e social s-ace.
!(at Title1 @uF=-ro Da& 2 Ti"e1 T.ursda*s0 G-m !T
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W(at3% !$ered1 uF=-ro is a T/itter c.at .osted b* t.e (olks o8er at uF=-ro0 described
as a Hcommunit* (or t.e ambitious *oung -ro(essionalI. T.is T/itter c.at0 started b*
$a8id )-inks and Lauren Fernande& C ;/C *ears ago0 .as gro/n into a communit* t.at
no/ includes a /eekl* digest0 -o-ular blog and con8ersation4-acked Facebook grou-.
T.is c.at co8ers all t.e Buestions and struggles *oung -ro(essionals (ace in t.eir
careers J (rom getting (ired to /.at is a--ro-riate to /ear in t.e /ork-lace. T.is c.at is
a can9t miss0 /.et.er or not *ou9re under F=.
!(at Title1 @blogc.at Da& 2 Ti"e1 )unda*s0 K-m !T
W(at3% !$ered1 a8e a blogL 5ant to start a blogL ,ead a blogL T.en t.is is t.e c.at
(or *ou. Mack +ollier started u- t.is )unda* nig.t c.at a little o8er t/o *ears ago and it
Buickl* became one o( t.e most -o-ular c.ats on t.e site. !ac. /eek .undreds o(
t/eeters discuss blog best -ractices. )eem broadL It is0 but t.at9s /.at makes it so
great. T.is c.at looks at e8er*t.ing (rom .o/ to design *our blog0 to .o/ to -romote
*our blog0 to /.o s.ould be /riting *our com-an* blog. 5.et.er *ou blog (or a -ersonal
or -ro(essional site0 or *ou9re :ust interested in t.e /orld o( blogging0 *ou s.ould tune in
to t.is c.at.
!(at Title1 @mmc.at Da& 2 Ti"e1 Monda*s0 G-m
W(at3% !$ered1 " c.at (or marketers7 T.is c.at0 (ounded almost a *ear ago b* Ee((
"s.cro(t and T.e )ocial +M% is the c.at (or marketers in t.e s-ace and looks at .o/
marketers >traditional or ot.er? can and s.ould be using social media /it.in t.eir
com-anies. M* (a8orite -art o( t.is c.atL T.e /a* it combines issues t.at all +M%s and
marketing eAecs (ace but /it. an em-.asis on ne/ media >including social and ot.er
digital tec.nologies?. T.e c.at looks at emerging trends and c.allenges and (eatures a
guest c.atter eac. /eek.
!(at Title1 @smmanners Da& 2 Ti"e1 Tuesda*s0 ;=-m !T
W(at3% !$ered1 Likeable +!% $a8e 6er-en o(ten describes social media as t.e /ild0
/ild /est. "nd .e9s rig.t. Because t.e s-ace is still so ne/0 *ou o(ten (ind -eo-le /.o
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aren9t doing it rig.t and are0 in (act0 doing it all /rong. @smmanners >social media
manners? takes a look at di((erent to-ics related to social media and .o/ *ou can
le8erage trends and -ractices in t.e best -ossible /a*. Founder $abne* Porte co8ers
e8er*t.ing (rom .as.tag use to grou- etiBuette. It9s a great c.at on an o(ten o8erlooked0
but extremely -o-ular social media to-ic.
BONUS4 !(at Title1 @Likeable+.at Da& 2 Ti"e1 )unda*s/ ;=-m !T
W(at3% !$ered1 %ur Likeable Media team0 led b* moderator >and resident Marketing
%-erations Manager? Mic.ele 5eisman0 is :ust F /eeks old. T.e )unda* nig.t c.at
does a dee- di8e into Likeable Media9s core 8alues o( Passion0 T.oug.t Leaders.i-0
Trans-arenc*0 $ri8e and being Likeable. T.e c.at also looks at -eo-le and brands
doing social media rig.t as /ell as trends in t.e industr*.
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YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
B& Brian Murra*
Published: February 13, 2012
T/itter is a/esome. You are gi8en ;<= c.aracters to s.are in(ormation about *oursel(0
links to /.at *ou are reading0 and e8en t/eet to *our .ero .o-ing (or a re-l*. T/itter .as
made t.e /orld smaller. In(ormation (lies around like no ot.er medium in t.e course o(
.uman .istor*. In its basic (orm0 T/itter is -rett* sim-le. o/e8er0 t.ere is one mistake I
.a8e seen b* a 8ariet* o( brands and e8en more b* -eo-le. T/itter users do not
understand t.e correct use o( t.e @ s*mbol.
Di55eren6e bet,een a 7Re*l& and a 7Mentin
)ome Buick de(initions and (urt.er eA-lanation belo/:
@Reply: " -ublic t/eet /.ere t.e target -erson recei8es a noti(ication about t.e t/eet.
It starts /it. t.e @ s*mbol. It does not s.o/ u- in t.e timeline o( all (ollo/ers.
@enti!n: " -ublic t/eet /.ere t.e -erson /.o is mentioned recei8es a noti(ication. It
also s.o/s u- in t.e timeline o( e8er*one /.o (ollo/s t.e t/eeter. It does M%T start
/it. @ but starts /it. an*t.ing else.
T(e S6enari
You98e /ritten a great -ost0 read an article about *our (a8orite brand0 or attended an
e8ent. In *our eAcitement to t/eet0 *ou -ost: @LikeableMedia .osted a great e8ent
toda*7 I learned so muc. (rom e8er*one7 You s.ould all (ollo/ t.em777
5.en *ou begin a T/eet /it. t.e @ s*mbol0 t.e onl* -erson /.o /ill be noti(ied about
t.e t/eet is t.e target. Furt.ermore0 t.e onl* -eo-le /.o /ill see t.e t/eet in .is or .er
timeline are -eo-le /.o (ollo/ bot. *ou "M$ @LikeableMedia. It /ill be 8isible in *our
-ersonal timeline i( someone goes to *our -ro(ile but it /ill Buickl* be lost in all o( *our
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ot.er acti8it*7
W(& de% t(i% "atter8
I( *ou are .ard at /ork de8elo-ing content or tr*ing to c.ange t.e /orld in a single
t/eet0 t.e -eo-le /.o see *our t/eet is :ust as im-ortant as t.e message7 5ould *ou
send a single email to tell t.e /orld t.at *ou :ust (igured out .o/ /e can ac.ie8e 5orld
PeaceL " t/eet t.at *ou -ainstakingl* cra(t /ould be lost i( *ou start it /it. t.e @
T(e Te%t
Take a look at t.ese and t.ink to *oursel(0 /.o /ould see t.emL
1" #$eet %r!m @&#urr: 9@%ttogrl H*e &' (a$e an a"a:in+ birt(da&4;
T.is t/eet /ould onl* be seen b* t.ose (ollo/ing bot. @BTMurr and @%ttogrl
2" #$eet %r!m @'tt!grl: 9T(ank &' % "'6( @BTMurr 5r t(e birt(da& ,i%(e%4;
"n*one /.o (ollo/s @%ttogrl /ould see t.is t/eet.
3" #$eet %r!m @()P*: 9@ELinN de% it a+ain4 Lead% t(e @MY6nicks t ant(er
%nl* t.ose /.o (ollo/ bot. @!)PM and @ELinN can see t.is t/eet.
+" #$eet %r!m @ashable: 9!(e6k 't t(i% *%t b& @$a8e6er-en ab't
7LikeableMedia .tt-://on.mas..to//;OLTm;
T.is t/eet can be seen b* an*one /.o (ollo/s @mas.able.
#ot itL
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T, Fi)e%
<- I( *ou must start /it. a T/itter .andle at t.e beginning o( a t/eet0 add somet.ing in
(ront o( it. I98e seen man* brands and users using a -eriod at t.e beginning to t.e
e((ect o(: 9-@BTMurr ,rte t(i% *%t b't I alread& kne, ab't t(i%, d &'8
=LIN#>; Personall*0 I don9t -re(er t.is met.od as I t.ink it looks strange. I /ould
suggest using number C.
?- I( *ou are t.inking:
9-@Frank,amblings (a$e &' read t(e late%t ab't @Instagram8
.tt-://on.mas..to/":d:&Y ;
$o t.is:
9@'%t read t(i% +reat *%t ab't @Instagram .tt-://on.mas..to/":d:&Y A W(at
are &'r t('+(t% @Frank,amblings8;
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B& Brian Murra*
Publis.ed: Marc. CP0 C=;C
I am a sel(4-roclaimed T/itter e8angelist. I98e used Facebook since C==<0 but m* true lo8e
is T/itter. I lo8e t.e s.ort0 concise0 and .ig.l* mobile ser8ice more t.an an* ot.er
-lat(orm. T.e limitation to ;<= c.aracters -er -ost is /.at makes it beauti(ul. T.is
limitation .as caused t.e (ormation o( a ne/ language0 and certain H(eaturesI .a8e been
created b* t.e user to make t.e -lat(orm easier to use. %ne o( T/itter9s most im-ortant
(eatures0 /.ic. .as no/ taken on a li(e o( its o/n0 is t.e @.as.tag. T.e @.as.tag .as
-ermeated our li8es: so muc. so t.at I98e seen it in teAt messages0 emails0 and on
Facebook. "lt.oug. I98e seen .as.tags e8er*/.ere0 I98e (ound t.at man* -eo-le :ust
don9t understand .o/ to use t.em.
De5initin 5 CHa%(ta+
" @.as.tag is meant to label a t/eet so it is easil* searc.able. T.e .as.tag is meant to
(acilitate and encourage con8ersation. T.ere are also a 8ariet* o( -lat(orms t.at su--ort
.as.tags. In (act0 .as.tags .a8e gro/n in -o-ularit* as T/itter .as gro/n o8er t.e
Be%t Pra6ti6e% 5r Sa5e CHa%(ta++in+
as.tags dominate t.e T/itters-.ere and .a8e e8en made t.eir /a* onto #oogleQ.
T.e* can encourage -eo-le to discuss a sub:ect0 but t.e* can also be detrimental to
*our cause. I( *ou9re not using *our .as.tags correctl*0 t.e* can gro/ out o( no/.ere
and sometimes a--ear to be nonsensical. )o .ere are some Buick ti-s to make sure
t.at *ou9re using *our .as.tags -ro-erl*:
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1" )h!rt hashtags $!r, best"
@ILo8eYourPi&&a"nd5antTo!atIt"llT.eTime is not somet.ing t.at s.ould be used. al(
o( *ou -robabl* couldn9t read4 or didn9t bot.er reading4 t.at0 because it isn9t (riendl* to
t.e e*e. Peo-le do not like s*mbolsD t.e* like /ords. )o use .as.tags s-aringl*.
2" a,e them rele-ant"
5.en /e started @Likeable+.at <= /eeks ago0 /e t.oug.t about creating a .as.tag
t.at /ould catc. t.e e*e0 gi8e -eo-le somet.ing to t.ink about0 and brand our c.at.
5.at is @Likeable+.atL 5e talk about t.e core 8alues o( @LikeableMedia and .o/
t.e* relate to s-eci(ic to-ics.
3" .!n/t )P0"
5it. t.e ad8ent o( T/itter Trends and t.e -roli(eration o( .as.tags0 -eo-le .a8e started
to use t.em to s-am /.ile .ocking t.eir /ares. $on9t do t.is. "l/a*s tr* to -ro8ide
8alue b* (inding creati8e /a*s to relate eAisting .as.tags to *our brand.
+" Pr!m!te them"
I( *ou re-resent a -.*sical location0 a con(erence0 or a ser8ice0 t.en *ou s.ould
-rominentl* -lace *our .as.tags4 make t.em e*e4catc.ing7 I( it is a /ebsite0 -ut it
abo8e t.e (old. I( *ou .a8e a cas. register0 -ut it t.ere0 or -ut it u- on *our door. T.en0
/.en *ou see someone use it0 engage7 T.e best eAam-le o( t.is I .a8e e8er seen
comes (rom t.e @Me/York,edBulls and t.eir -romotion o( @)tam-ede in stadium0 as
/ell as on all o( t.eir ot.er assets.
1" #hin, !% the br!ad audien2e"
$on9t make u- a .as.tag t.at is .ig.l* -ersonali&ed and eA-ect -eo-le to get it. I98e
seen .as.tags used b* -eo-le to create inside :okes0 /.ic. is (ine. Eust don9t eA-ect to
get it trending unless it is rele8ant to a .uge set o( users. "l/a*s consider *our
audience in e8er*t.ing t.at *ou do. 5.en creating content0 (igure out /.at t.e* /ant or
need and gi8e it to t.em.
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3" 4se legible %!rmatting"
Use ca-ital letters to make t.em readable. @dontdot.is @$oT.is
T/itter searc. is ama&ing and allo/s -eo-le to (ind ot.ers to engage /it.. B* sim-l*
using t.e H@I *ou immediatel* make t.e .as.tag clickable and it /ill dri8e to t.e T/itter
searc. -age /it. t.at as a result. I( t.is isn9t enoug. (or *ou0 use T/eet+.at to monitor and
engage in real time.
Updated: For more in(ormation on t.is sub:ect see t.e -re8ious blog (rom Tim Bosc.. e
raises t.e reall* great -oint o( not using @too @man* @.as.tags @in @one @T/eet.
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"M"LYRIM# @PIMT!,!)T )U++!))
B& 6atie 6earse*
Published: 0pril 17, 2012
Pinterest is o((iciall* t.e number t.ree social net/ork in t.e U.).0 and an e8er4increasing
number brands are eit.er getting started /it. or are (ine4tuning t.ere strategies and
cam-aigns. " crucial as-ect o( an* t*-ical social media cam-aign is t.e anal*sis0 and a
Pinterest cam-aign is no di((erent. To meet t.ese needs0 a .and(ul o( (ree re-orting
tools .a8e started to emerge. ere9s a list o( t.e to- t.ree tools and a brie( o8er8ie/ o(
/.at t.e* eac. .a8e to o((er.
PinPu(( calculates *our in(luence on Pinterest and -ro8ides *ou /it. *our reac.0 acti8it*
and 8iralit* scores. It also o((ers a detailed breakdo/n o( .o/ eac. o( *our to- C=
boards are doing. PinPu(( calculates t.e 8alue o( *our -ins and re(erral tra((ic in t.ree
/a*s: Pin 5ort. >!com?0 Pin 5ort. >#en?0 and cost -er click. Pin 5ort. >!com? is t.e
/ort. (or a -in /it. a landing -age t.at a user can make a -urc.ase on0 suc. as an
!ts* store. Pin 5ort. >#en? re(ers to t.e /ort. o( a -in /it. a landing -age t.at is a
non4sales -age0 suc. as a /ebsite t.at contains -ictures or Buotes (rom *our (a8orite
T' and mo8ie c.aracters. T.e cost -er click re(ers to t.e measure o( eac. tra((ic re(erral
or out/ard click on *our -in0 or t.e maAimum 8alue.
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Pin,eac.0 (ormerl* kno/n as Pin+lout0 -ro8ides *ou /it. not onl* an o8erall in(luence
score0 but also eas*4to4read c.arts and tables t.at dis-la* *our most -o-ular -ins and
boards. "t a glance0 *ou can learn about *our acti8it*0 including .o/ man* -ins *ou98e
-inned and re4-inned0 .o/ man* -ins *ou98e liked or commented on0 .o/ man* -eo-le
*ou9re (ollo/ing 8s. .o/ man* are (ollo/ing *ou >and /.ic. ones are t.e most
in(luential?0 .o/ man* boards *ou98e created0 and .o/ man* communit* boards *ou
contribute to. You can also learn about t.e Pinterest communit* in general0 gleaning
insig.t (rom t.e users /it. t.e .ig.est reac. and t.e -ins and members /.o are
currentl* trending.
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Pinerl* enables *ou to 8ie/ .o/ e((ecti8e *our -ins are in terms o( clicks0 re4-ins0 likes
and reac.. For eac. -in *ou -in using t.is /ebsite0 *ou9re creating a cam-aign t.at can
be broken do/n and anal*&ed in line /it. t.ese (our metrics. T.is tool is -articularl*
use(ul to determine t.e number o( times -eo-le are actuall* clicking t.roug. to *our link0
a (unction /.ic. most ot.er Pinterest anal*tics ser8ices do not *et o((er. Pinerl* also
suggests -ins to re4-in and users to (ollo/ based on *our boards and interests.
5.ile t.is tool is still in beta testing and reBuires *ou to reBuest an in8ite0 t.e team is
-lanning to eA-and its ser8ices to include e8en more drilled do/n anal*tics0 and also
t.e abilit* to sc.edule *our -ins in ad8ance0 /.ic. /ill make it muc. easier (or brands to
-in at times /.en t.eir (ollo/ers are most acti8e.
Re5erral Tra55i6 Tl%
In addition to t.ese t.ree great tools0 don9t (orget to take ad8antage o( *our old anal*tics
tools stand4b*s0 #oogle "nal*tics and Facebook Insig.ts. Bot. o( t.ese tools enable
*ou to track t.e number o( re(errals *ou9re getting (rom *our -ins to see :ust .o/
e((ecti8e *our Pinterest content strateg* is.
Likeable.com | FB.com/LikeableMedia | @LikeableMedia | Pinterest.com/LikeableMedia
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B& $.ara Maik
Published: 0pril 20, 2012
"s Pinterest .as gro/n in -o-ularit* o8er t.e last (e/ mont.s0 I98e t.oug.t about t.e
net/ork9s abilit* to in(luence -urc.asing be.a8ior. 5omen account (or G1S o( all
consumer -urc.ases and make u- t.e ma:orit* o( Pinterest users in t.e United )tates.
ere are t.ree t.ings t.at /ill ensure t.e social net/ork is a catal*st in dri8ing -urc.ase
considerations (or /omen across t.e countr*.
Pr$ide .al'e
5omen like to s.are ideas and seek o-inions be(ore making a -urc.ase decision.
Pinterest sim-li(ies t.e decision making -rocess b* -ro8iding ins-iration about
e8er*t.ing (rom /edding colors to t.e latest )-ring trends. I( *ou take a look at t.e
-o-ular brands on Pinterest0 eac. board t*-icall* .as a t.eme intended to -ro8ide some
t*-e o( ins-iration or ti-.
Take 5.ole Foods (or instance0 /it. o8er C10=== (ollo/ers0 t.e HFood Ti-s and TricksI
board /as s-eci(icall* designed to s.are eas* met.ods o( cooking or ser8ing a dis..
Mo/ as a -erson /.o likes to make Buick and eas* meals0 t.is board gi8es me di((erent
ideas and allo/s me to bu* di((erent tools t.at I ma* .a8e ne8er t.oug.t o(.
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5it. /edding season in (ull s/ing0 Mordstrom -ro8ides ideas (or /edding go/ns0
bridesmaids9 dresses and matc.ing accessories0 all o( /.ic. are in4season (or C=;C.
Pinterest .as become a -o-ular tool (or /edding -lanning0 and /.at better /a* to
le8erage t.e -urc.asing -o/er o( /omen t.an to s.are /ardrobe ideas (or a dream
I( *our brand is on Pinterest0 take a look at *our boards and see /.at t*-e o( 8alue t.e*
-ro8ide to *our (emale audience.
Add Ite"% t t(e Gi5t% Men'
Pinterest .as an accessible gi(ts dro- do/n menu on t.eir .ome-age. 5it.in eac. -rice
range0 t.ere are tons o( items and an*t.ing t.at .as a -rice listed in t.e descri-tion o( a
-in is added to t.e gi(t menu. Because /omen s-end so muc. time on Pinterest0 take
ad8antage o( t.e gi(ts menu and add -rices to *our most -o-ular or best selling items
so t.e* are eas* to see.
5.at9s great about t.e gi(t menu is consumers can easil* see .o/ man* re-ins and
comments a -articular -roduct .as. T.ese instant re8ie/s make it easier to bu* a gi(t or
:ust make a -urc.ase in general.
5it. Mot.er9s $a* and #raduation season coming u- soon0 t.e gi(t ideas are sure to
dri8e not onl* tra((ic0 but sales to *our /ebsite (rom Pinterest.
Likeable.com | FB.com/LikeableMedia | @LikeableMedia | Pinterest.com/LikeableMedia
YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
O*ti"i:e ,it( #e&,rd%
Most Pinterest users are creating boards based on t.eir interests and .obbies0 but
man* users create boards to .el- /it. a -ro:ect or u-coming e8ent >i.e. J /eddings?
and searc. (or t.ings to -in to t.eir boards. In essence0 users are creating re(erence
boards t.e* can kee- in one -lace. To make t.e most out o( t.e searc. (ield on
Pinterest0 it9s im-ortant to o-timi&e t.e descri-tions (or eac. o( *our -ins. 5.en users
searc. (or a s-eci(ic item like bridesmaids9 dresses or -ink s.oes0 *our -ins /ill be (ront
and center. )o t.ink like *our customer and create ric. ke*/ord descri-tions to make
sure *our brand is -rominent.
Likeable.com | FB.com/LikeableMedia | @LikeableMedia | Pinterest.com/LikeableMedia
YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
B& +arrie T*la/sk*
Published: June 27, 2012
Pinterest J it9s t.e bu&&/ord (or e8er*one looking to de8elo- a social strateg*0 but it9s
still suc. a ne/ net/ork t.at it can be .ard to (ind eAam-les o( a--licable brand use.
T.e ,%I .as been clear (rom t.e start J dri8es .uge /ebsite re(erral tra((ic0 boosts
a/areness around a brand0 and gi8es brands t.e o--ortunit* to s.are -.otos and
in(ogra-.ics /it.out o8ersaturating t.e communit*. o/e8er0 e8en /it. all o( t.is0 it can
be daunting to launc. onto t.e ne/ -lat(orm and understand .o/ to get t.at ,%I. ere
are t.ree Buick ti-s to get t.e most out o( *our Pinterest -resence7
Ori+inal Pin%
%riginal -ins are /.ere t.e ma:orit* o( /ebsite re(erral tra((ic comes (rom. I( *ou
incor-orate t.e Pin button on *our /ebsite or -in ne/ -.otos /it. *our /ebsite as t.e
domain o( origin0 an*one clicking t.at -.oto /ill be sent /.ere *ou /ant t.em to go.
T.is is es-eciall* crucial (or an*one /it. an e4commerce -lat(orm or call to action on
t.eir /ebsite to enable real results directl* (rom Pinterest.
S(are ,it( &'r net,rk
Pinterest is a great -lat(orm0 but it can be .ard to (ind t.e (ans on Pinterest t.at *ou
.a8e (rom Facebook0 T/itter0 or ot.er social net/orks. T.e easiest /a* to gain a
(ollo/ingL ).are /it. -eo-le /.o alread* lo8e *ou7 5.en *ou (ind somet.ing
Likeable.com | FB.com/LikeableMedia | @LikeableMedia | Pinterest.com/LikeableMedia
YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
interesting on Pinterset0 or -in somet.ing original0 make sure *ou c.eck t.ose T/itter
and Facebook boAes so t.at e8er*one can kno/ t.at *ou9re acti8e and t.en t.e*9ll
(ollo/ *our boards. 5ord o( ad8ice: i( *ou9re -inning more t.an once a da*0 onl* s.are
8ia T/itter0 not Facebook. T.e Facebook ne/s(eed can easil* get cluttered and a brand
t.at -osts too muc. becomes an anno*ance rat.er t.an a 8alue.
!ate+r& 2 De%6ri*tin
T.is is one o( t.e easiest elements o( Pinterest0 but one t.at is o(ten o8erlooked. %n
Pinterset0 users can 8ie/ -ins eit.er 8ia H!8er*t.ingI0 /.ic. -ulls in all -ins0 or t.e* can
sort b* +ategor*. T.ese categories include ome $Tcor0 umor0 Tec.nolog*0 Tra8el U
Places0 etc. >FC altoget.er?. B* categori&ing *our boards0 *ou not onl* are more easil*
(ound /it.in t.ese categories0 but *ou also are com-eting (or attention (rom a muc.
smaller and more (ocused grou- o( users. +.oose *our categor* /it. care and make
sure *ou .a8e boards in eac. (or maAimum results7
Likeable.com | FB.com/LikeableMedia | @LikeableMedia | Pinterest.com/LikeableMedia
YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
B& #ate $an Gelden
Published: July 10, 2012
For t.e -ast (e/ *ears0 marketers .a8e .eard -eo-le ask t.em again and again Vo/
do I make t.is go 8iralL9 and latel* t.at con8ersation .as s.i(ted (rom -eo-le talking
about 8ideos on YouTube0 to talking about content on Pinterest. Brands are 8*ing to
increase (ollo/ers and dri8e tra((ic to t.eir ot.er /eb -ro-erties b* getting t.eir images
on Pinterest re4-inned. )o /.at makes somet.ing V-innable9L ere are a (e/ ti-s:
<- !n%ider 6r**in+
Pinerl* re-orts t.at 8erticall* longer images /ork better >t.ink in(ogra-.ics7?.
?- #ee* it %i"*le
T.e most com-elling images are sim-le0 o(ten /it. a /.ite background0 and are easil*
G- Add te)t Hb't I'%t a little bit4J
B* teAt on to- o( t.e eAact same (ood image -osted /it.out title teAt0 Pinerl* re-orts
seeing a C.CA J <.1A increase in re4-ins and clicks.
K- Pin ,it( t(e Sea%n
)easonal -ins get .ig.4engagementD -lan *our -ins in ad8ance and sc.edule
accordingl* to gi8e *our (ollo/ers timel*0 rele8ant content to re4-in.
/- Pa& attentin t ae%t(eti6
Mart.a )te/art is t.e Pt. most -inned site on Pinterest0 (ollo/ing ma:or online -la*ers
like #oogle0 Flickr0 and T/itter J likel* because t.e site -.otogra-.s and images .a8e
aest.eticall* -leasing colors and la*outs. ,emember0 against t.e neutral Pinterest
das.board0 a -.otogra-. /it. a brig.t0 color(ul sub:ect /ill ca-ture attention
Likeable.com | FB.com/LikeableMedia | @LikeableMedia | Pinterest.com/LikeableMedia
YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
Likeable.com | FB.com/LikeableMedia | @LikeableMedia | Pinterest.com/LikeableMedia
YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
B& "ndi Barton
Published: January 30, 2012
I t.ink /e all can agree on t.e (act t.at Pinterest .as ca-tured t.e -.oto s.aring
(ascination o( social media users around t.e /orld. o/e8er *ou s.ouldn2t (orget about
Instagram7 I recentl* .a8e noticed an in(luA o( ne/ Instagram users (rom a -ersonal
I98e noticed a lack o( brands t.at are also getting back on board. I( *ou9re a brand and at
a loss (or .o/ an Instagram strateg* could a--l* to *our business4 *ou9re not alone7
"s *ou de8elo- *our social media strateg*0 it9s im-ortant to -rioriti&e *our net/orks
based on .o/ to most e((ecti8el* reac. *our target (ans. Instagram is a location t.at *ou
can easil* im-lement multi-le means o( engagement7 T.e t*-e o( users on t.is a-- is a
.uge net/ork o( 8isual and creati8e smart -.ones t.at *ou can ta- into. Your Instagram
does not need to strictl* ser8e one -ur-ose. Take t.e time to learn /.at t*-es o(
(ollo/ers *ou98e acBuired on t.is -articular net/ork0 and tailor *our strateg* based on
t.eir interests7
+.eck out a (e/ ideas (or di((erent /a*s to incor-orate Instagram into *our social media
Get in$l$ed in ,(at3% trendin+
).o/ t.at *our brand is in8ol8ed and in(ormed on t.e e8ents and .a--enings going on
t.at interest *our demogra-.ic o( (ollo/ers. Instagram -.otos o( e8ents0 ne/s0 (un (acts0
trending to-ics etc. t.at *our (ollo/ers are most likel* a/are o(4 and t.en use it to *our
Likeable.com | FB.com/LikeableMedia | @LikeableMedia | Pinterest.com/LikeableMedia
YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
ad8antage and make it engaging7 For eAam-le0 I belie8e !7 is a great cultural eAam-le
o( a cor-oration le8eraging Instagram. T.e* -ost -.otos kee-ing u- /it. t.e -articular
e8ents as t.e* .a--en0 -.otos o( celebrities to s-read t.e /ord o( breaking ne/s
rele8ant to t.ese stars.
T.eir Instagram acts as an in(ormati8e 8isual blog. "lmost e8er* -.oto t.e* -osted last
nig.t t.roug.out t.e )"# "/ards made it to Instagram9s -o-ular -age.
#oing o(( t.at0 anot.er success(ul eAam-le I obser8ed /as #ood Morning "merica4 /.o
used t.e )"# a/ards last nig.t to t.eir ad8antage to grab t.e attention o( t.eir
(ollo/ers. T.e* -osted an image (rom t.e a/ards /it. an engaging ca-tion. 6no/ *our
demogra-.ic o( (ollo/ers on Instagram and get in8ol8ed /.at9s trending and im-ortant
in t.eir li8es.
S(,6a%e &'r 6'lt're
)uccess(ul Instagram4ers like President %bama9s cam-aign sta(( and Eustin Bieber
.a8e alread* disco8ered t.e secret to success on t.is net/ork. T.eir use o( Instagram
is a great eAam-le o( .o/ to le8erage Instagram (or engagement -ur-oses. "ccounts
like t.ese t/o use t.e -.oto s.aring to s.o/case internal .a--enings and -ersonal
documentation t.at (ans and (ollo/ers can9t necessaril* get as regularl* an*/.ere else.
Use Instagram to .umani&e *our brand. ).o/ t.e inner /orkings o( *our cultureD gi8e
*our (ollo/ers insig.t into t.e da*4to4da* be.ind t.e scenes acti8it*.
In%ta+ra" 2 t(er net,rk%
Make sure *ou understand t.at *our (ans and (ollo/ers on eac. net/ork can be
di((erent7 T.ere(ore0 don9t treat Pinterest as a com-eting net/ork to *our Instagram
e((orts. T.e* can /ork toget.er7 Take images t.at *ou9re -inning and re-ost t.em
t.roug. Instagram. Pinterest .as suc. an eAtensi8e in8entor* o( -.otos t.at range
t.roug. all st*les. Find images t.at *ou lo8e (or *our Pinterest0 and use it to *our
ad8antage in *our Instagram as /ell. Like t.is image on t.e rig.t4 Likeable Media used
Likeable.com | FB.com/LikeableMedia | @LikeableMedia | Pinterest.com/LikeableMedia
YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
t.is (or our Instagram a(ter (inding and -inning it (irst.
I( *ou -ost -.otos to *our Facebook -age and T/itter0 /.* not make t.e e((ort to
en.ance t.e images e8en moreL 5e are all 8isual creatures to an eAtent4 so make *our
-osts 8isuall* -leasing7 Mot onl* /ill *ou grab attention o(( t.e bat4 t.e likeabilit* o(
somet.ing t.at is more 8isuall* attracti8e and uniBue ma* increase interactions. "nd
no/ t.at *ou can u-load *our images directl* to Facebook t.roug. t.e a--0 /.* not7
P(t 6nte%t%
"8id users o( Instagram are so dedicated to t.e a-- because t.e* lo8e t.e creation
element. You don9t .a8e to be a -ro(essional -.otogra-.er to -roduce beauti(ul images
.ere. Le8erage t.is (or *our brand. +reate a -.oto contest /.ere (ollo/ers can submit
and get recogni&ed. )ocial media users (ind *ou on net/orks because t.e* /ant t.eir
8oice to be (eard and interact. %n Instagram0 i( t.e*9re interacting /it. brands0 t.e*
/ant t.eir -.otos to be %een7 Promote a contest /.ere users u-load a -articular
t.emed or brand related -.oto0 and -ro8ide t.em /it. a s-eci(ic .as.tag to use. You
can t.en searc. t.e .as.tag to (ind all t.e -ublic Instagram4ers /.o are submitting
Likeable.com | FB.com/LikeableMedia | @LikeableMedia | Pinterest.com/LikeableMedia
YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
t.roug. t.at .as.tag.
Your Instagram can act as a mini 8isual blog (or *our brand. $on9t underestimate its
Be sure to (ollo/ Likeable Media on Instagram and c.eck out /.at goes on be.ind t.e
scenes .ere and all ot.er (un social media images.
Likeable.com | FB.com/LikeableMedia | @LikeableMedia | Pinterest.com/LikeableMedia
YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
1 6!Y F!"TU,!) %F
B& "leAandra )-ignesi
Published: February 7, 2012
Instagram Buickl* became one o( m* (a8orite social media net/orks >*es0 I -ut it rig.t
u- t.ere /it. m* long time lo8e0 T/itter?. %8er t.e -ast cou-le mont.s I noticed
interaction boom. T.en brands started :oining. Instagram o((ers creati8e marketing
t.roug. -.otos (or brands0 /.ile reac.ing a target demogra-.ic. Brands suc. as
)tarbucks0 MB+0 T.readless0 and e8en Likeable Media 0 all .a8e a -resence on
"s more and more brands :oin Instagram /e look (or a /a* to measure interaction and
gro/t. be*ond basic tall*ing o( likes and comments. )tatigram0 launc.ed in Ma* o( last
*ear0 ma* .a8e :ust t.e ans/er /e9re looking (or. )tatigram -ro8ides metrics (or *our
Instagram0 as /ell as -ro8iding a deskto- 8ersion o( *our (eed. "ma&ingL You got it.
Let9s look a little dee-er into some ke* (eatures.
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YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
<- Feed
5.en *ou sign into )tatigram *our (eed is t.e (irst t.ing *ou see. From t.ere *ou can
like0 and comment :ust as *ou /ould using t.e a--. )tatigram also gi8es *ou t.e o-tion
o( a slides.o/ (eaturing larger images o( t.ese -.otos. From .ere *ou can also
na8igate t.roug. *our o/n -.otos0 likes0 (ollo/ers0 (ollo/ings0 and -o-ular.
&!nus: Looking (or a /a* to get *our Instagram -.otos on PinterestL You can -in
straig.t (rom *our (eed.
?- Stati%ti6%
ere *ou can see *our o8erall statistics (rom t.e date *ou :oined Instagram. T.is
includes .o/ man* -.otos *ou .a8e contributed0 current number o( (ollo/ers0 likes and
comments recei8ed bot. total and a8erage -er -.oto. "s *ou scroll do/n *ou can see
(urt.er breakdo/ns. Beneat. to- -.otos is *our acti8it* /.ere *ou can see -.oto
re-artition -er da*0 and /.ic. (ilters *ou use t.e most.
G- O*ti"i:atin
Usuall* /e don9t t.ink muc. about /.en /e -ost -.otos to Instagram. But (or brands
t.is is im-ortant0 as /it. eac. u-load *ou /ant to get t.e most interaction -ossible (or
o-timi&ed results. Luckil* )tatigram .as broken t.is do/n (or us. It /ill actuall* tell *ou
/.en0 based on interactions /it.in *our communit*0 is t.e best time to -ost ne/ -.otos.
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YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
"not.er gra-. /ill also tell *ou t.e a8erage li(es-an o( *our -.otos. From t.ese results
*ou can deci-.er t.e best time0 and .o/ man* times *ou s.ould -ost ne/ -.otos
t.roug.out t.e da*.
K- !""'nit&
From a brand -ers-ecti8e it is im-ortant to identi(* *our communit* on an* gi8en social
net/ork. )tatigram again0 makes t.is e((ortless b* breaking do/n t.e relations.i-s /it.
*our (ollo/ers and t.ose *ou (ollo/. T.ere is e8en a section breaking do/n to-
engagement b* user.
/- Pr"te
5orried about missing t.ose "ndroid usersL $on9t. )tatigram -ro8ides *ou /it. a -ublic
link to *our deskto- site0 /.ere an*one can bro/se0 comment0 and like t.e -.otos in
*our (eed. %( course most brands t.at are on Instagram are also on Facebook.
)tatigram o((ers an Instagram Feed Tab (or Facebook (an -ages /it. one click o( a
button. Timeline users can also create a co8er -.oto customi&ed /it. -.otos (rom t.eir
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YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
I .a8e onl* skimmed t.e sur(ace o( t.e o((ered (eatures (rom )tatigram. I urge *ou to
c.eck out t.e site on *our o/n0 es-eciall* i( *ou are a brand t.inking about :oining
Instagram. I -romise *ou it /ill make t.e decision a no4brainer.
Likeable.com | FB.com/LikeableMedia | @LikeableMedia | Pinterest.com/LikeableMedia
YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
B& Brian Murra*
Published: 0pril 5, 2012
Likeable Media is a Full )er8ice )ocial Media and 5ord o( Mout. Marketing Firm. 5e
.a8e o8er F= em-lo*ees and P= -lus interns /.o li8e and breat.e social media. 5e use
Facebook0 T/itter0 Pinterest0 and #oogleQ. But one -lat(orm /e trul* lo8e is Instagram.
!arlier toda*0 Facebook -urc.ased Instagram0 a com-an* t.at .as &ero re8enue0 (or
one billion dollars. 5.at does t.is mean and /.* did it .a--enL
W(& did t(i% (a**en8
Instagram is likeable. It9s sim-le and eas*. It does one t.ing reall* /ell0 better t.an
an*bod* else. Instagram .as a communit* o( o8er ;K million -eo-le and t.e* :ust
launc.ed on "ndroid last /eek. It -la*s /ell /it. ot.ers and allo/s *ou to s.are *our
-ictures on a 8ariet* o( net/orks seamlessl*. It encourages comments and likes. It
doesn9t tr* to be e8er*t.ing to e8er*one.
W(at de% t(i% "ean8
Mark Ruckerberg said Facebook is acBuiring a talented team and an ama&ing -roduct.
6e8in )*strom said t.eir .o-e is to create a better Instagram /.ile continuing to .a8e it
(unction as a stand4alone -roduct. To me0 t.is -ro8es one t.ing abo8e all: /e s.ould all
stri8e to create great -roducts (or t.e masses. $on9t /orr* about /.ere t.e mone* /ill
come (rom0 :ust kee- im-ro8ing and gro/ing. !8entuall* *ou /ill be noticed0 and i( it is a
trul* great -roduct0 *our -a*o(( /ill come.
Likeable.com | FB.com/LikeableMedia | @LikeableMedia | Pinterest.com/LikeableMedia
YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
A Le%%n 5r" 7In%ta+ra"
Make -roducts t.at *ou are @Passionate about. Be @Trans-arent in *our dealings /it.
t.e /orld. Be @$ri8en in *our desire to succeed. $on9t (all into t.e tra--ings o( ot.ers0
be a @T.oug.tLeader. Most o( all make somet.ing t.at is @Likeable.
Likeable.com | FB.com/LikeableMedia | @LikeableMedia | Pinterest.com/LikeableMedia
YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
Likeable.com | FB.com/LikeableMedia | @LikeableMedia | Pinterest.com/LikeableMedia
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B&1 Mallorie ,osenblut.
Published: June +, 2012
Long be(ore t.e %ld )-ice #u* and E6 5edding $ance >remember t.oseL? /ere (inding
t.eir /a* en mass to our T/itter streams0 Facebook (eeds and #ood Morning "merica
segments0 t.e conce-t o( Hgoing 8iralI .as ke-t marketers a/ake at nig.t0 /ondering i(
t.eir neAt idea /ill s-read like /ild(ire. But /.at does t.is conce-t reall* meanL
!ssentiall*0 8iralit* .as to do /it. content or in(ormation getting s-read (rom -erson to
-erson reall*0 reall* Buickl*. "nd t.e Internet .as .el-ed t.is .a--en like no ot.er
media. For a brand t.oug.0 /.at does t.is -ro8ide besides some bu&&0 a s-ike o( brand
a/areness and a tem-orar* li(t in sales >i( *ou9re luck*?L o/ does a 8iral cam-aign
reall* .el- consumersL "s marketers0 it9s our res-onsibilit* >and li(e9s /ork7? to (ind
/a*s to -er-etuate our brands in inno8ate /a*s t.at make an im-act on our
consumers. 5e need to -ro8ide 8alue. 'iral is a bonus. ere9s /.*:
.al'e la%t% ln+er t(an $iral
" big element o( 8iral is generall* a cool (actor0 meaning t.e in(ormation is eAciting0
(unn*0 di((erent0 -er.a-s s.ocking and t.ere(ore -romotes s.aring bet/een users. But
t.at t*-e o( cool doesn9t last 8er* long. Most brand cam-aigns t.at go 8iral don9t
-roduce long4lasting business results. T.ere9s a (las. in t.e -an com-onent and not
muc. engagement or relations.i- building. B* -ro8iding 8alue0 *ou gi8e *our consumers
kno/ledge and *our brand t.e abilit* to be -ositioned as a t.oug.t leader its customer
base /ill continue to come back to.
.al'e, nt $iralit&, 6reate% l&al brand a"ba%%adr%
)ince 8iral doesn9t last 8er* long0 it doesn9t gi8e *ou t.e o--ortunit* to establis. long4
lasting connections /it. *our consumers. B* -ro8iding 8alue J in content0 sa8ings0
customer ser8ice0 etc. J *ou become a trusted brand and de8elo- a relations.i- /it.
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YouTube.com/LikeableMedia | Instagram Username: LikeableMedia
*our customer t.at goes be*ond a single -urc.ase or 8ie/ o( a 8ideo. T.ese
relations.i-s are t.e ones t.at create su-er4(ans and t.e*9re t.e t*-e o( relations.i-s
t.at onl* .a--en o8er time.
YOU 6an 6ntrl $al'e
"s muc. as /e .ate to admit it0 and as muc. as some eAecuti8es like to eA-ect it (rom
t.eir marketing teams0 *ou sim-l* can9t control /.at goes 8iral. It9s o(ten t.e uneA-ected
t.at takes o(( and it9s rarel*0 rarel* -lanned. "nd arguabl* more im-ortant0 /.en
somet.ing s-reads (ast enoug. to be 8iral0 *ou >and *our message? are sub:ect to
getting lost in -o-4culture re(erences and t.e increased -robabilit* o( becoming a meme
some/.ere do/n t.e line. T.e messages eAists /it.out t.e brand. I( *ou (ocus on 8alue
as t.e number one -riorit* in an* marketing e((ort and cam-aign J 8alue to t.e
consumer and to t.e brand J it9s .arder to lose control o( t.e message.
In a -er(ect marketing /orld0 e8er* cam-aign /e -ut out is 8alue4based and goes 8iral.
Un(ortunatel*0 t.ere9s no reci-e (or t.at sort o( success. 'alue t.oug.0 /ill al/a*s trum-
8iral. +am-aign 8iralit* belongs in t.e Hnice to .a8eI column. )o long as 8alue is in t.e
cam-aign arc.itecture0 *ou9ll (ind success.
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B& !ara Fried"an
Published July 3, 2012
%ne Buestion I .ear o8er and o8er again in t.e social media industr* is0 H.o/ do I make
a 8iral 8ideoLI "s de(ined b* a reliable source >5iki-edia?0 Ha 8iral 8ideo is one t.at
becomes -o-ular t.roug. t.e -rocess o( Internet s.aring0 t*-icall* t.roug. 8ideo
s.aring /ebsites0 social media0 and email. 5ell t.at sounds eas*7 I .a8e done some
serious researc. on t.is to-ic and .a8e (ound a (ool-roo( (ormula to making a H8iral
8ideo.I Be.old t.e m*steries o( t.e Internet7
<- Get an ani"al-
Pre(erabl* a cat but *ou could de(initel* use a dog or bunn*. In (act0 i( *ou can (ind an
eAotic animal like a monke*0 gira((e0 or .edge.og0 it /ould be e8en more likel* t.at *our
8ideo /ill go 8iral.
?- Make %'re &'r ani"al (a% a talent.
$oes *our cat -la* t.e guitarL $oes .e dance t.e MacarenaL T.e more talented t.e
better. I( *our -et is circus4/ort.* *ou are on t.e rig.t track.
G- N talent%8 Well i% &'r *et 5'nn&8
)ometimes being .umorous can /ork e8en better t.an being a (reakil* talented -et.
K- U%e Hr brr,J a &'n+ 6(ild in &'r $ide-
6ids sa* t.e darndest t.ings and -eo-le :ust can9t get enoug. o( t.em7 !A-loit *our
c.ildren7 5arning: T.e* ma* get angr* /it. t.is /.en t.e* are old enoug. to
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/- N kid%8 N *et%8 Be 5a"'%-
5.en *ou9re (amous an* 8ideo *ou -ost goes 8iral. "ll *ou need to do is smile and
/a8e. Ma*be e8en li- s*nc.
L- Tr& t be 5a"'%
%ka* oka*W *ou9re rig.t. )uggesting t.at *ou s.ould Hbe (amousI is :ust ridiculous. You
can .o/e8er try to be (amous7 You don9t e8en need talent7
M- A'tt'ne &'r%el5
"(ter /atc.ing t.e -re8ious 8ideo *ou ma* be t.inking0 Hisn9t t.is t.e same t.ingLI
Belie8e it or not0 *ou can autotune *oursel( doing an*t.ing7 You don9t e8en need a
music 8ideo.
G. Last but not leastW St* tr&in+ t "ake a $iral $ide.
Yes (olks0 /e .a8e reac.ed t.e moral o( t.e stor*. T.ere I) no eBuation (or creating a
8iral 8ideo.
'ideos t.at Hgo 8iralI are more o(ten t.an not accidental7 +reating a 8ideo /it. t.e intent
o( it going 8iral is bound to (ail. ,at.er t.an .a8ing a goal o( Hgoing 8iralI *ou s.ould
.a8e a goal o( Hbeing 8aluable.I +reate content t.at is 8aluable0 entertaining0 and
in(ormati8e. ).are t.ings *ou lo8e and t.ink ot.er -eo-le /ill bene(it (rom. #hat/s /.at
/ill make *our content go 8iral. #hat/s /.at -eo-le /ant to s.are. 5.et.er or not t.at
content contains a c.ild or talented animal is :ust coincidence.
a8e no (ear because t.is is not an im-ossible task. Brands .a8e ac.ie8ed 8iral status
be(ore /it.out tr*ing so .ard. ere9s one o( m* (a8orites: .tt-://bit.l*/d5Ou*Y
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%ur team .el-s .undreds o( businesses understand .o/ social media can .el- t.em
,eBuest a strategic C=;;4C=;F trends -resentation to learn .o/ social media can .el-
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