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Care Think Grow

First of all, I would like to start by thanking Dr. Vann Gardner, Ms. Pearson,
Dr. Herzog and all of the amazing staff and teachers here at Del Mar. I am so thankful
to be here representing the graduating class of 2014.
When we went to Bel Aire, (which seems like an eternity ago,) there was one
motto that they always tried to press upon us. That to be strong individuals while
growing up in the Reed School system we had to care, think, and grow. Those values
were always in the backs of our minds as we flourished and developed as a part of
the Reed School District.
When we were at Reed we learned how to care. We learned the importance
of forging good relationships, or more simply how to make friends. Those social
skills that seemed easy and entertaining at the time really helped us become better
people today.
We learned how to care from all of the compassionate teachers who taught
us not only our abcs and numbers but how to be a good person. How to share and
how to express our feelings, that life is all about being polite and making friends
with the people that matter most. All of our sweet and incredible teachers helped us
care about the world and gave us a love and a drive for education.
Just looking around Bel Aire, you can see all of the different landmarks that
helped us become stronger thinkers. The stage at the auditorium introduced
hundreds of kids to the new magic of theater, we were always being innovative and
thinking about how to improve our performances and steal the show. To the
gorgeous classroom that we headed into every morning that helped us learn our
multiplication facts and long division, but also shaped us into the individuals that
stand before you today.
We thought when we raised crayfish in third grade. We learned how to feed
them and how to keep them alive. Some of us succeeded better than others. Even
when our poor crayfish started to look sick, or moved a little less, we still kept at it
and tried to keep those unfortunate creatures alive for as long as possible. This was
a learning experience for all of us about the life cycle and how living creatures grow,
as well as a lesson about persistence and consideration.
We thought when we were planting flowers and plants in the garden, where
we carefully decided the artful arrangement of the tiny basil sprouts. We thought
and especially cared when we went into the garden at lunch and pulled the weeds
out from around the small garden boxes that we had neatly grown our flowers in.
In fifth grade we grew while we learned about the American revolution, and
about all of the people that started our country. We thought when we sang songs
about Paul Revere and recycling, and an emotional graduation song when we
graduated from Bel Aire.
We grew on our first day of middle school. I know I was terrified to leave the
car. All of the kids seemed so big. But, with a helpful push from mom we all stood up
and toughed out the day. Our grade grew during sixth grade learning about ancient
civilizations and volcanic eruptions. Our young minds were excited to take in all of
this new information. Classes became harder, but we grew and adapted to it.
We grew when we started getting grades and learning that they were
important. We continued to strive to attain academic excellence and the new system
was motivation for us to do better while we grew. This helped all of us grow with
this new experience. It was a change and it was hard at first, but it was something
that we would need and use for all of our years in school.
We grew in seventh grade when we had to learn harder math, and see if we
could keep up with Spanish. We had to work harder, but our mind and our
experiences continued to grow during the process. We grew together during
challenge day, when we all became closer together and bonded as a grade. We
learned new things about each other and expanded on our already enormous love
for one another. We will continue to develop this love, and help each other with our
growth as we move to High School and beyond.
In eighth grade we really began to grow. As we got ready for High School we
suddenly had to work harder than before. We had to write applications and study
for tests. Math instantly became more about higher level thinking, preparing us for
solving problems in the real world. History became not only memorizing facts, but
debating with our class mates and learning about current political issues. This study
has made us ready for our future lives by giving us skills that are extremely
important such as presentations, and standing our ground.
We will continue to grow and reach for the skies, to get bigger and stronger,
to become more powerful. We will always be learning, thinking and growing as we
go on into the world to become bright and independent individuals.
Eventually we will outgrow the Reed district, but we will always look back on
these years with happy memories and remember all of the love that we received
when we were here. We will continue to care, think and grow throughout the rest of
our lives. Thank you and congratulations Class of 2014!

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