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Natural Disasters - Flood Plan
0 points needed to earn this badge with a minimum rating of 3.
Student Name: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________
(3 Points)
(4 Points)
(5 Points)
Students have an understanding of how
humans can change environmental
characteristic of a place and issues surrounding
Students demonstrate some understanding of
change and environmental factors influencing
Students demonstrate a good understanding of
change and environmental factors influencing
Students demonstrate high degree of
understanding of change and environmental
factors influencing place
Students can map flood prone areas of
Student displays some knowledge regarding
Australia's flood prone areas and can articulate
some of them verbally and pin point some
zones on a map
Student displays standard knowledge regarding
Australia's flood prone areas and can articulate
most of them verbally and pin point most zones
on a map
Student displays a high standard of knowledge
regarding Australia's flood prone areas and can
articulate them verbally and pin point all zones
on a map
Students can drawn and identify the climatic
regions of Australia
Student displays some knowledge regarding
Australia's climatic zones and can articulate
some verbally and pin point some zones on a
map .
Student displays standard knowledge regarding
Australia's climatic zones and can articulate
most verbally and pin point most zones on a
map .
Student displays a high standard of knowledge
regarding Australia's climatic zones and can
articulate them verbally and pin point all zones
on a map
Students can use mapping features and
symbols to demonstrate continuity
Student has displayed a some knowledge of
mapping symbols and has incorporated most
required information into map
Student has displayed a sound knowledge of
mapping symbols and has incorporated all
required information into map
Student has displayed a excellent knowledge of
mapping symbols and has incorporated extra
information into map
Students can identify what they need to do 1.
before 2. During 3. After a flood even
A list is present with minimal level of thought A detailed list is present with some level of
A through and detailed list is present with a
high level of thought
Students can demonstrate what is involved in
an Emergency Kit by way of a list
Emergency kit list is detailed Emergency kit list is detailed with some extra
Emergency kit list is highly detailed with
accompanying extra detail
Students can draw, interoperate and articulate
the importance of a family action plan
Student has displayed all required content All content is detailed with a good array of
All content is detailed and expanded on in high
Student produces a Natural Disasters - Flood
Poster displaying content that is to be assessed
Student has displayed all required content All content is detailed with a good array of
All content is detailed and expanded on in high
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Students poster is detailed with used of artistic
devices to improve it visual appeal
Student has displayed a some level of artistic
appeal. Some effort has been utilised in
achieving final outcome
Student has displayed an accomplished level of
artistic appeal. Effort has been utilised in
achieving final outcome
Student has displayed a highly accomplished
level of artistic appeal. Exemplary effort has
been utilised in achieving final outcome

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