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Shekhar. (2012). Legalizing the Prostitution is not pricking the balloon. etrie!

e" #ro$
http%&&!isitskc.'or"press.co$&2012&02&21&legalizing(the(prostitution(is(not(pricking(the(ballon& .
)ebruar* 21+ 2012.
The use of legal tools to validate and manage prostitutions as pricking
o Arguments/views that against the legalization of prostitution
,he !oice against legalization echoes #ro$ religious group an" social acti!ist
'orking #or 'o$en e$po'er$ent an" anti(hu$an tra##icking.
-$po'er$ent 'o$en % Legalizing prostitution . hu$an tra##ickers / 'o$en
Prostitution ser!e" the po'er#ul group o# the societ* an" legalizing it is
s'eeping un"er the rug (.1upta)
2t 'ill contribute to the ol" social or"er o# $ale "o$ination (Laure)
3 prostitute "oes not act out o# #ree choice but is a !icti$ (a"ical )e$inist)
Legalization 'ill #acilitate the proli#eration o# pi$ps+ !iolent se0 acti!ities an" se0
o Arguments/views that support the legalization of prostitution
,he "iscourse o# legalizing prostitution echoes #ro$ the 'estern theories an"
Secures the #ree"o$ o# se0 'orker to use their bo"* in the 'a* the* choose.
2t 'ill protect their pro#ession as se0 'orker an" access to health ser!ices an"
2t 'ill lea" to consi"erable shares in 14P at $acro le!el an" inco$e source #or
prostitutes at $icro le!el (stabilit* inco$e source)
2t 'ill secure health rights to pre!ent the$sel!es #ro$ S,4s
2t 'ill secure their rights #or 5ustice in the court+ in case the* are treate"
secon"ar* to others
Social stig$atization o# prostitution as the $ain proble$ rather than prostitution
itsel# in pro$oting the subor"inate i$age o# 'o$en
2t 'ill pre!ent !ulnerabilit* o# se0 tra##ickers (.1upta)
Se0 tra##ickers an" pi$ps are the legal responsibilities o# the state rather than the
!illains #or legal se0 $arket
o Conclusion The Author
Legalization is the $ost appropriate 'a*s to channel the se0 $arket #or the
prosperit* o# se0 'orkers as 'ell as the nation.
Legalizing se0 tra"e 'ill pro!i"e people to e0press their se0ual "esire in a
$anageable 'a*+ rather than $ani#este" it in the #or$ o# se0 cri$e like rape an"
6etter to legalize prostitution rather lea!e it uncontrolle" like a street "og

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