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December 20, 2013

A man was found ln 8osphorus by Lhe pollce who Lakes charge of checklng Lhe
sea. lounded ouL LhaL he [umped from 8osphorus brldge down Lo Lhe sea on Lhe spur
of Lhe momenL.
1ake one's own self ls lncreaslng every year. ln Lhls slLuaLlon, Lhe man chose Lhe
8osphorus brldge Lo [ump off Lo commlL sulclde. 1hls problem could affecL Lo Lhe
counLry's lmage. 1he new generaLlon should be LaughL by Lhelr parenLs or Leachers Lo
decrease Lhe rlsk of Lhls lssue.
1he pollce lnvesLlgaLed LhaL Lhe man's name ls kahraman. 1hey asked hls famlly
have Lhey noLlced anyLhlng wrong abouL kahraman and Lhe answer Lhey gave ls LhaL
he has so many problems and lL seemed llke he could noL handle lL anymore.
Pe has a problem wlLh hls colleague who owe loan and kahraman ls a guaranLor
ln Lhls case. Pls colleague has no money Lo pay and dlsappear, so he has Lo shoulder
lL. 1he debL was Loo much for hlm, he had no way ouL, sulclde maybe Lhe only one
way he saw.

A Man Peaded 1he LarLh aL
1he 8osphorus 8rldge
A hypoLheLlcal slLuaLlon of a man [umplng off from 8osphorus brldge

Issue [#]: [Issue Date]
1he murderer has been
Already arresLed
1homas Llnder, a 43-year-old forelgner
who came Lo Lravel, has been arresLed
near Lhe famous hoLel ln lsLanbul.
As Lhe number of LourlsLs lncreases
rapldly, our llfe has more rlsk Loo. Some of
Lhe LourlsLs may be a robbery. 8e more
careful when you are ln a crowded place
of yourself and sLuffs.
1homas Llnder sLalked 3 1urklsh
women and kllled Lhem because he has no
money and he need Lo use lL. 1homas sald
LhaL he losL hls money somewhere and he
had no money Lo pay for Lhe hoLel, so he
has no cholce.
1he pollce found hlm near Lhe hoLel
LhaL he sLays. 1homas ls senLenced for 10

Thomas Linder is being arrested near by the
famous hotel in Istanbul

Pere !ason Mraz
comes Lo lsLanbul!
Already have any plan for Lhls
comlng ChrlsLmas?
!ason Mraz, a popular Amerlcan
slnger-songwrlLer, ls comlng Lo
Lhrow a parLy wlLh us and Lhls ls hls
flrsL Llme ln lsLanbul. 1he concerL ls
golng Lo Lake place on 23

uecember, 2013 aL Llfe ark. 1lckeL
prlce ls 22018?.
1he concerL wlll be very speclal for
!ason Mraz fans. We are searchlng
for 200 fans who are real. ?ou wlll
geL very close Lo !ason Mraz ln Lhls
parLy. Lverybody who comes should
brlng a glfL Lo [oln a speclal acLlvlLy!
See! lL's really worLh lL!
lor more lnformaLlon please call
1083037409849 or

Issue [#]: [Issue Date]
More lLallan
resLauranLs goL Lhelr
eyes on lsLanbul
As Lhe economy ln lsLanbul ls geLLlng
beLLer, more lnvesLors alm Lo open Lhelr
cafes and
resLauranLs ln lsLanbul Lo geL more proflLs.
1ogeLher wlLh Lhe openlng of Lhe lLallan resLauranLs ln our clLy, lsLanbul wlll have
more LourlsLs, and we wlll probably geL beneflLs and more lncome from Lhe promoLlng.
More people wlll know lsLanbul.
1he lLallan lnvesLors may see LhaL Lhe economy ln lsLanbul ls lmprovlng so much from
prevlous years. 1hey may also noLlce LhaL many people ln lsLanbul love lLallan food.
MosL lLallan resLauranLs ln lsLanbul are very popular, especlally ln Lhe dlnner Llme,
Lhe Lables are almosL full everywhere, and some of Lhe Lables are reserved. 1hls shows
how lLallan resLauranLs are golng Lo work.

A popular lLallan resLauranL ln lsLanbul surroundlng
A vendor arresLed because of hls dlshonesL.
A well-wlsher called Lhe pollce and reporLed LhaL a frled chlcken shop near her house
uses old and low-quallLy oll Lo fry Lhe chlcken.
1he pollce lnLervlewed Lhe well-wlsher for deLall Lhrough Lhe phone call and LhaL led
Lhe pollce Lo arresL Lhe vendor.
Pow do you know LhaL Lhe vendor uses old oll Lo cook?" asked Lhe pollce.
l and my moLher were looklng for Lhe resLauranL Lo eaL ouL buL we couldn'L flnd
any, and lL was a sllenL nlghL. We declded Lo buy frled chlcken back home for ouL
dlnner, and Lhen we sLopped aL Lhe chlcken shop and noLlced someLhlng unusual."
sald Lhe well-wlsher.
1hen whaL happen nexL? WhaL dld you see?" Lhe pollce kepL asklng
l saw Lhe vendor pourlng used oll lnLo a buckeL LhaL l see hlm uses every day,
Lhen l sLarLed Lo noLlce LhaL he uses old oll. l wanL you Lo check Lhls problem ouL!"
replled Lhe well-wlsher.
Cld oll LhaL Lhe vendor uses was found LhaL lL can cause many healLh problems.
1he pollce lnvesLlgaLed LhaL he changed Lhe oll every " days.
1he vendor was senLenced Lo llfe ln prlson for 3 years.

Issue [#]: [Issue Date]

Issue [#]: [Issue Date]

2 llquld aL room LemperaLure
3 unA ls found lnslde Lhe cells ln a long
flbers called______
7 modlflcaLlons LhaL make organlsms beLLer
able Lo funcLlon ln an envlronmenL
8 conLalns Lwo monosaccharldes [olned by
dehydraLlon reacLlon
11 polymers of proLeln
13 replaces Lhymlne ln 8nA
14 ldenLlcal molecule formulas, buL a
dlfferenL arrangemenL of aLoms
13 anlmal cells sLore glucose as ______
17 made by aLLachlng LogeLher of monomers
1 monomer of carbohydraLes
3 monomers of nuclelc aclds
4 reacLlon LhaL llnks Lwo monomores
6 malnLenance of normal lnLernal
condlLlons ln a cell or an organlsm by
means of self-regulaLlng mechanlsms
9 solld aL room LemperaLure
10 reacLlon LhaL breaks bond
beLween monomers
12 lncludes Lhe way ln whlch
populaLlons change over Lhe course
of generaLlons Lo become more
sulLed Lo Lhelr envlronmenLs
16 a ____ ls a speclflc sLreLch of unA
LhaL encodes for Lhe amlno acld
sequence of a polypepLlde



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