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Fariha Jahin

Class 903
June 09, 2014

European exploration began to flourish in the 1400's. They had quite a few
motives behind exploring the world. Some of the key motives for Europeans during the
Age of Explorations was the desire to spread Christianity, desire to find new trade
routes for Asia, and to gain new knowledge and wealth. Advances in knowledge and
technology allowed Europeans to explore areas. Europeans had a huge advantage over
the people they met in their explorations. Europe benefitted the most from their
encounter with Eastern Asia. Two reasons for this were taking control of their sea routes
and the fact that the prices of Asian goods, like spices and fabrics, dropped.

One of the reasons why Europe benefitted from their encounter with easter Asian
is because of them taking control of their sea routes. Before Europe traded with China,
they had to go through several processes. Trading with China wasn't that easy. China
was the most superior country at that time. In the text titled China and the West:
Imperialism, Opium, and Self-Strengthening (1800-1921) it says Through the 1700s,
Chinas imperialism flourishes under Qing (Ching) or Manchu dynasty. China is at the
center of the world economy as Europeans and Chinese seek for Chinese goods.
Chinas superiority is due to the fact that they have very valuable goods.This is what
made Europe want to open up a trading route to China.

However, in order to trade with them, the other countries would have to please
the emperor by giving them a lot of gifts. In Qianlong's Letter to King George, it says
You, O King, live beyond the confines of many seas, nevertheless, impelled by your
humble desire to partake of the benefits of our civilisation, you have dispatched a
mission respectfully bearing your memorial. Your Envoy has crossed the seas and paid
his respects at my Court on the anniversary of my birthday. To show your devotion, you
have also sent offerings of your country's produce.I have perused your memorial: the
earnest terms in which it is couched reveal a respectful humility on your part, which is
highly praiseworthy. In consideration of the fact that your Ambassador and his deputy
have come a long way with your memorial and tribute, I have shown them high favour
and have allowed them to be introduced into my presence. To manifest my indulgence, I
have entertained them at a banquet and made them numerous gifts. I have also caused
presents to be forwarded to the Naval Commander and six hundred of his officers and
men, although they did not come to Peking, so that they too may share in my all
embracing kindness. This is what Europe did. This connects back to the thesis
because Europe got to open trading with China, which benefitted them.

Another reason that European benefitted from the encounter with Eastern Asia
because of their spices and silk. In "The book of ser Marco Polo: The Venetian
Concerning Kingdoms and Marvels of the East" it says "They possess silk in great
quantities, from which they make gold brocade and other stuff, and live by their
manufactures and trade." This excerpt from the Book of Ser Marco Polo is saying that
they, China, had a vast amount of silk. In "The Age of Exploration- an introduction" it
says "Spices, however, were expensive and dangerous to get. Traders had to travel
parts of the dangerous Silk Road to get them. Because the Silk Road was frequently
closed due to various wars, European rulers began to pay for explorations to find a sea
route to Asia so they could get spices more easily and for cheaper." This quote from the
excerpt is basically saying that since spices were expensive and dangerous, Europe
wanted to trade with China so that they will be able to get those spices. This connects
back to my thesis because it proves that the Europeans benefitted by being able to get
spices easily and for cheaper.

The encounter with China make the Europeans sort of overpower them. Like
stated before, the reason for European to travel to China to benefit something. The
causes for them to encounter China was to have the permission, from the emperor, to
trade with them. Another cause was to get silk, spices, and other fabrics. However,
China also had the upper hand because of all the things they made Europe do in order
for them to trade with them. China was getting rich because of the things Europe was
doing. Europe adapted the mercantilism system, which was when a country sells more
than they buy. By this change in the European society, there were able to become
stronger and wealthier. China was somewhat affected by by this. Since the China did
not follow the mercantilism system, Europe was gaining a bit more because they earned
more money.

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