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Garrulous Parlanchn, hablador

gauche Cohibido, torpe social

Genre genero
Genteel Gentil, refinado, elegante
gesticulate gesticular
Glut Saciar, hartar, exceso,

grandilocuent Altisonante, pomposo
grandiose Grandioso, exagerado
gratuitous Injustificado (negativo)
Gravity Gravedad, seriedad
Gregarious Sociable, en grupo
Guile Astucia, fraude
Hackneyed Trillado, estereotipado
overused; trite; stale
Hapless desafotunado unlucky
Harbinger Heraldo, seal presagio
a forerunner; a signal of
busqueda del placer y la supresin del

Hegemony Monopolio
Heresy Hereja, sacrilegio, profanacin
Hermetic Hermetico
Heyday Apogeo, auge Golden age, prime
Hiatus Interrupcin en trabajo
a break or interruption, often
from work
Hierarchy jerarqua
histrionic melodramatico
overly dramatic; theatrical
Homily sermn
Homogenous homogeneo
Husbandry Cra de animales, manejo de
thrifty management of re sourc
es; livestock farming
Hyperbole Exageracin al hablar
an exaggeration used as a figure
of speech
Hypothetical hipotetico
uncertain; unproven
Iconoclast iconoclasta
one who at tacks pop u lar
beliefs or in sti tu tions
a system of social or political
Idiosincrasy Peculiaridad, excentrico
a peculiarity; an ec cen tric i ty
Idyllic Agradable, hermoso, placentero
charming in a rustic way;
naturally peaceful
Ignominy Desgracia en publico
deep disgrace
Illicit ilicito
illegal; not permitted
Immigrate inmigrar
to move permanently to a new
Imminent inminente About to happen
Immutable inmutable
Impartial Imparcial, justo
fair; not favoring one side or the
oth er; un bi ased
Impeccable Impecable, perfecto
flawless; entirely without sin
Imperial imperial
like an emperor or an empire
Judicious Juicioso, sensate, asertado
exercising sound judgment
Yuxtaponer : Poner una cosa junto a otra
to place side by side
Kinetic cinetica
having to do with motion; lively;
labyrinth laberinto
Laconic Hablar con pocas palabras
using few words, especially to
the point of seem ing rude
Lament Lamenter, llorar To mourn
Lampoon Stira, parodia
to satirize; to mock; to parody
Languish languidecer
to become weak, listless, or
Largess generosidad
generous giving of gifts
Que existe, pero oculto y escondido
present but not visible or
apparent; potential
Laud Elogiar, alabar
to praise; to applaud; to extol;
to celebrate
Legacy legado
something handed down from
the past; a bequest
Lethargy aletargado
sluggishness; laziness; drows i
ness; in dif fer ence
Levity Ligereza, frivolidad
lightness; frivolity;
Plan urdido para conseguir algn
propsito,generalmente sirvindose de
medios poco honestos.
scheming activity for an evil
magnanimidad, nobleza y misericordia
forgiving; unresentful; noble in
spirit; gen er ous
Magnate magnate
a rich, powerful, or very suc cess
ful businessperson
Malaise malestar
a feeling of depression,
uneasiness, or queasi ness
Malfeasance Actividad ilcita, infraccin
an illegal act, especially by a pub
lic official
Malignant Maligno, malicioso
causing harm
Malinger Hacerse el enfermo
to pretend to be sick to avoid
doing work
Malleable maleable
easy to shape or bend
Mandate mandato
a command or authorization to
do some thing;
Manifest Manifiesto, obvio , evidente
visible; evident
Manifesto manifiesto
a public declaration of beliefs or
princi ples, usu al ly po lit i cal
Marshal Dirigir, conducir
to arrange in order; to gather
together for the pur pose of
doing something
Martial militar
warlike; having to do with
Martyr martir
one who suffers for a cause for
sympathy, pursuing for
something religious
Matriculate matricular
to enroll, es pe cial ly at a col
Narcissism narcista
excessive love of ones body or
Falto de claridad o difcil de comprender:
vague; hazy; indistinct
Nefarious Malvado, vil, perverso
evil; flagrantly wicked
Neologism neologismo
a new word or phrase; a new us
age of a word
Nepotism Nepotismo, favoritismo
showing favoritism to friends or
family in busi ness or politics
Nihilism nihilismo
belief that there are no values
or morals in the universe
Que solo es o existe de nombre
in name only; insignificant; A-OK
(dur ing rocket launch es)
Nostalgia Nostalgia
sentimental longing for the past;
homesick ness
Notorious Mala reputacin
famous for something bad
Novel Nueva, innovadora
new; original
Noxious Nocivo, daino, perjudicial
harmful; offensive
Nuance Matiz, tonalidad
a subtle difference or distinction
Obdurate Obstinado, terco
stubborn and insensitive
Obfuscate Ofuscar, confundir
to darken; to confuse; to make
con fus ing
Oblique Oblicuo, horizontal
indirect; at an angle
Oblivion olvido
total forgetfulness; the state of
being forgotten
Obscure oscuro
unknown; hard to understand;
Obsequious Obsequioso, fervil, adulador
fawning; sub ser vi ent; suck ing
up to
Obtuse Lento en discurrir
insensitive; blockheaded
Officious metiche
annoyingly eager to help or
onerous Oneroso, pesado, molesto
burdensome; oppressive
Opaque opaco
to see through; im pos si ble to
un der-stand
Opulent Opulent, rico, adinerado
Orthodox Conforme a la doctrina tradicional
conventional; adhering to es tab
lished prin ci ples or doc trines,
especially in religion; by the
Ostensible Aparente, ostensible, claro
apparent (but mis lead ing);
ostentatious Ostentoso, muestra de forma clara
para que se haga visible a los dems
excessively con spic u ous;
showing off
Pacify Calmar , apaciguar
to calm someone down; to
Painstaiking Meticuloso, cuidadoso, minusioso
extremely careful; tak ing pains
Palliate Aliviar, mitigar
to relieve or alleviate something
with out get ting
Palpable Palpable o evidente, tangible
capable of being touched; ob vi
ous; tan gi ble
Paltry Irrisorio, insignificante
insignificant; worthless
Panacea Panacea, cura para todo
something that cures ev ery
Paradigm Paradigm, modelo
a model or example
Paradox una idea extraa opuesta a lo
que se considera verdadero o a la

a true statement or phe nom e
opinin general non that none-the less seems to
contradict itself; an untrue
statement or phe nom e non
that none the less seems logical
Parochial Parroqual, pueblerino
narrow or confined in point of
view; pro vin cial
Parody parodia
a satirical imitation
Parsimonioso, lento, tacao stingy
Partisan Miembro de la Resistencia contra
la autoridad
one who supports a particular
Qualify Modificar, limitar, cumplir
requisitos, capacitar
to modify or restrict
Qualitative cualitativo
having to do with the quality or
qual i ties of some thing

Quejumbroso, llorn
complaining; grumbling; whining

Quijotesco, soador,idealista
Romantic or idealistic to a
foolish or imprac ti cal degree
Ramification Ramificacin, repercusion
a consequence; a branch ing out
Rancor rencor
bitter, long-lasting ill will or re
sent ment
Rapacious Rapaz, vido
greedy; plundering; av a ri cious
Rebuke Regao, reproche, critica
to criticize sharply
Rebut Refutar, contradecir
to contradict; to argue in
opposition to; to prove to be
Recalcitrant Terco, obstinado, reacio
(contrario a algo)
stubbornly defiant of authority
or con trol; dis obe di ent
Recant Retractor, revocar
to publicly take back and deny
(some thing previously said or
believed); to openly confess
Reciprocal Reciproco
mutual; shared; in ter change
Reclusive Solitario, hurao, aislado
hermitlike; withdrawn from
Recondite Recondito, muy Escondido,
reservado u oculto
hard to understand; over ones
Saccharine Azucarado, empalagoso
sweet; excessively or dis gust ing
ly sweet
Sacrilege Sacrilegio, hereja, profanacin
a violation of something sacred;
blas phe my
Sacrosanct Sacrosanto, sagrado, santo
sacred; held to be in vi o la ble
Sagacious Sagaz: astuto y prudente que
prev y previene las cosas
discerning; shrewd; keen in judg
ment; wise
Salient Prominente, protuberante,
sticking out; conspicuous;
Salutary Beneficioso, benefico, saludable
healthful; remedial; cur a tive
Sanctimonous Santurrn, Que muestra
hipcritamente una devocin y una
santidad exageradas o fingidas:
pre tend ing to be de vout; af
fect ing re li gious feel ing
Sanguine optimista
cheerful; optimistic; hopeful
Sardonic Sardonico, sarcastico
mocking; scornful
Callado,que no se expresa
formalmente,sino que se supone o
implied; not spoken
Taciturno Taciturno, Callado, silencioso por
untalkative by nature
Tangential Tangencial, que se relaciona lateral y
no significativamente con el tema del
que se trata:
only superficially related to the
mat ter at hand; not especially
relevant; peripheral
Tangible Tangible, palpable
touchable; palpable
Tantamount Equivalente a
equivalent to
Tautological Tautologico, redundant,
redundant; cir cu lar
Temerity Descaro, insolencia, audacia
boldness; recklessness; au dac i
Temperate Templado, moderado
mild; moderate; restrained
Tenable Mantenible, sostenible en
defensible, as in ones position
in an ar gu ment; ca pa ble of
being argued successfully; valid
Tenacious Tenaz, obstinado, firme,
perseverante, constante
persistent; stubborn; not let ting

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