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Answers to B paper 2013

Q1: code of ethics clause 3

3.1 engineer shall neither pay nor offer directly or indirectly any inducements to others
How the code of ethics violated: -
when there is a rewarding for professional involvement which is being taken place and it is organized by
engineering committees or others. If the engineer tries to gain advantage over selection for particular
category on the basis of paying any inducement to chairperson of the committee, it is lead to violation
of code of ethics.
When getting others recommendation for assignments for a particular project or any engineering
matter. If the engineer considers that it could be gained the reputation by involving any particular
project, then he/she tries to offer inducement to politician or any other who can select for that project.
When paying any person for providing information which is under confidential of other professional
work, information gain by such method can be used to compete with others.
When using political influences in favor of getting over the hierarchy of an institution, committee or any
What steps to be taken to avoid:-
Circulate general notice on the public so as to provide information of such kind of violations in society
Systematic approached on rewarding system in such a way that IESL recommendation is made as
compulsory for evaluating any rewarding which is organized by other organization.
Tighten law and order in relation to violation of such code and increase time duration of suspension of
engineering practice.
3.2 engineers shall uphold the principle of adequate and appropriate remuneration for professional
engineering staff in keeping with their qualification and market place.
How the code of ethics violated ;
sometimes, this would be appeared on both by the employer and employee. when the engineer who is
representative of the client will decide a selection of an engineer through interview process for
particular assignment and, remuneration will be negotiated knowing that the interviewee has the
qualification and experience required for the work but undermine it and then negotiated to lower
On the other hand, an engineer who is willing to enter an employment of a particular project will accept
a lower package considering that there would be an advantage of being selected among the other.
What steps to be taken to avoid;
Setting up remuneration packages depending on the job description and employees qualifications and
experiences can be implemented in societies or committee level. Then it can be addressed when there is
a requirement but its quite a difficult task since there is a lot of expertise involvements required.
3.3 engineers shall not attempt to supplant any other engineer employed, consulting who has been
appointed without his consent
How the code of ethics violated;
in an infrastructure development project, Project management team on the developer side will decide
to hold further design and consultancy services from a design and consultancy firm due to the fact that
their previous designs on the same project had been overdesigned but it wasnt proved by a proper
professional review of the designs. Since developer has the upper hand on deciding what consultancy
firm should be take part in the project. Accused consultancy engineer could be removed without giving
equal opportunities explain their views.
What steps to be taken to avoid;
If some engineer conducts improper engineering practices in a particular technical field, and anyone
feels that his/her designs are not according to the standards then a complain on such misconduct to
proper authorities like IESL and taking into notice among the professional team of the company on such
cases. Decisions should be taken with referring to personal opinions and it should be team decision.
3.4 engineer shall not misinterpret and falsify their own or other engineers qualifications, experience
and prior responsibilities.
How the code of ethics violated;
When preparing company profiles in relation to the submission of a project proposal, if engineer who is
an employee of contracting company prepares and shown strength of the project management team by
providing falsify qualifications and experience so that it would be a competitive advantage for the
company in which that engineer working. This will ultimately lead to failure of the entire project since
professional involvement in their competence area would not be properly addressed
What steps to be taken to avoid;
Providing falsify information to the others cannot be strictly monitored, if found such misconduct, let
the public know about such organization misbehavior of the company in order to protect from making a
failure of the projet

Q2 list 5 core competences
i) Knowledge and understanding engineering principles
ii) Practical application of engineering knowledge
iii) Leadership and management
iv) Communication and interpersonal skills
v) Professional conduct
Which aspects of engineers development are covered by these competences?
Engineer should be always updated with standards, new technologies, and environmental impact
measures and its regulations, and emerging technologies, in order to maintain theoretical approach any
kind of engineering practices.
This is going to be the main core competence that an engineer should attain, since everything will be
based on the knowledge. Without knowing the subject there is no longer existence for an engineer.
Therefore, engineers should gain the knowledge as much as possible and need keep doing that until the
end of the carrier.
The second core competence is focus on application of the knowledge that the engineer has, when an
engineer is going to practice engineering matter in area of his/her competence, practical approach of
solving engineering problem is very important. This is another aspect of engineers development. Once
the knowledge is fulfilled, better usage of it to be practiced. Generally this aspect of development
should be developed by using analytic skills, problem identification and solving skills. One issue is that
development of this aspect cannot be gained only thorough reading; it is rather an intuitional approach.
Therefore, engineer should be aware of the other engineers skills on the same subject, what are the
previously used techniques and leant from the activity and a failure.
Charted engineers cannot continue with having fulfilled above two competences. They have to be
present in the public and the public will follow and recognize and come after in any matter or an issue
for which they would think that there is a solution. To accomplish that engineers require having
leadership and management this will come under 3
core competence.
Communications skills of an engineer play a vital role in the society, since the public safety, health and
welfare are always maintained in any engineering practice therefore, engineer should be capable of
explaining and convincing in the context of resolving problems in the society. Therefore, development of
communication and interpersonal skills are very important.
Professional conduct of an engineer should be in high standard in liaison with stipulated code of ethics
by IESL and this will make the society more safely environment, as long as engineers are working in
proper professional conduct. All the benefits are going to be in favor of the community. Therefore, this
aspect of engineers development has the equal potential as others in core areas of competences.

Q3) Proposal to the board of directors/ Management to implement a sustainable strategy to improve
the efficiency of the resource use of your organization.
Draft a policy statement and making a plan, policy statement should be covered 3R concept reduce,
reuse, recycle
Reduce find ways to use less of what you already use
Reuse choose new suppliers committed to sustainability and reusing of materials
Recycle improve waste disposal management system so that recycling option can be adapted.
Policy should include way of setting goals and tracking the activities
Implementation of reward system so that employees will commit to work on sustainable development.
Pollution prevention,

Q4) discuss the role that engineer can play in changing lifestyles of sri lanka society in marching
towards a green economy.
Green economy strategies
Green jobs
Opposite brown/polluting/inefficient
Ecological footprint 50% in 2050
UNEP defines one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly
reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities
Green economy is based on 6 main sectors
i) Renewable energy
ii) Green building
iii) Clean transportation
iv) Water management
v) Waste management
vi) Land management
Sustainable tourism/ eco labeling/ recycling collection network/ managing water losses/ efficient use of
resources/ low carbon economy/ education for sustainable development/ social inclusion and poverty
reduction/ accelerating system innovation

Q5) Lump sum contract
Measure and pay contract
Schedule of rates contract
Cost reimbursement contract
BOO built own operate
BOT Build own transfer
Design and built

Q7) Formulate and discuss at least five reasons to describe why engineers and technical professionals
need leadership skills
All engineers need management competencies to get work done.
Leadership is entirely interpersonal
Leadership is about influencing and directing others for a positive outcome.
a) Low interaction with public compared to other professionals such as doctors, teachers and so
b) Almost all engineering works are team work. In order to keep the consistency of the team work
activities, leadership is required.
c) Keep the community live and work along with the global trends such as environmental aspects,
application of technology, use of material,
d) Convincing the people impotency of efficient use of planets resources and changing lifestyles
towards the green economy. Organizational efficiency cannot be achieved without having good
e) Public should be fully knowledgeable about policy changes and addition in every sectors related
with lifestyle operations

Role of an engineer and a manager are twofold, but there are a little overlap when concerns about the
work that they are doing, obviously engineers are not oriented with maximizing profits with developing
ideas, but they always put attention to make more efficient, reliable and economical systems.
Therefore, maximizing the profit is one of the main target areas for managers. However maximizing the
economical productivity is the other part of main target for engineers. Therefore, above two aspects
cannot simply be used to describe role of managers and engineers.

Q8) draft policy framework on national water policy with special reference to ground water. ????
Ministry of land and land development has sought public opinion
103 rivers in SL 12000 tanks
SL having adequate water resources per capita faces seasonal variations and periodic water crisis
Rapid urbanization caused high level of water pollution
Q9) Sri lankas future prosperity depends exclusively on the development of a vibrant services sector
critically discuss,
Tourism, banking, finance, IT, education, heatlth
Other countries like india has shown its economic growth in relation to the service sector development
Service led jobs will reduce the tension on unemployment issues
Services are becoming tradable with higher rate of return than earlier because demand is always at high
Some of the services such as tourism and education will provide the opportunity for foreign currency

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