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Project Text Part 2: The Proposal

Chiamaka Eleje
University of Texas at El Paso
This paper explores obesity in America and how it is adversely affecting the growth of Type 2
diabetes in youth. Changes in eating habits and increase in exercise are simply the only ways in
which we can reduce the effects of obesity, minimalize the growth in children with diabetes, and
reverse the physical and psychological damage done to children with diabetes. Better knowledge
of the disease, its effects, and how to avoid these effects are instrumental in the battle against
obesity and Type 2 diabetes.
I am doing this project on diabetes because it hits close to home. I am a Type 1 diabetic,
however I have family members who are reaching the point of becoming Type 2 diabetics. The
purpose of this paper is to engage and enrich in teaching others of the dangers of diabetes,
primarily in youth, in an attempt to inform and implement a change. Type 2 diabetes is only one
of many obesity-related diseases affecting many across the world, and I hope to explore how/if
the price of food and availability of food are contributing to the growth of this disease. The main
question I would like answered is whether or not it is the responsibility of the government, or the
responsibility of the parents to regulate the food children are consuming. I am arguing that it is
the responsibility of the parents to regulate both the food that their child(ren) are consuming, as
well as the physical activity to counteract the amount of food being consumed.

Tentative Bibliography
I anticipate using three sources that explore obesity in relation to the availability of food.
These sources are Dont Blame the Eater by David Zinczenko, What You Eat Is Your
Business by Radley Balko, and Kentucky Town of Manchester Illustrates National Obesity
Crisis by Wil Haygood. I still need to find sources that are based from a more medical
standpoint, as well as sources with more statistical data on obesity in children and Type 2
diabetes. Dont Blame the Eater is a source that provides an argument that it is the
governments job to interfere and regulate the food we eat. What You Eat Is Your Business is
a useful source that argues that what we eat is our business, therefore maintaining that it is our
job to carefully regulate what we eat. Kentucky Town of Manchester Illustrates National
Obesity Crisis provides a more personal account of how obesity is related to the availability of
food, and how this availability, or unavailability, is contributing to the obesity crisis.
Questions and Other Comments
All obesity related diseases are like any other traumatic experience one may undergo. We
hear about them, and how they affect others around us, but never become pertinent until they hit
home. I have been a diabetic since I was 2, and it hurts me to see others become diagnosed with a
disease that is slowly killing them that could have been avoided. I hope to inform others enough
to convince them to look at their health in retrospect, and change the way we approach the foods
we eat, as well as the amount of physical activity we include into our daily lives.

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