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ini analisis swot orang terhadap BMC in order yaa

1. It's clear and organized. One can create/evaluate the business model in systematic
order.Furthermore, it evaluates the crucial factors needed in the business model and is very helpful
for the user.

2. Depending on the product, lack of previous data from the business, and when creating a new
market, can be factors that prevent filling all the blocks thus creating a bias for the user,especially
with high tech products. In short, with tight time frames, one may not have time to fill completely
3.It can be a very useful tool for a "market analysis",even if one is not creating a business model with
it. It gives a wide ranging picture from the business since multiple factors are being analyzed.

4. I refer to the point 2.; Creating a new market is difficult and focusing, putting effort on the b.
model canvas creation can be time consuming and costly. Thus resources may be directed in vain.
Plus, if the person using the b model canvas does not critically evaluate all the blocks . . . (the person
is inexperienced etc.), all the work may be wasted or wrong decision are made.
BMC itu bagus soalnya kita bisa tau gambaran jelas suatu bisnis dalam satu glance aja tapiii kita
gakbisa tau detail bangeet
business model canvas kurang cocok utk non-profit sama government orientasinya bukan profit\
padahal bisnis kan kalo by definition cara orang atau organisasi cari laba
kalo govn kayaknya gak ada deh vaue khusus yang ditawarkan (value Proposition)
Kalau yg sempet aku baca tadi sih salah satu keterbatasan BMC itu adalah dia ga bisa menjelaskan
secara detil hubungan antar stakeholder yg ada
Misal: hub antara supplier dan customer yg relatif tidak langsung.
Di bisnis customer relationship, kultur mereka kan battle for scope, bersaing buat memperbesar
scope/jumlah customer yg mereka raih. Membangun secara eksternal.
Bisa dicek di bagian 9building, di bag cust.relationship ind
*indikatornya salah satunya customer acquisition
kalo scope itu varian dari customernya beda2, contohnya di apotek, itu ga hanya jual obat tp jg buka
tmpt praktik dokter. kalo yg scale itu skalanya besar, volume pelanggannya besar CMIIW
Kalau scale itu, infras.management punya kultur untuk memperbesar/memperbanyak infrastructure
mereka, untuk meraih economies of scale. (Fixed cost meningkat dari pembangunan infrastruktur, tp
unit cost turun)

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