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Fraction Review/ Introduction

Common Core State Standards:

3.NF.A.2 Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions on
a number line diagram.

Standards for Mathematical Practice: Attend to Precision ( choosing a numerator and
denominator), Reason Abstractly (conceptualizing numbers between 0 and 1), Use
Appropriate Tools (fraction bars and manipulatives).

Objectives: SWBAT understand a fraction as a number between 0 and 1. SWBAT
understand a fraction as a set of equal parts of a whole. SWBAT determine how many
equal parts the whole has been divided by by looking at the denominator of a fraction.
SWBAT determine how many parts of the whole are regarded by consulting the
numerator. SWBAT determine how many equal parts there are in the whole by
consulting the denominator. SWBAT generate a written fraction from a fraction bar.
SWBAT color a fraction bar to visually describe a written fraction.

Fractions: A fraction describes one or more parts of whole that is divided into equal
parts. They are what we use to describe numbers that are more than zero but less than
one. For example, if I took a bite of a chocolate bar, do I still have one whole chocolate
bar? No. Did I eat all of the chocolate bar? No. So its not zero because I still have
some. However, its not one whole either because I ate some of it.
Numerator: the number that goes on the top of the fraction- Numerator, North, Norte,
up, top. What does it mean? It is the number of equal parts that you are dealing with.
Denominator: the number that goes on the bottom- Denominator, Down. What does it
mean? It is the number of parts you have in total. In other words, it is how many equal
parts there are that make up the whole.

Diagnostic: chocolate bar anticipatory set
Formative: independent practice worksheet
Summative: end of topic exam

Teacher: math notebook, pencil, worksheet
Student: whiteboard marker, worksheet

Room Environment: students are seated around the whiteboard and are sent back to
their desks for the Chocolate Bar Notes

ELL: entire lesson designed using SDAIE strategies to accommodate ELL/ESL
learners (100% of the students in the class)
Multiple Intelligences: the building fraction bar is helpful for the visual learners in
the class.
Special Needs: note-taking guide
GATE: Students will be asked to share their thinking with the class during and
after the lecture.
Instructional Procedure:
Anticipatory Set: Multiplication Review. Go over vocabulary using the chocolate
bar example.
Teaching/ Instructional Process:
Guided Practice/ Monitoring: On the Board Practice (copying not required)
***Draw eight bars and divide them into eighths.
-do not color in any of the boxes and ask the students what fraction I can write to
represent how much of the bar is shaded. How many total parts are in my whole?
Count. 8, write as denominator. How many of them have I colored in? 0. Write as my
-color in one of the eighths and ask the students what fraction I can write to represent
how much of the bar is shaded (1/8)
-color two of the eighths and ask the students what fraction I can write to represent how
much of the bar is shaded (2/8)
-continue until the bar is completely shaded and the fraction is 8/8 which is one whole,
which is one. Do you see how a fraction represents numbers that are between zero and
***Chocolate Bar Notes
Monitoring/ Checking for Understanding: I will ask students to justify their
answers using the vocabulary learned at the beginning of the lesson.
Independent Practice: Self created worksheet.
Closure: If some students nish early: Early Finishers: 57 divided by 4, long
division process. If all students nish early, the class will review multiplication cards.
Sources: Self.

Math Notebook Title: Fraction Review

Chocolate Bar: I have a chocolate bar that was given to me by my host mother, Doa
Rosa. Its about this big and I can divide it evenly into this many pieces (draw thirds).
The number of equal pieces that make up the entire chocolate bar is__?

The number of equal pieces that make up the entire chocolate bar is: __3__

I ate one piece. (erase sections of the last third so that the lines are dotted). Redraw this
new chocolate bar with the dotted section.
I ate one piece

The number of pieces that I have left are?

The number of pieces left are: ___2___

The number of pieces that I ate is?
The number of pieces I ate is: ___1___

How can I write a fraction to show how much of the chocolate bar I ate?
I ate __1__ of the chocolate bar. I have left? I have __2__ of the chocolate bar left.
3 3

Label the numbers as the numerator or the denominator and ask the students why they
are the numerator/ denominator.

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