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Rise in Consumer Awareness

The Concept of consumer exploitation is not recent to our nation and it is just refers from
the olf age. We can see it inscribed in 'Arthshastra', which belongs to dynasty to
'Mauryan' Written by 'Kautilya'.

In this book, adulteration has been told as an offence of crime and punishment. Now and
then always, the consumer awareness has raised in a massive way against exploitation.
However establishments of courts for the purpose of safeguards of consumers in a mile
stone and in recent it have been just launched by consumer problems in our country. If
we talk of rise in awareness, there is a lot of progress. Now, by the medium of T.V.,
Newspaper, Books awareness among consumer is rising on a high scale. Government is
also playing an important role in rising consumer awareness among the people.
Now days, literacy rate in India is rising that also lead to rise in awareness among
illiterate people. It is the effect on consumer awareness that today there are more than 700
consumer groups are present. After 20 years of enactment of COPRA, consumer
awareness in India is spreading and rising among people.


E.Mail – tube258@gmail.com

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