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Standards for Mathematical Practices

Teacher(s): Mathematical Topic(s): Date:

1. Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
Understands the meaning of the problem and looks for entry points to its solution Monitors and evaluates the progress and changes course as necessary
Analyzes information (givens, constrains, relationships, goals) Checks their answers to problems and ask, !oes this make sense"#
!esigns a plan
2. eason abstractl! and "#antitativel! $. Model %ith mathematics. &. 'ook for and e(press reg#larit! in repeated reasoning
Makes sense of &uantities and relationships
'epresents a problem symbolically
Considers the units involved
Understands and uses properties of operations
Apply reasoning to create a plan or analyze a real world problem
Applies formulas(e&uations
Makes assumptions and appro)imations to make a problem
Checks to see if an answer makes sense and changes a model
when necessary
*otices repeated calculations and looks for general methods and
Continually evaluates the reasonableness of their results while attending
to details and makes generalizations based on findings
+olves problems arising in everyday life
). *onstr#ct viable arg#ments and criti"#e the
reasoning of others
+. ,se appropriate tools strategicall!. -. 'ook for and make #se of str#ct#re.
Uses definitions and previously established causes(effects (results) in
constructing arguments
Makes con,ectures and attempts to prove or disprove through
e)amples and countere)amples
Communicates and defends their mathematical reasoning using
ob,ects, drawings, diagrams, actions
-istens or reads the arguments of others
!ecide if the arguments of others make sense
Ask useful &uestions to clarify or improve the arguments
.dentifies relevant e)ternal math resources (digital content on a
website) and uses them to pose or solve problems
Makes sound decisions about the use of specific tools/ 0)amples
may include%
Concrete models
!igital 1echnology
'uler, compass, protractor
Uses technological tools to e)plore and deepen understanding of
-ooks for patterns or structure
'ecognize the significance in concepts and models and can apply
strategies for solving related problems
-ooks for the big picture or overview
.. /ttend to precision.
Communicates precisely using clear definitions 2rovides carefully formulated e)planations
+tates the meaning of symbols, calculates accurately and efficiently -abels accurately when measuring and graphing
DRAFT 1/2011 Adapted from Common Core State Standards for Mathematics: Standards for Mathematical Practice

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