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Chapter I


A. Background of the Study
Psidium Guajava: commonly known as Guava or Bayabas in Filipino terms. It is
widely grown in the Philippines. It is a flowering plant, growing 33 feet tall. Guava is
ideal for flavoured drinks, sauces, deserts, salads, pies, cakes, puddings, jellies, and
chutneys and the fruit may even be dehydrated and powdered to flavour ice cream.
Guavas are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, folic acid, and the dietary
minerals, potassium, copper and manganese. Having a generally broad, low-calorie
profile of essential nutrients, a single common guava fruit contains about four times the
amount of vitamin C as an orange. Guavas contain
both carotenoids and polyphenols like gallocatechin, guaijaverin, leucocyanidin and amri
tosidethe major classes of antioxidant pigments giving them relatively high
potential antioxidant value among plant foods. Guava leaves are used in folk
medicine as a remedy for diarrhea

and, as well as the bark, for their
supposed antimicrobial properties and as an astringent. Guava leaves or bark are used
in traditional treatments against diabetes. In Trinidad, a tea made from young leaves is
used for diarrhea, dysentery and fever. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guava#Fruit).

It is
in this light that the researchers would like to explore other possibilities of using guava
as soap.

B. Statement of the Study
This investigation aims to explore the possibility of creating an effective remedy
for acne.

C. Hypothesis of the Study
The investigators hypothesize that the extract of the leaves of the plant will
effectively relieve muscle pains.

D. Objectives of the Study
This investigation aims to:
1. Create and test a proposed remedy to muscle pains

E. Significance of the Study
This investigation finds an alternative and inexpensive way of relieving/easing
muscle fatigue. This is a great help for those people who dont have enough money to
buy commercial pain relievers.

F. Scope and Delimitation of the Study
This investigatory project only uses the stem of the plant. Only the stem extract
will be used for experimenting. It is limited only to using simple techniques and crude
materials used at home; thus, its shelf-life is limited to two weeks to one month only as
these materials could not be sterilized completely. Discovering and identifying the
compounds present in Oregano is not also included in this study.

G. Definition of Terms

Guava- Guava is a tropical fruit rich in nutrition
Extract- An extract is a substance made by extracting a part of a raw material, often by
using a solvent such as ethanol or water.
Soap- a substance used with water for washing and cleaning, made of a compound of
natural oils or fats with sodium hydroxide.
Acne- is a common human skin disease, characterized by areas of skin with scaly red
skin, blackheads and whiteheads.

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature

Guava fruit today is considered minor in terms of commercial world trade but is
widely grown in the tropics, enriching the diet of hundreds of millions of people in the
tropics of the world. Guava has spread widely throughout the tropics because it thrives
in a variety of soils, propagates easily, and bears fruit relatively quickly.

Guavas not only help improve the texture of the skin, they also help prevent a
number of skin problems like acne, boils, and pimples. Guavas are rich in astringents
that help in tightening both the muscles and skin in the facial region. Astringent is a
chemical compound that tends to shrink or constrict body tissues, usually locally after
topical medicinal application. They even help tighten and tone loose skin. Being a rich
source of vitamins and minerals, guavas contain powerful detoxifiers and antioxidants
that help guard against acne, wrinkles, boils, and others.

Vitamin C is essential for healing of wounds such as acne scars and pimples, the
National Institutes of Health says. Consume enough of the vitamin daily, because your
body doesn't manufacture or store it. Vitamin A is another essential antioxidant that can
help heal acne and pimples, says the National Institutes of Health. Guava consists of
these vitamins and suitable for acne remedy.

In our present generation, guava is very common and easy to find. We don`t need
to buy expensive supplements and medicine in order for us to avoid acne. We can
simply use guava extract as remedy to acne.

Chapter III

A. Materials

The following were used in this project
1. 50 milligrams Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
2. 5 millilitres Guava leaf extract
3. Containers
4. 1 millilitres Lavender scent
5. Pan
6. Spoon

B. Procedure: Preparation for the Guava Extract Soap
Prepare the things needed for the said experiment. Prepare first the stove to be
used then boil the guava leaves in a pan. After boiling, separate the guava leaves from
the extract. Then, place the extract in a clean container. Prepare the Sodium Hydroxide
(NaOH). Powder the Sodium Hydroxide for faster results. After powdering, boil a little
amount of water in a container. After it boils, mix the NaOH with the hot water. Put
three spoonful of guava leaf extract. Pour a spoonful lavender scent. Then, stir the
mixture. (Note: make sure that the mixture is viscous). Lastly, wait for 24 hours then
see the results.

C. Procedure for Testing the Guava Leaf Extract Soap
Three human subjects were used for the entire study. The 1
and 2
test subjects
were given the Experimental Guava Leaf Extract Soap, while the last subject was given
the Commercially-Sold Beauty Bars. The 3
Subject will be the control test, while the
first two will be the experimental tests. The test subjects applied the experimental and
commercial bars to their faces where acne was seen. They will use the beauty bars
twice a day for three days. The test subjects recorded what they felt/observes after
they applied the beauty bars.

Chapter IV
Results and Discussions

When the Guava Leaf Extract Soap was applied on the 1
subject, she felt that it
soothes the skin. She felt that it was some kind of burning feeling at first but it felt
better the more she used it. She also saw significant effect on her acne, particularly
blackheads, as they disappeared on her nose. The 2
subject also experienced the
same effects of the experimental soap. On the other hand, the 3
subject which was
the control used the commercially-sold beauty bar. She, as expected, felt and observed
the positive effect of the beauty bar.
Degree of Effectivity of the Soap:
Day 1
(Experimental )


1- No Effect
2- Slight Effect
3- Significant Effect

Speed of Effectivity:
Day 1
(Experimental )


1 Slow
2 Moderate
3 Immediate

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