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This class is interesting since it seems to want to both precombat buff *and* us
e a while in combat resource. Casting spells while raging is okay I guess but th
e magus spell list wants spell combat and you dont usually buff yourself during
the fight as a full bab class
RulesGnome: Its high end is not as brutally over the top as the standard barbari
ans thanks to rules bloat but it seems harder to make bad choices.
FlavorGnome: Now I can do stuff besides totem rage powers to do my whole I'm ang
ry cause my daddy was a * ideas
Girlfriend: Tentacle arms ? Like cthulu's face but even more on my torso ? I wan
t armacles.
Dbag: I want one for a minion.. If i get one with leadersip has his tainted bloo
d be my fault ?
Me: I like it. It feels a bit more.. Suicidal ? then the barbarian and definitel
y less pigeonholed then the magus.. Its like the Hexblade but without the James
O'Barr sauce.

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