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Name__________________________________ Date_______________

Terese Flores
US Govt
Unit Project
Creating the Constitution

Founding Father Amendment Advertisement

DUE DATE__________________________

When creating the constitution the Founding Fathers had many disputes over how they thought
our government should be run. It is your job now to pick a Founding Father and one of our 27
amendments you think he would support. To show his support you will be creating an
advertisement in which your founding father will promote the amendment you chose.

2 Parts
• One page typed
• Your paper must include
o The name of your Founding Father
o Exactly what the Amendment states
o Year the Amendment was ratified
o Why that Founding Father would support the Amendment using his political and
personal beliefs to support your choice.


• Create an advertisement using a brochure, pamphlet, television commercial, website, or
poster (please see me if you have other ideas)
• Your advertisement must include
o Name and picture of your founder
o Exactly what the Amendment states
o Reasons why your founder supports the Amendment
o A Slogan
• Be Creative!!
o You may use pictures from magazines, paper, websites etc
o Colors are catchy. Don’t be afraid to use them.
(look through magazines, brochures and commercials to get ideas)
Name__________________________________ Date_______________
Terese Flores
US Govt
RUBRIC for Founding Father Amendment Advertisement

Written Assignment
0 15 20 25

No written assignment -Many mistakes -Somewhat neat -Neat

turned in -Messy -Some mistakes -Organized
-Does no clearly state -Most of the -No grammatical
why the founder information is correct errors
would support the -Supporting -Clearly states why
amendment information is mostly the founder would
-Amendment is not clear support the
written exactly word -Few grammatical amendment
for word errors

Design Assignment
0 20 40 50

No design assignment -Very little effort -Effort and time is -Colorful

turned in shown apparent -Creative
-Very little color -Creativity is -Effort and time is
-Does not promote attempted clearly seen
amendment in -Founder somewhat -Clearly shows that
appropriate way supports amendment the founder supports
and promotes the

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